Older blog entries for wingo (starting at number 390)

stranger in these parts

My JSConf 2012 video is out! Check it out:

The talk is called "Stranger in these parts: A hired gun in the JS corral", and in it I talk about my experiences as a Schemer in the implementation world, with a focus on JavaScriptCore, the JS implementation of the WebKit project.

If you want, you can fetch the slides or the notes. If you were unable to play the video in the browser, you can download it directly (25 minutes, ~80 MB, CC-BY-SA).

Special thanks to the A/V team for the fine recording. My talk was the first one that used the wireless mics, and it turned out there was some intermittent interference. They corrected this in later talks by double-miking the speakers. In my case, it was fortunate that they recorded the room as well, and with (I would imagine) a fair amount of post-processing the sound is perfectly intelligible. Cheers!

Finally, there were a number of other interesting talks whose recordings are starting to come out. I especially liked David Nolen's funhouse of ClojureScript and logic programming. It was pleasantly strange to see him mention Peter Norvig's 1992 book, Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming, because I did too, and I think someone else did as well. Three people mentioning a somewhat obscure 20-year-old book, what are the odds?

I also liked Vyacheslav's amusing talk on V8's optimizing compiler. He actually showed some assembler! Folks that read this webrag might find it interesting. Dan Ingalls' talk was fun too. The ending scene was pretty surreal; be sure to watch all the way through.

Thanks again to the JSConf organizers for the invitation to speak. It was a pleasure to get to hang around the lively and energetic JS community. Happy hacking, all!

Syndicated 2012-05-16 11:35:25 from wingolog

doing it wrong: cse in guile

Greetings, readers! It's been a little while, but not because I haven't been doing anything, or nothing worth writing about. No, the reason I haven't written recently is because the perceived range of my ignorance has been growing faster than the domain of my expertise.

Knowledge may well be something one can dominate, but ignorance must forever be a range, stretching off to a hazy horizon. Climbing the hill of JavaScript implementations has let me see farther out on that plain. I think it's only the existence of the unknown unknowns that can let one muster up the arrogance to write at all.

But back to domains and dominators later. To begin, I note that there is very little in the way of correct, current, and universal folk wisdom as to how to implement a programming language. Compiler hackers are priests of their languages, yes, but their temples are in reality more or less isolated cults, in which the values of one's Gods may be unknown or abhorrent to those of others. Witness the attention paid to loop optimizations in some languages, compared to garbage collection in others, or closures in still others.

In my ecumenical capacity as abbot of Guile and adjuct deacon of JavaScriptCore, sometimes I'm tempted to mix rites: to sprinkle the holy water of lexical scope optimizations on JS, and, apropos of this article, to exorcise common subexpressions in Scheme.

As one might well imagine, the rites of one cult must be adapted to circumstances. I implemented CSE for Guile, but I don't know if it was actually a win. In this article I'll go into what CSE is, how it works in Guile, why it probably won't survive in its present form.

cse: common subexpression elimination

I implemented a source-to-source optimization pass in Guile that eliminates common subexpressions. It actually does both more and less than that: it propagates predicates and eliminates effect-free statements as well, and these latter optimizations are why I implemented the pass in the first place.

Let me give an example. Let's imagine we implement a binary tree in Guile, using the records facility.

(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))

(define-record-type btree
  (make-btree elt left right)
  (elt btree-elt)
  (left btree-left)
  (right btree-right))

(define *btree-null* #f)

(define (btree-cons head tail)
  (if (btree? tail)
      (let ((elt (btree-elt tail)))
        (if (< elt head)
            (make-btree elt
                        (btree-left tail)
                        (btree-cons head (btree-right tail)))
            (make-btree elt
                        (btree-cons head (btree-left tail))
                        (btree-right tail))))
      (make-btree head

That's enough to illustrate my point, I think. We have the data type, the base case, and a constructor. Of course in Haskell or something with better data types it would be much cleaner, but hey, let's roll with this.

If you look at btree-cons, it doesn't seem to be amenable in its current form to classic common subexpression elimination. People don't tend to write duplicated code. You see that I bound the temporary elt instead of typing (btree-head btree) each time, and that was partly because of typing, and partly out of some inner efficiency puritan, telling me I shouldn't write duplicate expressions. (Cult behavior, again!)

But, note that all of these record abstractions will probably inline, instead of calling out to procedures. (They are implemented as inlinable procedures. Yes, it would be better to have cross-module inlining, but we don't, so this is what we do.) In general, syntactic abstraction in Scheme can lead to duplicate code. Apologies in advance for this eyeball-rending torrent, but here's a listing of what btree-cons reduces to, after expansion and partial evaluation:

(define (btree-cons head tail)
  (if (and (struct? tail)
           (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree))
      (let ((elt (if (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree)
                     (struct-ref tail 0)
                     (throw 'wrong-type-arg
                            "Wrong type argument: ~S"
                            (list tail)
                            (list tail)))))
        (if (< elt head)
            (let ((left (if (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree)
                            (struct-ref tail 1)
                            (throw 'wrong-type-arg
                                   "Wrong type argument: ~S"
                                   (list tail)
                                   (list tail))))
                  (right (btree-cons
                           (if (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree)
                               (struct-ref tail 2)
                               (throw 'wrong-type-arg
                                      "Wrong type argument: ~S"
                                      (list tail)
                                      (list tail))))))
              (make-struct/no-tail btree elt left right))
            (let ((left (btree-cons
                          (if (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree)
                              (struct-ref tail 1)
                              (throw 'wrong-type-arg
                                     "Wrong type argument: ~S"
                                     (list tail)
                                     (list tail)))))
                  (right (if (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree)
                             (struct-ref tail 2)
                             (throw 'wrong-type-arg
                                    "Wrong type argument: ~S"
                                    (list tail)
                                    (list tail)))))
              (make-struct/no-tail btree elt left right))))
      (let ((left *btree-null*) (right *btree-null*))
        (make-struct/no-tail btree head left right))))

Again, I'm really sorry about that, and it's not just for your eyes: it's also because that's a crapload of code for what should be a simple operation. It's also redundant! There are 6 checks that btree is in fact a btree, when only one is needed semantically. (Note that the null case is not a btree, of course.)

