Older blog entries for titus (starting at number 184)

vorlon, I like your poem. Interesting how baruch figured it for being anti-Israel.

Done travelling for a bit (well, I'm going to a wedding in SF in a week, but other than that...) Still working on books, thesis, and grant. Not too much time for hacking...

DEVONthink is very very cool.

I've been travelling, and now I'm under the gun for some books and my thesis, so who knows whether or not I'll be able to blog much anytime soon. Nonetheless, here's a brief update on various things.


If you're interested in trying out the code coverage tool I've been working on, you can download 'figleaf' at my projects page.

It works well, and it can output to HTML.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to work on it more next week...


scotch, the recording HTTP proxy tool I've been working on, is proving to be useful for debugging twill problems. Here is a recipe for figuring out what is different between Web requests executed by twill and Web requests executed by your browser, using scotch.

The future of astrophysics

For those of you with Science magazine subscriptions, there was an interesting article on Hans Bethe and the future of astrophysics in a recent issue. It mentions my dad.

cis-Regulatory Bioinformatics

Two weeks ago, I went to the Woods Hole Embryology course (which I attended last summer) and TAed a section on gene regulatory networks and sea urchin development. I gave a lecture on finding and analyzing cis-regulatory regions computationally; as part of the lecture, I wrote up a guide to computational cis-regulatory analysis. It's intended for biologists, but it might be useful to bioinformaticians, too.


Random citings

A Java coder admits to liking Python: Simon sez. But... if the problem is complex, shouldn't the tools you use to solve the problem also be complex?



Here's a (recently rare) foray into politics for ya, just to keep you on your toes...

In response to a post to IP by Hiawatha Bray, I offered my reasons for disliking both the Bush Administration's approach to the War on Terror, and the naive "Golden Rule"-ism of some liberals. (Incidentally, I count myself as a liberal in these matters.)

Charlie Stross (a fantastic sci-fi writer) weighed in on the absurd "asymmetric warfare"</a> statement made about the four Gitmo suicides.

Authoring for O'Reilly

Well, Jason spoke, so I'll confirm: Grig, Jason and I have contracted to write a series of short PDFs for O'Reilly.

The umbrella topic is 'Testing Stuff', and a brief list of individual topics we hope to cover includes: Intro to Web Testing (covering twill & intro Selenium); Advanced Web Testing (some twill, lots more Selenium); Unit Testing in Python; Continuous Integration with buildbot; Python Testing with FitNesse; and perhaps more. Each book will cover a discrete chunk of material, and we hope the series will pull the individual books together into a whole, as well.

The first two, together with a (free) introductory book on testing, should be available within 3 months.

(And remember, Gentlemen prefer PDFs!)


When last we met, I professed a rewrite of coverage.py. Since then, I realized that my tokenize-based method of extracting interesting lines of code ... didn't work. There were several situations where lines of code simply wouldn't be counted, because there wasn't enough context to determine whether or not it was an actual expression. Specifically, this kind of code broke the parser:

def f(
   a =
     (lambda x: x + 1)(1),
   b =
           y: y * 2)

After flailing a bit, I realized that you really needed the AST to properly determine what lines of code are worth counting. This realization was helped by the fact that the sys.settrace 'line' tracing function is only called on the 'lambda' and 'def' lines, above, and not on the 'a=' and 'b=' code. (Kudos to Ned Batchelder for including so many nasty evil tests with coverage.py -- I just stole his code. ;)

I delved into coverage.py and confirmed my suspicion that some nasty AST visitation was occurring, using code based on the 'compiler' package. Moreover, coverage.py used code way beyond me to determine what was actually an executable line of code... and then did even more clever things to count that code even when the sys.settrace function didn't hit it.

Now, my rule is, if it's too complicated for me to understand, it shouldn't be in software I write. So I set myself a new goal: make a really really simple coverage-measuring utility that (a) only counts lines that Python actually "executes" (as measured by sys.settrace); and (b) I can understand.

In the process of working on implementing this with the parser module, I discovered a few amusing details about Python. First: can you guess which lines of code are "executed" in the following?

def f(): "a" 5 "b" 6


Well, in a bit of a surprise to me, it turns out that only the numbers are counted:

>- def f():
>-     5
>-     6

>- f()

(where '>-' represents executed lines). Yep, only the numbers, not the stringS! There are two reasons for this, I think: one is that each number is actually a numerical expression, to be evaluated and replaced by its value, while strings are just literals; and the other is that this doesn't count docstrings.

