Older blog entries for xcyber (starting at number 21)

Now writing a little article in chinese for a local linux magazine in Hongkong.

The topic is about parsing xml stuffs like this using PHP.

2 difficulties:
  1. How to present techincal term like "validation,parser" in chinese?
  2. DOM or SAX?
Eazel is dead
Any chinese hackers here?
Where do you live?
Molecular Genetics,IBM (introduction to biomolecules),Cell biology.

ALL done.

Will start teaching xml and java in the coming weeks.

Resume the phpbookreview project tomorrow.

I really need more sleep.

Microsoft,Do you know english?
"The GPL asserts that any product derived from source code licensed under it becomes subject to the GPL itself. When the resulting software product is distributed, the creator must make all of the source code available, at no additional charge. This effectively makes it impossible for commercial software companies to include source code that is licensed under the GPL into their products, since by doing so, they are constrained to give away the fruits of their labor. As we think about technology, IP rights, and the public sector of knowledge, we need an intellectual model that encourages interaction, not a model that drives them apart. We believe that a shared source model, coupled with continuing contributions to public standards, provides a path that is preferable to the open source approach founded on the GPL",Craig Mundie, Microsoft Senior Vice President

Typical mis-interpretation of GPL by newbie to Free software.

    From the GPL,

  1. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
  2. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
Free softwares != Open sources softwares

Some OSS,which use BSD licenses,can be re-distributed without a copy of human-readable source.

OSS movement,is a hijack of Free software movement by an self-proclaimed "hacker",Eric S Raymond.(For more coverage of this STUPID guy,read the book "The Cathedral & the Bazaar")

Craig Mundie, Microsoft Senior Vice President,If you do not mind retaking K3 english ,we can raise funds for you.Upon the completion of that english course,please read the GPL again and give us a better interpretation.

FUD will not work on smart geeks,but will work on windows idiots,including you.

Ximian mirrors:
Debian Clones

Stormix died.Progeny emerged.Libranet is digging its own
grave.Oops,i almost forget about Corel.

Redhat based distros

Caldera is dying.SuSE laid off.Redhat is bleeding.Mandrake
is gaining momentum.

What are the similiarities?

From the above situations,we observed a cycle.

A typical life cycle of commercial distro.

If they have good ideas,they attract VC and seed funds to start their business.

After a year or two,if they cannot make a penny out of the market,they simply disappear.

Where is Debian and Slack?

There will always be there.Growing silently.They will not shut down if they run out of fund.

They will only shut down if no one uses GNU/Linux anymore.

Do you see the differences?

What a wonderful world.

On a Routine check of /.

,I see an banner ad from Neweforge.net,

"Hot Linux or Open Source News tips?"

"Submit it to Newsforge!"

Seems that no one visits NF,come on you guys,be generous. Visit NF more!


Rebooted my progeny,then i can never enter X again. It always complaining Xfont unix/:7000 not found.

I tried gdm,yes,i can enter X,but my fucking mouse went crazy.

Damn it.

Progeny Revisted

It is good.

This time i do a clean potato install.Then upgrade it to progeny.Everything seems to be ok.After upgrading ,mouse/moniter is auto- detected.Then i can just simply run gnome by gdm.Really nice!

Cool Features:

  1. Automagic X86 configuration.Autodetection of vga card/mouse type/monitor.Autodetection of screen resolution.
  2. Automagic modem configuration
  3. Some utils on X ,which let you config X,date/time ,printer...etc...
  4. More updated packages ,as compared with potato.
  5. Of coz the network install ,no need to grab all the ISO,i just downloaded about 150mb

Beware of the followings:

  1. When configuring debconf,don't choose slang,it's broken.Choose dialogue.

  2. The module detection is probably not working very well.Comment out all the stuff in /etc/modules.Then do modconf yourself.

  3. Don't choose to use the new ethernet config system,it will break your current network configuration.

  4. Remove all the rubbish in /etc/rc2.d

  5. Finally update your progeny ( http://www.progeny.com/develop/debian/security/ )



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