Furthermore, all of the checks in the first arm of the if are redundant. The code above is what the optimizer produces -- which is, you know, turrible.

So, I thought, we could run a pass over the source that tries to propagate predicates, and then tries to fold predicates whose boolean value we already know.

And that's what I did. Here's what Guile's optimizer does with the function, including the CSE pass:

(define (btree-cons head tail)
  (if (and (struct? tail)
           (eq? (struct-vtable tail) btree))
      (let ((elt (struct-ref tail 0)))
        (if (< elt head)
            (let ((left (struct-ref tail 1))
                  (right (btree-cons head (struct-ref tail 2))))
              (make-struct/no-tail btree elt left right))
            (let ((left (btree-cons head (struct-ref tail 1)))
                  (right (struct-ref tail 2)))
              (make-struct/no-tail btree elt left right))))
      (let ((left *btree-null*) (right *btree-null*))
        (make-struct/no-tail btree head left right))))

This is much better. It's quite close to the source program, except the symbolic references like btree-head have been replaced with indexed references. The type check in the predicate of the if expression propagated to all the other type checks, causing those nested if expressions to fold.

Of course, CSE can also propagate bound lexicals:

(let ((y (car x)))
  (car x))
=> (let ((y (car x)))

This is the classic definition of CSE.

but is it a win?

I should be quite pleased with the results, except that CSE makes Guile's compiler approximately twice as slow. Granted, in the long run, this should be acceptable: code is usually run many more times than it is compiled. But this is a fairly expensive pass, and yet at the same time it's not as good as it could be.

In order to get to the heart of the matter, I need to explain a little about the implementation. CSE is a post-pass, that runs after partial evaluation (peval). I tried to make it a part of peval, as the two optimizations are synergistic -- oh yes, let's revel in that word -- are you feeling it? -- but it was too complicated in the end. The reason is that in functions like this:

(define (explode btree)
  (unless (btree? btree)
    (error "not a btree" btree))
  (values (btree-head btree)
          (btree-left btree)
          (btree-right btree)))

Here we have a sequence of two expressions. Since the first one bails out if the predicate is false, we should propagate a true predicate past the first expression. This means that running CSE on an expression returns two values: the rewritten expression, given the predicates already seen; and a new set of predicates that the expression asserts. We should be able to use these new assertions to elide the type checks in the second expression. And indeed, Guile can do this.

Perhaps you can see the size of the problem now. CSE is a pass that runs over all code, building up an ordered set of expressions that were evaluated, and in what context. When it sees a new expression in a test context -- as the predicate in an if -- it checks to see if the set contains that expression (or its negation) already, in test context, and if so tries to fold the expression to true or false. Already doing this set lookup and traversal is expensive -- at least N log N in the total size of the program, with some quadratic components in the case an expression is found, and also with high constant factors due to the need for custom hash and equality predicates.

The quadratic factor comes in when walking the set to see if the elimination is valid. Consider:

(if (car x)
    (if (car x) 10 20)

Here, we should be able to eliminate the second (car x), folding to (if (car x) 10 30). However, in this one:

(if (car x)
      (if (car x) 10 20))

If we don't know what (y) does, then we can't fold the second test, because perhaps (y) will change the contents of the pair, x. The information that allows us to make these decisions is effects analysis. For the purposes of Guile's optimizer, (car x) has two dependencies and can cause two effects: it depends on the contents of a mutable value, and on the value of a toplevel (x), and can cause the effect of an unbound variable error when resolving the toplevel, or a type error when accessing its car. Two expressions commute if neither depends on effects that the other causes.

I stole the idea of doing a coarse effects analysis, and representing it as bits in a small integer, from V8. Guile's version is here: effects.scm. The ordered set is a form of global value numbering. See the CSE pass here: cse.scm.

The commute test is fairly cheap, but the set traversal is currently a bit expensive.

and for what?

As I have indicated, the pass does do something useful on real programs, as in the binary tree example. But it does not do all it could, and it's difficult to fix that, for a few reasons.

Unlike traditional CSE, Guile's version of it is interprocedural. Instead of operating on just one basic block or one function, it operates across nested functions as well. However, only some dependencies can commute across a function boundary. For example:

(lambda (x)
  (if (pair? x)
      (let ((y (car x)))
        (lambda ()
          (and (pair? x) (car x))))))

Can the first pair? test propagate to the second expression? It can, because pair? does not depend on the values of mutable data, or indeed on any effect. If it's true once, it will always be true.

But can we replace the second (car x) with y? No, because (car x) has a dependency on mutable data, and because we don't do escape analysis on the closure, we don't let those dependencies commute across a procedure boundary. (In this case, even if we did escape analysis, we'd have the same conclusion.)

However, not all lambda abstractions are closures. Some of them might end up being compiled to labels in the function. Scheme uses syntactically recursive procedures to implement loops, after all. But Guile's CSE does poorly for lambda expressions that are actually labels. The reason is that lexical scope is not a dominator tree.