I'm also a bit surprised by some aspects of the AST that is generated, too. For example, here's what my AST pretty-printer outputs for the number "5", all alone in a file:

                    NUMBER ('5', 1)
    NEWLINE ('', 1)
  NEWLINE ('', 1)
  ENDMARKER ('', 1)

Is this really a necessary part of the AST?

I clearly need to read up on this more ;).

The last thing I did was build in an optimization: coverage.py uses a global trace function that is continually reassigned to the local trace function by calls into new code blocks. This means that all

Python code is traced. Figuring that this would be kind of a speed drain, I separated out the logic into a global trace function that only set the local trace function on a call into interesting code, where "interesting" could be specified by the user. In other words, rather than tracing coverage on everything, only code executing in user-specified modules would be traced.

The early results are pretty positive. With the usual caveats about naive benchmarking -- which this certainly is -- I found the following times for running the twill tests in nose:

  1. coverage.py -- 30 seconds total
  2. figleaf.py, tracing *all* code -- 23 seconds total

  3. figleaf.py, tracing *only* user code -- 15 seconds total
  4. no coverage analysis at all -- 7 seconds total.

Naively, it looks like I get a ~20% speedup from switching to my naive AST implementation, and I get another ~25% speedup from only looking at local code. Neat, huh? (Sadly, you still lose a factor of 2 because of the code coverage!)

Here's my (hideously ugly and un-re-factored, yes) implementation of a class to turn code into "interesting line numbers":

class _LineGrabber:
    def __init__(self, fp):
        self.lines = sets.Set()

ast = parser.suite(fp.read()) tree = parser.ast2tuple(ast, True)


def find_terminal_nodes(self, tup): """ Recursively eat an AST in tuple form, finding the first line number for "interesting" code. """ (sym, rest) = tup[0], tup[1:]

line_nos = [] if type(rest[0]) == types.TupleType: ### node

for x in rest: min_line_no = self.find_terminal_nodes(x) if min_line_no is not None: line_nos.append(min_line_no)

if symbol.sym_name[sym] in ('stmt', 'suite', 'lambdef', 'except_clause') and \ line_nos:

# store the line number that this statement started at self.lines.add(min(line_nos))

else: ### leaf if sym not in (token.NEWLINE, token.STRING, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT): return tup[2]

if line_nos: return min(line_nos)

## use like so: lines = _LineGrabber(open(filename)).lines

I will be eternally grateful to anyone who points out why this is a stupid way to do things, and/or can improve the logic. (I already know it's unmaintainable.)

I'll post the full figleaf module sometime soon; right now it's too dangerous to let loose on the Internet. If you're willing to handle such dangerous material, just drop me a line.


6 Jun 2006 (updated 6 Jun 2006 at 16:14 UTC) »
Robert Jordan is ill

For some reason I hadn't heard this yet -- Robert Jordan has amyloidosis!

pinocchio oops

Max discovered pinocchio, my package of nose extensions, and then pointed out that I hadn't put any version info or contact info on my page for


Oops. Fixed. Sorry 'bout that!

Code coverage

I've been using Ned Batchelder's code coverage module for a while now, and it's been great. We used a slightly hacked version for the agile testing tutorial, and now I need to do even more hacking on it.

I decided that rather than serially refactoring the code I'd swipe a few of the clever bits and do a complete rewrite. This effectively makes it a complete fork. I decided upon this tack because in my previous hacking I spent a lot of time struggling with the basic design of the module, and while the clever bits are pretty isolated and portable, the rest -- path munging, option handling, etc. -- is what I want to change in the first place.

Of course, immediately after deciding to steal some of the code, I ended up rewriting most of it. Sigh.

One of the main clever bits in coverage.py was the AST traversal code that decided which statements were potentially executable; this section used the compiler module. I'd heard somewhere that this module was deprecated, or unreliable, so I looked for some alternatives.

I put in some work on it last night, and arrived at the following function to extract interesting lines of code using tokenize:

class _TokeneaterObj:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lines = sets.Set()
        self.start_line = None
        self.ignore = (tokenize.COMMENT, token.NEWLINE,  token.INDENT,
                       token.DEDENT, token.ENDMARKER, tokenize.NL,

def tokeneater(self, *a): token_type, s, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), logical_line = a

if token_type == token.NEWLINE: if self.start_line is not None: self.lines.add(self.start_line) self.start_line = None

elif token_type not in self.ignore: if self.start_line is None: self.start_line = srow

def get_lines(fp): t = _TokeneaterObj() tokenize.tokenize(fp.readline, t.tokeneater) return t.lines

I don't know if this will be a good choice, long term. I have to write some tests... Any better ideas? (Let me know.)

