Older blog entries for voltron (starting at number 163)

done with school. lets see if i pass any classes.

osje is funny.

i have this awful feeling deep in my chest that everything i am doing is wrong.

also, i ate some doritos today.

"Dude! Incubus'll go down as one of the greatest bands of our time!"

damn you ecstacy. you make the people around me say the most depressing things.

saw acephalus, exhumed, zyklon, and morbid angel last night. \m/

12 Dec 2001 (updated 12 Dec 2001 at 13:56 UTC) »

hmm, apparently the shockingly high typing to sleep ratio has yeilded a ganglion cyst. on the top of my left wrist. on the list of things i need to have happen to me, i don't remember seeing "getting a ganglion cyst" anywhere near the top 3 million. check out ths link though. their suggestion? "hitting it with a large book to rupture the cyst". classic. i'm thinking of trying that just for pure comic value.

update, 5 mins later

apparently these guys aren't a fan of the large book cure: "It is not a good idea to try to smash the cyst yourself with a heavy object. Even if this home remedy succeeded at first, the cyst would almost always fill up again with fluid. In addition, you could seriously damage your wrist.".

wednesday, 0645, and i am introduced to warring schools of thought on large book cyst removal. this is probably the weirdest start to my day, ever.

so we were just sitting there, then he asked me "so when did you decide you don't like yourself?".


so everything2 has some new thing where they are going around killing writeups that they don't like. tons of my wu's got killed, including ones that were voted at 19 and 20. i just stumbled back to that site to look something up and i'm greeted with this. as if anything else could go wrong today. the worst part is that i care.

anyway, i got up to bonobo-activation trying to build gnome2 libs from cvs on freebsd. not bad. something about a bison syntax error. maybe i'll have time over break. need to get some gnome-freebsd action happening.

keep on rotting in the free world.

my 2 cents
sourceforge was cool, oh well. my biggest gripe with sourceforge was the fact that most of the stuff there was not developed at all, it was just the shell of a project with some pretty webpages about what the software would do.

most people realize how easy it is to set up cvs/web/bugs on their own servers, and hopefully many are doing so. i think it would be really great if lots of people ran their own little sourceforges, with projects that fell under a similar umbrella, and that there was some sort of data format that they could export that would allow all the smaller hosts to be searched, etc.

oh yeah, and the sourceforge web interface for listing releases was on crack.

so yeah, today was just a bad day. sometimes that little illusion you create for yourself to get through the days isn't there when you open your eyes and things really fall apart right quick. oh well. just a bad day. i can rebuild.

hmm, i don't think i "get" adequacy.org. i think i've had a cold for two months straight. i don't think i'll ever find too dark park used, but i think last rights is almost as deep, and i found it the other day for 8 bucks. i don't think i'll ever find the and oceans cd retail. i think having 2 tests on the same day is a bit much, and i don't think i'll sleep at all until i get through that day. i think i need to get my act together wrt coding, but i don't think i'll be able to get myself motivated enough. i think the biggest problem in my life is: i don't think.

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