MLton hacker Stephen Weeks says it better than I do:

Thinking of it another way, both CPS and SSA require that variable definitions dominate uses. The difference is that using CPS as an IL requires that all transformations provide a proof of dominance in the form of the nesting, while SSA doesn't. Now, if a CPS transformation doesn't do too much rewriting, then the partial dominance information that it had from the input tree is sufficient for the output tree. Hence tree splicing works fine. However, sometimes it is not sufficient.

As a concrete example, consider common-subexpression elimination. Suppose we have a common subexpression x = e that dominates an expression y = e in a function. In CPS, if y = e happens to be within the scope of x = e, then we are fine and can rewrite it to y = x. If however, y = e is not within the scope of x, then either we have to do massive tree rewriting (essentially making the syntax tree closer to the dominator tree) or skip the optimization. Another way out is to simply use the syntax tree as an approximation to the dominator tree for common-subexpression elimination, but then you miss some optimization opportunities. On the other hand, with SSA, you simply compute the dominator tree, and can always replace y = e with y = x, without having to worry about providing a proof in the output that x dominates y. (i.e. without putting y in the scope of x)

[MLton-devel] CPS vs SSA

See my article on SSA and CPS for more context.

So that's one large source of lost CSE opportunities, especially in loops.

Another large source of lost opportunities is that the Tree-IL language, which is basically a macro-expanded Scheme, has the same property that Scheme does, that the order of evaluation of operands is unspecified.

Consider the base-case clause of my btree-cons above:

(let ((left *btree-null*) (right *btree-null*))
  (make-struct/no-tail btree head left right))

Now, *btree-null* is a toplevel lookup, that might have an unbound-variable effect. We should be able to eliminate one of them, though. Why doesn't the CSE pass do it? Because in Tree-IL, the order of evaluation of the right-hand-sides of left and right is unspecified. This gives Guile some useful freedoms, but little information for CSE.

This is an instance of a more general problem, that Tree-IL might be too high-level to be useful for CSE. For example, at runtime, not all lexical references are the same -- some are local, and some reference free variables. For mutated free variables, the variable is itself in a box, so to reference it you would load the box into a local and then dereference the box. CSE should allow you to eliminate duplicate loads of the box, even in the case that it can't eliminate duplicate references into the box.


It is nice to be able to eliminate the duplicate checks, but not at any price. Currently the bootstrapping time cost is a bit irritating. I have other ideas on how to fix that, but ultimately we probably need to re-implement CSE at some lower level. More on that in a future post. Until then, happy hacking.

Syndicated 2012-05-14 17:07:14 from wingolog

the merry month of ma

or, from the department of self-inflicted injuries

Recently I saw a bunch of errors in my server logs. People were asking for pages on my web site, but only if they were newer than Thu, 08 Ma 2012 22:44:59 GMT. "Ma"? What kind of a month is that? The internets have so many crazy things.

On further investigation, it seemed this was just a case of garbage in, garbage out; my intertube was busted. I was the one returning a Last-Modified with that date. It was invalid, but client software sent it back with the conditional request.

Thinking more on this, though, and on the well-known last-modified hack in which that field can be used as an unblockable cookie, I think I have to share some blame with the clients again.

So, clients using at least Apple-PubSub/65.28, BottomFeeder/4.1, NetNewsWire, SimplePie, Vienna, and Windows-RSS-Platform/2.0 should ask the people that implement their RSS software to only pass a Last-Modified date if it's really a valid date. Implementors of the NetVibes and worio.com bots should also take a look at their HTTP stacks. I don't guess that there's much that you can do with an etag though, for better or for worse.

Previously, in a related department.

Syndicated 2012-03-12 20:27:53 from wingolog

an in-depth look at the performance of guile's web server

What ho, ladies! And what ho, gentlemen! The hack is on and apace. Today, the topic is performance: of Guile and of its web server, in microseconds and kiloinstructions. Brew up a pot of tea; this is a long article.

the problem

I have been poking at Guile's web server recently. To recap, Guile is an implementation of Scheme. It is byte-compiled, and has a set of runtime libraries written in C and, increasingly, in Scheme itself.

Guile includes some modules for dealing with the web: HTTP, clients, servers, and such. It's all written in Scheme. It runs this blog you're reading right now.

To be precise, this web log is served by tekuti, an application written on top of Guile's web server; and actually, in this case there is Apache in front of everything right now, so you're not talking directly to Guile. Perhaps that will change at some point.

But anyway, a few months ago, this blog was really slow to access. That turned out to be mostly due to a bug in tekuti, the blog application, in which generating the "related links" for a post would always end up invoking git. (The database for the blog is implemented in git.) Spawning another process was slow. Fellow hacker and tekuti user Aleix Conchillo Flaqué fixed the problem a year ago, but it took a while for it me to finally review and merge it.

So then, at that point, things were tolerable, but I had already contracted the performance bug, so I went on to spend a couple months drilling down, optimizing Guile and its web server -- the layers below tekuti.

10K requests per second: achievement unlocked!

After a lot of tweaking, to the compiler, runtime, HTTP libraries, and to the VM, Guile can now serve over 10000 requests per second on a simple "Hello world" benchmark. This is out of the box, so to speak, if the master branch in git were a box. You just check out Guile, build it using the normal autoreconf -vif & & ./configure && make dance, and then run the example uninstalled:

$ meta/guile examples/web/hello.scm

In another terminal, you can connect directly to the port to see what it does. Paste the first paragraph of this and press return, and you should see the second part:

$ nc localhost 8080
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: ApacheBench/2.3
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

Hello, World!

I should say a little more about what the server does, and what the test application is. It reads the request, and parses all the headers to native Scheme data types. This is strictly more work than is needed for a simple "pong" benchmark, but it's really useful for applications to have all of the headers parsed for you already. It also filters out bad requests.

Guile then passes the request and request body to a handler, which returns the response and body. This example's handler is very simple:

(define (handler request body)
  (values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
          "Hello, World!"))