My goals in this rewrite are a better interface for large projects & simplified filename handling. Switching to using sets and tokenize may be simple side-benefits, or perhaps costly diversions ;).

And then, the eternal dilemma -- what should I call it? Grig, my inane bozo of a friend, suggested 'figleaf'. I like it. (Runners up were 'blanket' (Diane) and 'wet blanket' (me).)


twill 0.8.5 released

I finally released a new version of twill, the Web scripting & testing language. This one is pretty solid, as far as I can tell; relatively few bug reports over a 2 month period. Between now and the (fairly distant) 0.9 beta release, I expect to make a number of changes to the underlying implementation, but I think the API and command-line usage is pretty stable.

In other twill news, I've moved the twill Web site to twill.idyll.org, and created a Trac site at twill.idyll.org/trac/. Check out the twill 0.9 milestone! The Trac site is intended for Wiki info, tickets, and milestones related to not only twill but also scotch and wsgi_intercept. It's not linked into the source code for the three projects because they're all in separate darcs repositories.

Let them eat Kwalitee!

I'm a fan of Grig's Cheesecake project, not least because we're both SoCal Piggies. The project is one that aims to provide a single score representing how well a Python project is packaged. He's gotten some interestingly negative comments about the project as part of the Google SoC wrangling, and I feel obliged to comment on them.

The two comments that I disagree with the most are these: first, that this will lead to an era of pseudo-fascism on PyPi, with people 'endlessly tweaking' their Python package to get a better Cheesecake score; and second, that unit testing is not applicable to a fairly large subset of the projects out there.

In response to the first comment: I just don't see it happening. I do expect many projects to work a bit to providie a README, a working setup.py, and the various other files. Perhaps they'll even toss in some unit tests. That's all to the good; right now I'm not aware of a single place that documents what should go in a Python package, and if you install a lot of Python software you probably believe that there should be. (Grig?) Nonetheless, just the act of attaching a score to a package isn't going to make people devote an excessive amount of time to raising that score. Perhaps if Grig was giving out ice cream to the top 10 percent of the scores -- but he's not.

In response to the second comment, there's a widespread misunderstanding about unit tests that seems to crop up when people first implement them. Unit tests are not about anything external to your code. They're all about making sure that your code works, and that your

code stays working. As soon as you start talking about unit testing graphics, or video, or the Web, or your database API, you're actually shifting to discuss what are known as "functional" or "integration" tests. These can run in a unit test framework, but they are not "unit tests". (If you think I'm trying to redefine "unit test", go read Kent Beck's original writings on this stuff.) So in practice all code is unit testable, and I'd be willing to be that over 95% of the packages that exist could have useful unit tests.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents -- exactly what my opinion is worth ;).


richdawe mentions an SMTP shell (e.g. twill with an SMTP extension ;), and

then there's TestableEmailer. Cool stuff.

cinamod, sounds like you're having too much fun. Let me know if you show up in LA sometime and want to check out the pickup scene here.



I've spent much of the last week arguing with nose, Jason Pellerin's unit testing framework for Python.

The fruits of that labor?

First, an extended introductory article and associated demo code, introducing, demonstrating, and discussing many nose features. (It's still a bit of a rough draft, folk. Send comments.)

Second, the pinocchio project. Yep, nose extensions. (Aren't I cute?) This adds 'stopwatch' and 'decorator' extensions to nose.

Putting wsgiref in the stdlib

Ever wonder how untested modules with non-standard interfaces and little documentation get into the stdlib?

Wonder no more.

Pursuant to Guido's proposal, I took a look at wsgiref. I found some bugs, and asked a few questions.

Ian Bicking pointed out another issue.

No response from PJE.

Today I noticed that the bug I pointed out had been fixed. Neither of the e-mails were answered.

I posted publicly, I sent a private e-mail. What more should I do? I only got irritated when I saw the checkin fixing the bug without any acknowledgement of the other issues raised. <snark>Well, I guess once you've got Guido's OK, you don't need to listen to anyone else, right?</snark>

I'd be less irritated if the barrier to fixing problems once modules are in the stdlib wasn't so high. wsgiref will become effectively immutable -- overcomplicated constructor and all -- once it's integrated. That's presumably why GvR asked for comments, yeh?

