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Both of these come via Newshog; the first is a very interesting article from NBC talking about the ”unprecedented cooperation and coordinationbetween US and UK officials; unprecedented in this case appears to mean ”arguing all the way to the police station”, but this is just according to one unnamed UK official, so possibly a pinch of salt required. The article goes on to mention in passing the arrest of the ringleader, Rashid Rauf, in Pakistan, apparently causing another disagreement between the US and the UK over choice of jurisdiction - which some are linking to the possibility of torture.

There are some fantastic quotes in the NBC article, regarding the timing and actual preparedness of the “attack”, especially that ”the suspects in Britain had obtained at least some of the materials for the explosive but had not yet actually prepared or mixed it.” and that ”the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports.”. All this added up begins to bring serious doubt as to the actual danger represented by the terrorists, and also raises the question of what a more “hands-off” - not arresting the suspects, but allowing them to continue their preparations longer - approach to monitoring and intelligence gathering would have resulted in.

The second is interesting in its own right - Max Hastings - friend of Lady Thatcher, dyed in the wool Conservatist - writing for the Guardian - left/liberal and proud of the fact - leads his article with “George Bush sometimes sounds more like the Mahdi, preaching jihad against infidels, than the leader of a western democracy”

(edited to link to Wikipedia’s conservative party page.)

Syndicated 2006-08-14 10:01:00 (Updated 2006-12-09 18:21:50) from Haecceity

Note to self

One Self - Bluebird is the track on the Nextmen mix cd that I hadn’t worked out.

Syndicated 2006-08-11 15:56:00 (Updated 2006-12-09 16:51:23) from Haecceity

System attack or just stupid terrorists?

The “foiled” terrorist attack looks suspiciously like an attack on the underlying system, rather than an actual attempt to blow planes up - it’s almost laughable that terrorists in this day and age could hope to get explosive devices onto planes in hand luggage.

If we decide that the terrorists aren’t stupid, the attack begins to look decidedly different. They’ve succeeded in causing absolute chaos in one of the busiest weekends in the british airline calendar, the effects of which will probably drag on for a few days. If you wanted to be really nasty, they’ve also caused a large number of people to be trapped in one place, and extremely vulnerable to attack. The BBC report says Heathrow Terminal 1 is “jam packed”.

I suspect that a terrorist organisation will look at something like this as relatively cheap, too - 18 peons arrested, sure, but we know they can afford the manpower and they’ve once again demonstrated that the air travel infrastructure our society is so reliant on is extremely fragile and vulnerable.

Syndicated 2006-08-10 08:03:00 (Updated 2006-12-09 18:22:31) from Haecceity

apt-cache search foo

note to self:
When upgrading Postfix, thou shalt always read the README. (I was going between 1.1 and 2.0). Think I only bounced one mail, and that was from bugtraq ;/

daniels: just fixed the problem, uploading in an hour or so. Happy? ;-)
Uh, advogato's recent log is hardly the ideal location for submitting bug reports to apache. If you write this up into an email, or seperate these into bug reports here, then we can deal with them. If you have already done so, great!
9 May 2003 (updated 9 May 2003 at 23:03 UTC) »

G4's hard drive decided to die (person I bought it from had changed it to a new one, and it seemed ropey); so I have a 120Gb disk just sitting around waiting for me to have some time.
I've now taken over control of Debian's Apache packages in collaboration with two other people and we've been wading our way through the bugs, and also planning some interesting new steps that should help ease of maintainership.
I've also been cleaning up and commiting any lingering patches that we feel should be submitted back upstream.
In other news, did some evil hacks on Mailman to get the listinfo page templateable, but I'm not convinced there's a clean way of doing this the "right" way in Mailman2.1; so I haven't yet submitted the changes upstream. Looks like I'm going to be adding MySQL support to Mailman for a different customer, which could be an entertaining hack.
Built my first FreeBSD server to use Vinum the other evening, following the Bootstrapping Vimum guide. The whole process was fairly smooth, bar a few out of date bits, one of which led to us having to resort to ed(1) to fix up a config file.
Out of a sheer need to vent some of the frustration I'm feeling currently, I just wrote Whither Management? - I was originally going to write it as an article here but it turned too ranty...

31 Mar 2003 (updated 31 Mar 2003 at 23:09 UTC) »

So, after finding myself a cute little cube on ebay, I now have my first Debian PPC machine. Install worked beautifully!
Also, have now booked accomodation for Gu4dec, and am just in negotiation with my boss about Deb{Camp,Conf}

I think Ben Hammersley said it best

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