It uses a shorthand, that instead of building a proper response object, it just returns an association-list of headers along with the body as a string, and relies on the web server's sanitize-response to produce a response object and encode the body as a bytevector. Again, this is more work for the server, but it's a nice convenience.

Finally, the server writes the response and body to the client, and either closes the port, as in this case for HTTP/1.0 with no keep-alive, or moves the client back to the poll set if we have a persistent connection. The reads and writes are synchronous (blocking), and the web server runs in one thread. I'll discuss this a bit more later.

You can then use ApacheBench to test it out:

$ ab -n 100000 -c100 http://localhost:8080/
Server Software:        
Server Hostname:        localhost
Server Port:            8080

Document Path:          /
Document Length:        13 bytes

Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   9.631 seconds
Complete requests:      100000
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      9200000 bytes
HTML transferred:       1300000 bytes
Requests per second:    10383.03 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       9.631 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.096 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          932.85 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    0   0.1      0       3
Processing:     1   10   1.7      9      20
Waiting:        1   10   1.7      9      20
Total:          3   10   1.7      9      20

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%      9
  66%      9
  75%     12
  80%     12
  90%     12
  95%     12
  98%     13
  99%     13
 100%     20 (longest request)

I give you the whole printout because I find it interesting. There's no huge GC pause anywhere. This laptop has an Intel i7-2620M 2.70GHz CPU. It was bought last year, so it's recent but not fancy. There are two cores, and so part of one core is being used by ApacheBench, and the whole other one used by Guile.

Of course, this is a flawed benchmark. If you really care about this sort of thing, Mark Nottingham wrote a nice article on HTTP benchmarking last year that shows all the ways in which this test is wrong.

However, flawed though it is, this test serves my purposes: to understand the overhead that Guile and its web server imposes on a web application.

So in that light, I'd like to take apart this test and try to understand its performance. I'll look at it from three directions: bottom-up (using low-level profiling), top-down (using a Scheme profiler), and transverse (profiling the garbage collector).

bottom-up: clock cycles, instructions retired

The best way to measure the performance of an application is with a statistical profiler. Statistical profiling samples what's really happening, without perturbing the performance characteristics of your application.

On GNU/Linux systems, we have a few options. None are really easy to use, however. Perf comes the closest. You just run perf record -g guile examples/web/hello.scm, and it records its information. Then you run perf report and dive into the details through the mostly pleasant curses application.

However, for some reason perf could not capture the call graphs, in my tests. My machine is x86-64, which does not include frame pointers in its call frames, so perhaps it was a naive stack-walking algorithm. The associated DWARF information does include the necessary stack-walking data.

Anyway, at least you can get a good handle on what individual functions are hot, and indeed what source lines and instructions take the most time. These lowest-level statistical profilers typically sample based on number of clock cycles, so they correspond to real time very well.

So much for measurement. For actually understanding and improving performance, I find valgrind's callgrind tool much more useful. You run it like this:

valgrind --tool=callgrind --num-callers=20 /path/to/guile examples/web/http.scm

Valgrind can record the execution of your program as it runs, tracking every call and every instruction that is executed. You can then explore the resulting log with the kcachegrind graphical tool. It's the best thing there is for exploring low-level execution of your program.

Now, valgrind is not a statistical profiler. It slows down and distorts the execution of your program, as you would imagine. Beyond those caveats, though, you have to keep two things in mind: firstly, that a count of instructions executed does not correspond directly to clock cycles spent. There are memory latencies, cache misses, branch mispredictions, and a whole host of randomnesses that can affect your runtime. Secondly, valgrind only records the user-space behavior of your program. I'll have more to say on that later.

If I run the "hello.scm" benchmark under valgrind, and hit it with a hundred thousand connections, I can get a pretty good idea what the aggregate behavior of my program is. But I can do better than big-picture, for this kind of test. Given that this test does the same thing a hundred thousand times, I can use valgrind's accurate call and instruction counts to give me precise information on how much a single request takes.

So, looking at the total instruction and call counts, and dividing by the number of requests (100K), I see that when Guile handles one request, the algorithmic breakdown is as follows:

instructions per request percentage of total procedure calls per request
250K 100 (total) -
134K 52.5 bytecode interpretation -
47K 18.5 port buffer allocation 1
18K 7.2 display 1
7.6K 3 allocation within VM (closures, pairs, etc) 83
7.2K 2.84 read-line 5
3.6K 1.40 substring-downcase 3
3.2K 1.24 string->symbol 4
3.1K 1.23 accept 1
2.7K 1.06 substring 11
2.6K 1.03 string-index 8
2.5K 1.00 hashq-ref 14
23K 9 other primitives < 1% each -

Guile's ports can be buffered, like C's stdio FILE* streams, and the web server does turn on buffering. The 18.5% of the time spent allocating port buffers seems like a ripe place for optimization, but digging into it, almost all of the time within those routines is spent in the garbage collector, and most of that marking the heap. Switching to a generational collector could help here, but I'm not sure how much, given that port buffers are probably 4 KB each for input and output, and thus might not fit into a young generation. Marking from more threads at once could help -- more on that in some future essay.

There are some primitives that can be optimized as well, but with the VM taking up 52% of the runtime, and 23% for allocation and the garbage collector, Amdahl's law is against us: making the primitives twice as fast would result only a 15% improvement in throughput.