Oh, well. Phillip -- if you actually want any contributions from me for wsgiref, you're going to need to answer my questions. I don't fancy writing documentation for an interface that could change, and I won't exactly enjoy bug testing your code in the future if I'm going to get the silent treatment for having the temerity to ask questions. (I'm not bucking for an apology here -- there's nothing to apologize for. Just be a member of the community, please.)

JohnCompanies rocks

My hosting provider, JohnCompanies, has taken an explicit stand on warrants, spying, etc. They're also opening up offshore rsync.net machines, although no offshore hosting is going to happen yet.

A bunch o' miscellaneous links

Ruby gains a mechanize implementation.

An artist on acid.

No new comments on scotch, but I did locate and write down

a bunch of other python-relevant HTTP recorders & proxies. Pound is particularly interesting.

apenwarr has an interesting parable on testing.

Pretty pictures of stuff relevant to my dad's work.

Busking and educating the police about the law. Priceless.

Domain Specific languages rock. Even in Ruby ;) ;).

autotest. Apart from the amusing quote about "not needing to open a Web browser to test" -- well, first of all, neither do I, and second of all, how much do you want to bet your site doesn't actually work the way you think it does? -- this autotest phenom sounds interesting. (py.test supports similar behavior.) Might be time to hack it into nose...

First on the list of things I didn't think would ever work -- crowdsourcing R&D!? Way cool.


19 May 2006 (updated 19 May 2006 at 17:43 UTC) »
haruspex, yeah, I know that the OS X support for network drives is better -- and that may actually be the technical reason behind not supporting FTP that well. Still, it's freakin' annoying when you're trying to set up an anonymous submissions directory; FTP works great on Windows, but is bollocks on OS X for unskilled users.

scotch, a WSGI-based HTTP recording proxy

I finally wrote up some preliminary docs on scotch, a project I first wrote about yesterday. scotch is my solution for recording twill scripts, as well as tracking AJAX Web calls and doing general Web site regression testing. The scotch examples page is probably the place to start, although the front page is more conversational. There are also some simple simple code recipes that demonstrate the potential. (You can grab scotch at the usual place.)

I had a nice e-mail conversation with Ben Bangert about the possibility of using scotch for more clever twill script making. It's always nice to have people grok the tool you just wrote ;).

Paranthetically, it'd be interesting to see if psiphon functionality could be broken out into WSGI middleware playing on top of scotch.proxy. (Here's an article about psiphon</a>.)

all about twisted

Glyph Lefkowitz posted a link to this interesting paper on twisted. Old paper, but still good, I think.


A week or so of links

Debugging: Essential Technological Literacy, via CoolTools; a good-looking book that most programmers should read.

Driving Rails from the command line. I'd write something to do this with WSGI, but I think I already have.

So Close, Yet So Far -- (not) publishing well online.

The Top 10 OSS Games You've Never Played

A process diagram for arguing about Intelligent Design.

Mac OS X and FTP

So, let me get this straight -- you can easily mount a WebDAV folder on your OS X desktop, and you can just as easily mount an FTP site on your desktop. The difference, of course, is that the FTP site can only be mounted read-only! Why? I can only guess... it doesn't seem like it'd be that difficult to do technically. Hell, it works in Windows...

In other news, a lot of OS X FTP GUIs suck. FTP Thingy didn't do a very good job of dealing with anonymous uploads... I recommend Cyberduck if you need a drag&drop FTP solution.

(Fugu is the way to go if you need to give an Apple user an SCP/SFTP interface.)

On Web services...

From an excellent ACMQueue interview with interview with Werner Vogels, Amazon's CTO:

Do we see that customers who develop applications using AWS care about REST or SOAP? Absolutely not! A small group of REST evangelists continue to use the Amazon Web Services numbers to drive that distinction, but we find that developers really just want to build their applications using the easiest toolkit they can find. They are not interested in what goes on the wire or how request URLs get constructed; they just want to build their applications.

...and AJAX

An interesting, if a bit overly self-congratulatory article on AJAX-iness by Joel Spolsky.

