Older blog entries for tevaum (starting at number 15)

News and a Free PalmOS SDK

Well, people... I've been very busy lately, but with all these end-year-celebrations I could get a little time for hacking... unfortunately this time is ending today. The new year is arriving with a lot of work to do...

The news are that now I'm a system analyst that needs to work hard to earn some money.. Which means that I'm having just a little hack-time... but with the advances in our project, I hope this can be solved. :)

cascardo and I started a project some time ago... this is called FreePalm and aims to develop a libre PalmOS SDK (that will replace the proprietary SDK used today to develop m68k PalmOS applications) and also a libre PalmOS clone. The SDK is going well and I'm already able to compile some test-programs I made... I'll try to get them available at my site ASAP.

19 Sep 2005 (updated 1 Jan 2006 at 22:03 UTC) »

My other blog is in 'pt_BR'... I'm going to update this one, so that you can stay in touch with what I'm doing also in 'en'. That's it, for now!

18 Sep 2005 (updated 18 Sep 2005 at 19:10 UTC) »
My other blog

Well... These days I was playing with my new blog... actualy, my Brazilian blog... I'm using a cherrypy one made by kov with some modifications. I spent these days setting it up and implementing some XMLRPC so that I could post with gnome-blog. Now I'm testing it. When it finishes posting, it exists... and I'm seeing if this happens with advogato too... :] I forgot to mension... the link to my new blog is this

PHP and I: together again

Well... I was needing a simple mailing list manager in PHP for one of our sites... and I found something at Sourceforge called Postlister. It's not really a mailing list manager, but then I realised that we didn't need one at all... :] It served our purpose, which was sending messages to a group of people. It does this by using a web interface instead of sending a mail to the list.

The first thing I noted was that it just didn't work! I configured an username and password, but it just didn't stop asking me to login. Even in the subscribe and confirm pages. When I looked into the code, I found the problem. He was considering the server, post and get variables the old way (register_globals=on). After all the hard work of setting things like $PHP_SELF to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], it worked quite well... and I really liked it... There are some missing features, like saving the list messages in an archive, but I want to do it soon... I have just sent a message to the project administrator and I'm waiting for a reply...

8 Sep 2005 (updated 8 Sep 2005 at 12:21 UTC) »

LPT on Linux

Yesterday I started playing with that LEDs in Linux... I made a small program that sends bytes to the parport... if you wanna take a look... It runs only as root, because there's a call to ioperm()... We want to make this program control something cool, like lights in a house... and we also want internet interface...

6 Sep 2005 (updated 6 Sep 2005 at 11:57 UTC) »

Today, my neighbour (he likes to play with hardware stuff) wanted to play with the LPT parport... he set up some LEDs and asked me to control them via software... I thought it would take a lot of work, but when I realized all I needed to do was to send one byte to the LPT base address (0x378) and watch the result, I made a little 16bit dos program (he uses win98) that switched the leds in sequence. That was beatiful, and took less than one minute! We'll try to make something more interesting than turning LEDs on and off... and I'll let you know! :]

Well... finally I'm done with the gaim-vv package for Ubuntu... I'm not sure if it's really good, 'cause it's my first serious one... It took a long time since I started trying... I had some problems compiling the software... something related to autotools that I still have to understand better. The libtool script tried to enter the NONE directory, which didn't exist, and I think it wasn't supposed to... I traced it back and got into this in configure.ac:

dnl #######################################################################
dnl # Check for X session management libs
dnl #######################################################################
if test "x$enable_sm" = "xyes"; then
        AC_CHECK_LIB(SM, SmcSaveYourselfDone, found_sm_lib=true, , [$x_libpath_add -lICE])
        if test "$found_sm_lib" = "true"; then
                CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $x_incpath_add"
                AC_CHECK_HEADERS(X11/SM/SMlib.h, SM_LIBS="$x_libpath_add -lSM -lICE" enable_sm=yes)
if test "$enable_sm" = "yes"; then
        AC_DEFINE(USE_SM, 1, [Define if we're using X Session Management.])

All I did was to remove the

from the
line and it worked. That's it. As I still don't know how to make a repository for you to install this package with apt* install, I'll get the deb file in my site in the session Linux/Packages. Try it and report bugs to tevaum at gmail dot com. Thanks

Ok... I'm sad! I discovered that in CVS, blam has already ATOM support... :[ but that's fine. At least, now I know how to parse XML files in C#. :] Some good news: the FreePalm (the project I mentioned in the 19 Aug post) project was approved in Gna! We need to create the arch repository to store the little SDK code we have and go on with the project. I think it will be cool! :]

I've been playing a little with C# and XmlTextReader this week, trying to parse atom feeds. Far from complete, my program extracts the title, link, id, updated and summary nodes from each entry in the atom structure. I'll try to make it extract the author's name 'til the weekend and then, maybe i'll put it into blam!

Some time ago, kov and I started to play with winpopup messages via samba. We intended to receive messages in linux from windows systems at our university. Unfortunately, my student life did't left me finish. But today, I needed to. We have some windows machines at work, and the only way to comunicate internally is via winpopups. I made some modifications in my part of the program that reads the message and formats it to send to the 'reader' via unix sockets. The reader is a gnome-panel applet that blinks in the tray when a message has arrived. As I'm not using GNOME there, I needed to adapt to my needs. I made it format the message and append to the mbox file, so that I could read it with Evolution. The code is a little ugly, but it worked quite well...

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