Turning Amdahl's argument around, we can predict the effect of native compilation on throughput. If Guile 2.2 comes out with native compilation, as it might, and that makes Scheme code run 5 times faster (say), then the 50% of the instructions that are currently in the VM might drop to 10% -- leading to an expected throughput improvement of 67%.

top-down: scheme-level profiling with statprof

But what is going on in the VM? For that, I need a Scheme profiler. Fortunately, Guile comes with one, accessible at the REPL:

$ guile --no-debug
> ,profile (load "examples/web/hello.scm")
%     cumulative   self             
time   seconds     seconds      name
 15.42      1.55      1.55  close-port
 11.61      1.17      1.17  %after-gc-thunk
  6.20      1.65      0.62  setvbuf
  4.29      0.43      0.43  display
  3.34      0.35      0.34  accept
  2.86      0.35      0.29  call-with-error-handling
  2.38      0.24      0.24  hashq-ref
  2.23      9.16      0.22  with-default-trap-handler
  2.07      0.67      0.21  build-response
  1.75      1.17      0.18  sanitize-response
Sample count: 629
Total time: 10.055736686 seconds (1.123272351 seconds in GC)

(I use the --no-debug argument to avoid some per-VM-instruction overhead imposed by running Guile interactively; see VM Hooks for more.)

Here I get a really strange result. How is close-port taking all the time? It's implemented as a primitive, not in Scheme, and Valgrind only thought it took 0.40% of the instructions. How is that?

To answer this, we need to remember a couple things. First of all, we recall that Guile's statistical profiler uses setitimer to get signals delivered periodically, after some amount of time spent on the program's behalf, including time spent in the kernel. Valgrind doesn't account for system time. So here we are seeing that close-port is indeed taking time, specifically to flush out the buffered writes. The time is really being spent in the write system call.

So this is good! We know now that we should perhaps look at tuning the kernel to buffer our writes better.

We can also use the profiling data counts to break down the time spent in serving one request from a high level. For example, http-read handles traversing the poll set and accepting connections, and tail-calls read-request to actually read the request. Looking at the cumulative times in the chart tells me that out of each request, the time spent breaks down like this:

microseconds per request procedure
100 (total)
29 poll and accept
16 reading request
0 request handler
12 sanitize-response
8 writing response headers
0 writing response body
15 close-port
20 other

Of course, since this is statistical, there is some uncertainty about the whole thing. Still, it seems sensible enough.

transverse: who is doing all the allocating?

Often when you go to optimize a Scheme program, you find that it's spending a fair amount of time in garbage collection. How do you optimize that? The rookie answer to this is to try to patch the collector to allocate faster, or less frequently, or something. Veterans know that the solution to GC woes is usually just to allocate less. But how do you know what is allocating? GC is a fairly transverse cost, in that it can charge the good parts of your program for the expenses of the bad.

Guile uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative collector. For what it is, it's pretty good. However its stock configuration does not provide very much insight into the allocation patterns of your program. One approximation that can be made, though, is that the parts of the program that cause garbage collection to run are the parts that are allocating the most.

Based on this insight, Guile includes a statistical profiler that samples when the garbage collector runs. One thing to consider is that GC probably doesn't run very often, so for gcprof tests, one might need to run the test for longer. In this example, I increased the load to a million requests.

$ guile --no-debug
> (use-modules (statprof))
> (gcprof (lambda () (load "examples/web/hello.scm")))
%     cumulative   self             
time   seconds     seconds      name
 86.55     82.75     82.75  setvbuf
  9.37      8.96      8.96  accept
  1.70      1.63      1.63  call-with-error-handling
  1.31      1.25      1.25  %read-line
  0.29      0.28      0.28  substring
  0.24      0.23      0.23  string-downcase
  0.10     91.80      0.09  http-read
  0.10      0.09      0.09  parse-param-list
  0.10      0.09      0.09  write-response
Sample count: 2059
Total time: 95.611532937 seconds (9.371730448 seconds in GC)

Here we confirm the result that we saw in the low-level profile: that the setvbuf Scheme procedure, which can cause Guile to allocate buffers for ports, is the primary allocator in this test.

Another interesting question to answer is, "how much are we allocating, anyway?" Using the statistics REPL command, I can see that the 100K requests entailed a total allocation of about 1.35 GB, which divides out to 13.5 KB per request. That sounds reasonable: about 4 KB each for the read and write buffers, and some 4 KB of various other allocation: strings, pairs, the final bytevector for output, etc.

The test incurred 220 stop-the-world garbage collections. So, about 1 out of 450 (0.2%) of requests trigger a GC. The average GC time seems to be about 5 ms (1100 ms / 220 times). That squares fairly well with our last-percentile ApacheBench results.

The total heap size is modest: 14 megabytes. It does not leak memory, thankfully. If I run mem_usage.py on it, I get:

Mapped memory:
               Shared            Private
           Clean    Dirty    Clean    Dirty
    r-xp    1236        0     1028        0  -- Code
    rw-p      24        0       28      160  -- Data
    r--p      60        0     1580      112  -- Read-only data
    ---p       0        0        0        0
    r--s      24        0        0        0
   total    1344        0     2636      272
Anonymous memory:
               Shared            Private
           Clean    Dirty    Clean    Dirty
    r-xp       4        0        0        0
    rw-p       0        0        0    11652  -- Data (malloc, mmap)
    ---p       0        0        0        0
   total       4        0        0    11652
   total    1348        0     2636    11924

Native ahead-of-time compilation would allow for more shareable, read-only memory. Still, as it is, this seems acceptable.

a quick look at more dynamic tests

That's all well and good, you say, but it's a fairly static test, right?

For that I have a couple of data points. One is the simple SXML debugging test in examples/test/debug-sxml.scm, which simply spits back the headers that it receives, wrapped in an HTML table. The values are printed as the Scheme object that they parse to. Currently, I have a version of this script running on my site. (You can see the headers that Apache adds on, there.)