Musings on the nature of OSS "marketing"

So I've been working on a fairly kick-ass piece of software I'm calling scotch, which contains a Web recorder/player (scotch.recorder) implemented as WSGI middleware and a Web proxy (scotch.proxy) implemented as a WSGI app. This lets you do obviously cool things like set up a recording proxy server, or do regression testing by recording Web sessions and then playing them back and comparing "now" responses with the "then" responses, or grok precisely how asynchronous HTTP transactions (aka AJAX) are being used by a site. (I've already used it for all three.) I've got a primitive twill translator written for it, and I'm thinking about writing a translator for Selenium, too. The architecture I've chosen -- decoupled WSGI objects -- is very nice because it allows me to chain things arbitrarily; I want to eventually add a cookie cleaner, a reverse proxy system, and an anonymizer, all of which could be swapped in and out as WSGI middleware. Heck, you could even use this as the basis for an "offline" browsing cache, or write a Web frontend that lets you browse through the recording as it's happening, or ... well, let's just say that a lot of tomfoolery could happen. It isn't even Python limited, because of the proxy app -- that can interact with anything in any language, as long as it speaketh HTTP.

My current source of cognitive dissonance here is that I just don't know how to start writing it up, or where to target my development. (I also don't seem to have any time these days, but that's not a problem that can be solved by anyone else. ;) How should I best apply my limited time?

Here are a couple of possible strategies:

  • post what I have, and blog about all the neat, nifty, or just plain cool things I'm doing with it. Hope people care.

  • develop out a few specific applications -- regression testing and twill translator are two obvious ones -- and write articles about using scotch to solve real problems. Hope people care.

  • figure out what other people want to use it for, and let them proselytize it while I introvert on the architecture and coding. Assume people care.

  • start a company, and ... naaaaaah, never mind ;)

All of this boils down to thinking about "marketing", albeit in the OSS world rather than in the world of $$. And in that world I have reached a simple conclusion: marketing doesn't matter, at least at the scale I can do. My two biggest OSS "successes" so far are Cartwheel (used by 100s of biologists) and twill. Neither of these projects was really "marketed" by me; they were immediately useful to other people, who picked 'em up and ran with them. In a badly mixed metaphor, I'm just trying to stay on the horse -- and I really can't steer it very well.

Back to scotch. I think my best bet is to do two things up front: document as well as possible, and release a solid if not well-rounded implementation. If people find it useful, they'll use it; if not, not. It's the "market" at work...


Martin Fowler on Ruby

Evaluating Ruby says nothing hugely new, but does give the whole RoR combo a thumbs up from his ThoughtWorks-y perspective.


Yesterday, I wrote about tracking bugs across bugzilla. Stephen Thorne pointed me towards Malone, a Canonical system for doing just that.


fight fightfight! ;)

...and someone else weighs in.

In other advogato news, bi calls advogato "elitist". Uhh... yeah, sure, if by "elitist" you mean "we use an explicitly simplistic ranking system to keep spam out". We have incredibly low levels of spam on advogato, and I have to say I don't find the ranking system all that elitist. More exclusionary, if anything.


For future reference

The slamd distributed load generation engine.

mocks considered harmful?


asks if mock objects lead to interface skew.

I could probably go off on a long polemic here, but let's see if I can keep it short... Basically, if all you're doing is testing with mocks, then the answer is probably that you're going to screw yourself up.

But let's generalize the question, to see if perhaps there's a deeper truth:

Dear Mr. Touchstone,

I'm using technique X for testing, and I'm only doing unit testing (...or functional testing, or acceptance testing, or integration testing, or regression testing, or UI testing, or smoke testing, or fizzlebar testing...) I'm worried that this is going to cause problems in the future. What should I do?

-- Anxious in Albuquerque

...and my answer:

Dear Anxious,

I think you should consider testing at additional levels. Generally unit testing is not sufficient, because it purposely tests only small, largely independent units of the code. Functional and smoke tests (as in "push button -- does smoke appear?") should be de rigeur for any project; IMO they're as or more important than unit tests.

So that's my answer: there are bigger problems lying in wait! Mock objects are a specific solution to a fairly general problem with unit tests: you can mimic external interfaces that need to interact with your code in fairly stereotyped ways. That stereotyping is a specific weakness of the approach, as well as being the strength that led you there in the first place.

More generally, any time you find yourself relying completely on your unit tests, you're going to be in trouble. Unit tests are a great programmer tool, and they are very useful, but they are not everything.

Someone interviewed me

Pythonthreads just posted a lengthy interview with me. It's been a month or so since I answered the questions, and I'm still fairly happy with my answers!


I read an interesting post a few days ago that discussed the dismal situation with bugs in Linux packages: basically, there's been a proliferation of bugzillas, and you can often no longer have the conversation necessary to fix a bug in any one of the bugzilla sites.

It occurs to me that one possible solution is to build a test case that demonstrates the bug; that's sort of the maximally portable bit of problem documentation necessary, no? Then just post that to the most upstream bugzilla...


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