21 Sep 2000 uweo   » (Journeyer)

  • What a week. Bug hunting continued. I'm used to read sources with difficult identation, but ... let's say it politely: one of my cow-orkers has a strange, very strange, way to indent his perl code. And a habit to let variable names and comments get out of sync with the code. Together with hurry, haste and brokenness (sp?) it may be the most difficult code i've read in the last 20 months.
    And database triggers are, well, somewhat counterintuitive.
    1. update table where key = x;
    2. if (ok)
    3.   delete from table where key = x;
    Bug? No, delete-trigger. No single word about it in the code, of course. Ugh.

  • I didn't try to do much coding outside work. I'm feeling somewhat tired ... burned out? May be.
    1. finally updated the getopt clones documentation.
    2. updated ftpcopy to use the lastest strhash.
    3. added a missing \n in the ftpcopy logging output. It's one of those things which could have been easiely catched by a test suite.
    4. ^z or any other interrupting signal was handled as timeout.

  • <rant>
    Why can't linux distributors, debian and *bsd maintainers send the patches they apply to the packages back to the author? Is it really so much fun to apply and fix the same patch to 5 revisions of the software? Or is maintaining paid or honored by the number of patches applied?

  • LC_ALL=fi_FI logger test
    LC_ALL=C logger test2
    tail /var/log/messages
    Please ... someone please spend a cluon on whoever did that.

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