Testing it as before tells me that Guile can serve 6000 of these pages per second, on my laptop. That's pretty respectable for an entirely dynamic page that hasn't been optimized at all. You can search around the net for comparable tests in other languages; I think you'll find Guile's performance to be very good.

The other point to mention is Tekuti itself. Tekuti includes a caching layer in the application, so after the first request, it's not really a dynamic test. It does check to make sure its caches are fresh on every round, though, by checking the value of the refs/heads/master ref. But still, it is a test of pushing a lot of data; for my test, the page is 50 KB, and Guile still reaches 5700 requests per second on this one core, serving 280 megabytes per second of... well, of my blather, really. But it's a powerful blather-pipe!

related & future work

Here's a similarly flawed test from a year ago of static servers, serving small static files over localhost. Flawed, but it's a lot like this "hello world" test in semantics. We see that nginx gets up to about 20K requests per second, per core. It also does so with a flat memory profile, which is nice.

Guile's bundled web server is currently single-threaded and blocking, which does not make it a good frontend server. There's room for a project to build a proper web server on top of Guile, I think, but I probably won't do it myself. In the meantime though, I do want to offer the possibility for the built-in web server to be multithreaded, with some number of I/O threads and some more limited number of compute threads. I've been testing out some code in that direction -- in fact, this server is running that code -- but as yet Guile's synchronization primitives have too much overhead for it to be a real win. There's more runtime and compiler work to do here.

As far as web servers written in safe languages, it would be remiss to not mention Warp, a Haskell web server. Again, their tests effectively utilize multiple cores, but it seems that 20K per core is the standard.

Unlike Haskell, Guile lacks a proper event manager. I'm not sure whether to work on such a thing; Havoc seems to think it's necessary, and who am I to argue.

Finally, I mention a benchmark of python WSGI servers from a couple years ago. (Is March the month of benchmarks?) The python performance is notably worse; hopefully PyPy has improved things in the meantime. On the other hand, GEvent's use of greenlets is really nice, and makes me envious.


Hey, you read the thing! Congratulations to you! Good thing you didn't just skip down to the end :)

If I have a message to send, it's this: that you should consider using Guile to be perfectly acceptable for implementing dynamic web applications with high performance requirements.

It's a modest point, I know. There are all kinds of trade-offs here, but hey, Guile is plucky and still a little bit shy, but would love it if you to ask it to the hack.

If it works for you, boast about it to your colleagues! And if it doesn't, let us know, over at the usual places (guile-user@gnu.org, and #guile on freenode). Happy hacking!

Syndicated 2012-03-08 22:44:59 from wingolog

for love and $

Friends, I'm speaking at JSConf.us this year! Yee haw!

I would have mentioned this later, but events push me to say something now.

You see, I wrote the web server that runs this thing, together with the blog software. I've been hacking on it recently, too; more on that soon. But it seems that this is the first time I've noticed a link from a site that starts with a number. The URI parsers for the referer link were bombing out, because I left off a trailing $ on a regular expression.

So, for love and $, JSConf ho! We ride at dawn!

Syndicated 2012-02-21 16:48:19 from wingolog

palindromically delimited carnival

Our time aligns on strange axes, sometimes. Last palindrome day, 11/11/11, found me walking the streets of Gothenburg with Werner Koch, the GPG maintainer. Werner said that in Germany, the carnival season opens on the 11th of November, at 11:11:11 in the morning. Today, 21022012, closes the carnival week here in Catalunya.

I was in Gothenburg for FSCONS. It so happens that the videos for the talk I gave there, Guile: Free Software Means of Production, just came out last week. So, as another point along that carnival axis, I offer in <video> form:

Alternately you can download the video directly (~112MB, 50 minutes). There are notes too, a superset of the slides from the talk.

As I said back then, this one was aimed at folks that didn't necessarily know very much about Guile. It was also different from other talks in that it emphasized Guile as a general programming environment, not as an extension language. Guile is both things, and as the general-purpose side gets a lot less publicity, I wanted to emphasize it in this talk.

In the last 20 minutes or so, we did a live-hack. Inspired by a tweet by mattmight, we built Bitter, a one-bit Twitter. I tried to convey what it's like to hack in Guile, with some success I think. Source code for the live-hack, such as it is, is linked to at the end of the page.

Syndicated 2012-02-21 12:07:58 from wingolog

unexpected concurrency

OK kids, quiz time. Spot the bugs in this Python class:

import os

class FD:
    _all_fds = set()

    def __init__(self, fd):
        self.fd = fd

    def close(self):
        if (self.fd):
            self.fd = None

    def for_each_fd(self, proc):
        for fd in self._all_fds:

    def __del__(self):

The intention is pretty clear: you have a limited resource (file descriptors, in this case). You would like to make sure they get closed, no matter what happens in your program, so you wrap them in objects known to the garbage collector, and attach finalizers that close the descriptors. You have a for_each_fd procedure that should at least allow you to close all file descriptors, for example when your program is about to exec another program.

So, bugs?

* * *

Let's start with one: FD._all_fds can't sensibly be accessed from multiple threads at the same time. The file descriptors in the set are logically owned by particular pieces of code, and those pieces of code could be closing them while you're trying to for_each_fd on them.

Well, OK. Let's restrict the problem, then. Let's say there's only one thread. Next bug?

* * *

Another bug is that signals cause arbitrary code to run, at arbitrary points in your program. For example, if in the close method, you get a SIGINT after the os.close but before removing the file descriptor from the set, causing an exception to be thrown, you will be left with a closed descriptor in the set. If you swap the operations, you leak an fd. Neither situation is good.

The root cause of the problem here is that asynchronous signals introduce concurrency. Signal handlers are run in another logical thread of execution in your program -- even if they happen to share the same stack (as they do in CPython).

