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Military usage of FOSS

Today, my RSS reader brought me the news about some US military satellite with Linux on board. Which once again raised in me one essential moral question: whether the ethics of FOSS approves this area of usage.

What I'd love to see (and use in my code) is some optional standard extension to GPL (other OSS licenses?) which would explicitly forbid any usage in military organizations (including military R&D). Any (FSF) lawyers around?


I wish all the luck to the people converting GNOME to Subversion! CVS is really too 90-ish...;) BTW, as maintainer of two virtual modules (libkbdraw/libgswitchit) I can advise that these modules could be safely dropped from g-a and g-c-c - if Subversion is not going to be used for support of GNOME 2.14 and earlier. Otherwise, I'm afraid, they'll have to made svn:external or smth... (Sorry, I am not subscribed to gnome-hackers maillist, so I can just hope some person of the transition team reads this).

Wine + LEGO's LabView

Yesterday spent some time trying to make LEGO Mindstorm's software work in Wine/Ubuntu. Well, Wine has definitely made a great progress in configurability, since last time I tried it. But unfortunately I could not make it yet - for some reason wine could not load fantom.dll (Invalid ELF header???). I'll keep on trying...


It seems, has some issues. Noone could call me through NAT when I used account. Once I switched to account - everything just works. Or is it just a combination of ekiga/ (with x-lite/win32 even account works ok)? Or just ekiga?...;)

In a word, SIP is still not mature enough for people behind firewalls. I would not wholeheartedly recommend it to the people who want something working out of the box, in every situation.

13 Dec 2006 (updated 13 Dec 2006 at 09:44 UTC) »
Rants about SIP

Deep in fight with SIP, using service. Tried ekiga/gaim/linphone/wengo (no x-lite for linux/ppc is available). Among other things, found that no OSS SIP client really supports presence, in my environment (well, at least the way voipcheap understands it). Talked to Ekiga lads on IRC - they are planning to introduce it next year (I sure will pray for them). Unfortunately, I am behind NAT which seems to really complicate matters (yes, Skype folks got this thing right!). For some reason even STUN with does not help - people still cannot call me (while I can call them, and I can also call from one LAN machine to another). The last idea to check - installing milkfish on my wrt54g and using it as the outbound proxy. We'll see...

10 Dec 2006 (updated 10 Dec 2006 at 15:47 UTC) »

I found the blog posting containing udev rule for the palm pilot (in my case - Handsping Visor Deluxe).

On my system, ttyUSB0 is taken by usb-to-serial converter, so I had to change the rule to KERNEL="ttyUSB[2468]" - which is not nice. Then, after some discussion in livejournal and looking at output of udevinfo, I found the difference:

<    SYSFS{dev}=="188:0"
>    SYSFS{dev}=="188:1"
So, the right rule is:

BUS=="usb", SYSFS{product}=="Handspring*",
SYSFS{dev}=="*:1", KERNEL=="ttyUSB[123456789]", SYMLINK+="pilot"

People are complaining about inability to run Flash on x86-64. HA! HA! At least they have some hacks to try! What about running Flash on PPC? I would like to watch YouTube and play with other Flash toys on Ubuntu/PPC...

jEdit, SQL plugin

After... about year and half(?), I finally managed to pull myself together and make a release of SQL plugin for jEdit. The real reason for it was some functionality I needed for my full-time work: simple and rudimentary DDL and DML generation.


Finally, GNOME 2.17.3 is going to have updated g-a and g-c-c (and g-ss BTW) which all depend on libgnomekdb. My mailbox is eager to get loads of bug reports...


It seems half of p.g.o is now employed by Nokia - and I am nearly getting envious:) It is a bit pity Nokia does not have an office in Cork (and for some reason I do not think they would be interested in me working remotely:). Seriously, 2nd city in Ireland is not exactly overloaded by companies developing OSS. I have always wondered why...


Got a second baby. So in foreseable future my spare time (dedicated to Open Source) is going to be pretty scarce. I'll do my best for supporting existing code - but I do not expect time for new development efforts. This affects GNOME, xkeyboard-config, and jEdit.


For more than year, my SQL plugin was without real maintenance. Now, its time has come. Got access to jedit subversion repo, committed some fixes. Heavily redesigned SqlVFS during the weekend. I know, everyone is using Eclipse these days - but I really find its data tools uncomfortable (NIH?). Installed latest devel prerelease of jEdit - it is really nice, stable and got a couple of sweet featurelets...

java (and gnome)

Sun Microsystems rock (I think you know by now what I am talking about:). I would really love to see Java apps in GNOME (and less Mono apps, especially in the light of latest Novell "betrayal").


In Java, there is a versatile framework log4j (eventually downscaled and put into j2se). In C, there is log4c. Why does GNOME not have logging infrastructure at all? The glib/gmessage.h API could be considered as such - but it does not have proper configuration part.

This bug is a real champion for DUPs (9 so far, more to come I bet). It seems every person installing FC6 is immediately going to bugzilla to report it... RedHat folks, please release official updated libxklavier rpm.

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