OK, let's mask out signals then. (This is starting to get ugly). What next?

* * *

What happens if, during for_each_fd, one of the FD objects becomes unreachable?

The Python language does not guarantee anything about when finalizers (__del__ methods) get called. (Indeed, it doesn't guarantee that they get called at all.) The CPython implementation will immediately finalize objects whose refcount equals zero. Running a finalizer on the method will mutate FD._all_fds, while it is being traversed, in this case.

The implications of this particular bug are either that CPython will throw an exception when it sees that the set was modified while iterating over it, or that the finalizer happens to close the fd being processed. Neither one of these cases are very nice, either.

This is the bug I wanted to get to with this article. Like asynchronous signals, finalizers introduce concurrency: even in languages with primitive threading models like Python.

Incidentally, this behavior of running finalizers from the main thread was an early bug in common Java implementations, 15 years ago. All JVM implementors have since fixed this, in the same way: running finalizers within a dedicated thread. This avoids the opportunity for deadlock, or for seeing inconsistent state. Guile will probably do this in 2.2.

For a more thorough discussion of this problem, Hans Boehm has published a number of papers on this topic. The 2002 Destructors, Finalizers, and Synchronization paper is a good one.

Syndicated 2012-02-16 22:12:33 from wingolog

eval, that spectral hound

Friends, I am not a free man. Eval has been my companion of late, a hellhound on my hack-trail. I give you two instances.

the howl of the-environment, across the ages

As legend has it, in the olden days, Aubrey Jaffer, the duke of SCM, introduced low-level FEXPR-like macros into his Scheme implementation. These allowed users to capture the lexical environment:

(define the-environment
   (lambda (exp env)

Tom Lord inherited this cursed bequest from Jaffer, when he established himself in the nearby earldom of Guile. It so affected him that he added local-eval to Guile, allowing the user to evaluate an expression within a captured local environment:

(define env (let ((x 10)) (the-environment)))
(local-eval 'x env)
=> 10
(local-eval '(set! x 42) env)
(local-eval 'x env)
=> 42

Since then, the tenants of the earldom of Guile have been haunted by this strange leakage of the state of the interpreter into the semantics of Guile.

When the Guile co-maintainer title devolved upon me, I had a plan to vanquish the hound: to compile Guile into fast bytecode. There would be no inefficient association-lists of bindings at run-time. Indeed, there would be no "environment object" to capture. I succeeded, and with Guile 2.0, local-eval, procedure->syntax and the-environment were no more.

But no. As Guile releases started to make it into distributions, and users started to update their code, there arose such a howling on the mailing lists as set my hair on end. The ghost of local-eval was calling: it would not be laid to rest.

I resisted fate, for as long as I could do so in good conscience. In the end, Guile hacker Mark Weaver led an expedition to the mailing list moor, and came back with a plan.

Mark's plan was to have the syntax expander recognize the-environment, and residualize a form that would capture the identities of all lexical bindings. Like this:

(let ((x 10)) (the-environment))
(let ((x 10))
   ;; Procedure to wrap captured environment around
   ;; an expression
   ;; Captured variables: only "x" in this case
   (list (capture x))))

I'm taking it a little slow because hey, this is some tricky macrology. Let's look at (capture x) first. How do you capture a variable? In Scheme, with a closure. Like this:

;; Capture a variable with a closure.
(define-syntax-rule (capture var)
    ;; When called with no arguments, return the value
    ;; of VAR.
    (() var)
    ;; When called with one argument, set the VAR to the
    ;; new value.
    ((new-val) (set! var new-val))))

The trickier part is reinstating the environment, so that x in a local-eval'd expression results in the invocation of a closure. Identifier syntax to the rescue:

;; The wrapper from above: a procedure that wraps
;; an expression in a lexical environment containing x.
(lambda (exp)
  #`(lambda (x*) ; x* is a fresh temporary var
      (let-syntax ((x (identifier-syntax
                        (_ (x*))
                        ((set! _ val) (x* val)))))

By now it's clear what local-eval does: it wraps an expression, using the wrapper procedure from the environment object, evaluates that expression, then calls the resulting procedure with the case-lambda closures that captured the lexical variable.

So it's a bit intricate and nasty in some places, but hey, it finally tames the ghostly hound with modern Scheme. We were able to build local-eval on top of Guile's procedural macros, once a couple of accessors were added to our expander to return the set of bound identifiers visible in an expression, and to query whether those bindings were regular lexicals, or macros, or pattern variables, or whatever.

"watson, your service revolver, please."

As that Guile discussion was winding down, I started to hear the howls from an unexpected quarter: JavaScript. You might have heard, perhaps, that JavaScript eval is crazy. Well, it is. But ES5 strict was meant to kill off its most egregious aspect, in which eval can introduce new local variables to a function.

Now I've been slowly hacking on implementing block-scoped let and const in JavaScriptCore, so that we can consider switching gnome-shell over to use JSC. Beyond standard ES5 supported in JSC, existing gnome-shell code uses let, const, destructuring binding, and modules, all of which are bound to be standardized in the upcoming ES6. So, off to the hack.

My initial approach was to produce a correct implementation, and then make it fast. But the JSC maintainers, inspired by the idea that "let is the new var", wanted to ensure that let was fast from the beginning, so that it doesn't get a bad name with developers. OK, fair enough!

Beyond that, though, it looks like TC39 folk are eager to get let and const into all parts of JavaScript, not just strict mode. Do you hear the hound? It rides again! Now we have to figure out how block scope interacts with non-strict eval. Awooooo!

Thankfully, there seems to be a developing consensus that eval("let x = 20") will not introduce a new block-scoped lexical. So, down boy. The hound is at bay, for now.

life with dogs

I'm making my peace with eval. Certainly in JavaScript it's quite a burden for an implementor, but the current ES6 drafts don't look like they're making the problem worse. And in Scheme, I'm very happy to provide the primitives needed so that local-eval can be implemented in terms of our existing machinery, without needing symbol tables at runtime. But if you are making a new language, as you value your life, don't go walking on the local-eval moors at night!

Syndicated 2012-02-01 15:33:49 from wingolog

javascript eval considered crazy

Peoples. I was hacking recently on JavaScriptCore, and I came to a realization: JavaScript's eval is absolutely crazy.

I mean, I thought I knew this before. But... words fail me, so I'll have to show a few examples.

eval and introduced bindings

This probably isn't worth mentioning, as you probably know it, but eval can introduce lexical bindings:

 > var foo = 10;
 > (function (){ eval('var foo=20;'); return foo; })()
 > foo

I find this to be pretty insane already, but I knew about it. You would think though that var x = 10; and eval('var x = 10;'); would be the same, though, but they're not:

 > (function (){ var x = 10; return delete x; })()
 > (function (){ eval('var x = 10;'); return delete x; })()

eval-introduced bindings do not have the DontDelete property set on them, according to the post-hoc language semantics, so unlike proper lexical variables, they may be deleted.

when is eval really eval?

Imagine you are trying to analyze some JavaScript code. If you see eval(...), is it really eval?

Not necessarily.

eval pretends to be a regular, mutable binding, so it can be rebound:

 > eval = print
 > eval('foo')
 foo // printed

or, shadowed lexically:

 > function () { var eval = print; eval('foo'); }
 foo // printed

or, shadowed dynamically:

 > with({'eval': print}) { eval('foo'); }
 foo // printed

You would think that if you can somehow freeze the eval binding on the global object, and verify that there are no with forms, and no statements of the form var eval = ..., that you could guarantee that eval is eval, but that is not the case:

 > Object.freeze(this);
 > (function (x){ return [eval(x), eval(x)]; })('var eval = print; 10')
 var eval = print; 10 // printed, only once!

(Here the first eval created a local binding for eval, and evaluated to 10. The second eval was actually a print.)


an eval by any other name

So eval is an identifier that can be bound to another value. OK. One would expect to be able to bind another identifier to eval, then. Does that work? It seems to work:

 > var foo = eval;
 > foo('foo') === eval;

But not really:

 > (function (){ var quux = 10; return foo('quux'); } )()
 Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: quux

eval by any other name isn't eval. (More specifically, eval by any other name doesn't have access to lexical scope.)

Note, however, the mere presence of a shadowed declaration of eval doesn't mean that eval isn't eval:

 > var foo = 10
 > (function(x){ var eval = x; var foo = 20; return [x('foo'), eval('foo')] })(eval)


strict mode restrictions

ECMAScript 5 introduces "strict mode", which prevents eval from being rebound:

 > (function(){ "use strict"; var eval = print; })
 Exception: SyntaxError: Cannot declare a variable named 'eval' in strict mode.
 > (function(){ "use strict"; eval = print; })
 Exception: SyntaxError: 'eval' cannot be modified in strict mode
 > (function(){ "use strict"; eval('eval = print;'); })()
 Exception: SyntaxError: 'eval' cannot be modified in strict mode
 > (function(x){"use strict"; x.eval = print; return eval('eval');})(this)
 Exception: TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.

But, since strict mode is embedded in "classic mode", it's perfectly fine to mutate eval from outside strict mode, and strict mode has to follow suit:

 > eval = print;
 > (function(){"use strict"; return eval('eval');})()
 eval // printed

The same is true of non-strict lexical bindings for eval:

 > (function(){ var eval = print; (function(){"use strict"; return eval('eval');})();})();
 eval // printed
 > with({'eval':print}) { (function(){ "use strict"; return eval('eval');})() }
 eval // printed

An engine still has to check at run-time that eval is really eval. This crazy behavior will be with us as long as classic mode, which is to say, forever.

Strict-mode eval does have the one saving grace that it cannot introduce lexical bindings, so implementors do get a break there, but it's a poor consolation prize.

in summary

What can an engine do when it sees eval?

Not much. It can't even prove that it is actually eval unless eval is not bound lexically, there is no with, there is no intervening non-strict call to any identifier eval (regardless of whether it is eval or not), and the global object's eval property is bound to the blessed eval function, and is configured as DontDelete and ReadOnly (not the default in web browsers).

But the very fact that an engine sees a call to an identifier eval poisons optimization: because eval can introduce variables, the scope of free variables is no longer lexically apparent, in many cases.

I'll say it again: crazy!!!

Syndicated 2012-01-12 16:34:08 from wingolog

webkittens! lexical scoping is in danger!

The GTK+ WebKittens are on the loose here in Coruña. There's folks here from Red Hat, Motorola, Collabora, and of course Igalia. It's good times; beyond the obvious platitudes of "um, the web is important and stuff" it's good to be in a group that is creating the web experience of millions of users.

My part in that is very small, adding support for block-scoped let and const to JavaScriptCore.

I've made some progress, but it could be going more smoothly. I have made the parser do the right thing for const, correctly raising errors for duplicate bindings, including nested var declarations that get hoisted. The parser is fine: it maintains an environment like you would expect. But the AST assumes that all locals get hoisted to function scope, so there's no provision for e.g. two distinct local variables with the same name. So there is still some work to do on the AST, and it's a thicket of templates.

Hopefully I'll end up with a prototype by the end of the hackfest (Sunday). Sooner if I find that sword of omens, which I seem to have misplaced. Sight beyond sight!

Syndicated 2011-12-02 17:36:56 from wingolog

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