Older blog entries for stevej (starting at number 15)

27 Aug 2001 (updated 27 Aug 2001 at 09:24 UTC) »

I recently aquired an indy r5000. I have no idea of it's specs, as I'm still waiting for my 13w3->svga converter so I can fire up the bastard. FYI, Libnet compiles on irix 6.2

Also, I've been working on my Java version of a parser for Casper. It's recognizing variable declarations now! I'll put the code online soon. I'm building a non- deterministic recursive decent parser using Steve Metsker's framework for building such beasts.

This is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Spent yesterday and today fighting with setting up Alexandria, which is the software SourceForge wrote to run their site.

Also working on my rd parser for OpenCSP.

20 Aug 2001 (updated 20 Aug 2001 at 03:58 UTC) »

I'm glad to see that news coverage is as bad in other countries as it is in ours.

In other news, I started adding all sorts of #define's in libnet-headers.h so that I could easily have access to all the packet flags (SYN, RST, PSH, URG, ACK) when calling libnet_build_tcp() but then I realized that it's just easier to add the existing constants together. Let me explain for people like me:

(in libnet-headers.h):

#ifndef TH_FIN
#define TH_FIN    0x01
#ifndef TH_SYN
#define TH_SYN    0x02
#ifndef TH_RST
#define TH_RST    0x04
#ifndef TH_PUSH
#define TH_PUSH   0x08
#ifndef TH_ACK
#define TH_ACK    0x10
#ifndef TH_URG
#define TH_URG    0x20

What was immediately obvious to me is that when you add any two or three values together, you'll have a new distinct value. What's funny is that instead of just realizing I should add them together while calling lib_build_tcp(), I thought it'd be easier (and more useful to others) if I added a shitload of new constants. like TH_SYN_FIN_RST_PUSH_URG, etc.

What is wrong with my peer group? Get a little cooze in an IRC channel and everybody becomes a moron.

10 Aug 2001 (updated 10 Aug 2001 at 23:28 UTC) »

How did I magically become un-certified? I really don't understand advogato's certification implementation. And yes, I've read the spec. No, I'm not a moron.

I'm taking a few days off from my ERTP stuff to write a paper on E and to finish getting Java2 certified. Also swimming in Sacramento.

I shall return Monday with renewed vigor!

New Class Diagram created (an accurate one this time), I placed it on the ertp front-page. Also, did a lot of work on the code, cleaned up some ugliness, identified some more ugliness, and javadoc'd the whole shebang.


6 Aug 2001 (updated 7 Aug 2001 at 08:24 UTC) »

the Java/ELib MintMaker is nearing completion (and compiles currently): http://sieve.net/ertp

This is under the release early, release often strategy, expect it to change rapidly over the next few days.

I should probably just set up a cronjob to check this stuff out of CVS at a certain intervals.

update: oh yes, have a good hearty laugh at this.

Update (8:30pm): I've made some changes to the code and have also set up that directory so that it reads off of my CVS tree. cheers.

Update (1:25am): I've added a rudimentary class diagram here

6 Aug 2001 (updated 6 Aug 2001 at 10:43 UTC) »

Spent this evening hacking on the Java/ELib MintMaker. Nearly there.. I'll open it up as soon as it compiles. Remember, it doesn't actually _do_ anything much by itself.

ERTP would be a great place to start with OpenCSP.

nchriss stopped by tonight, we had a fireside chat about OpenCSP and gh0st.net stuff in general.

Listening to the US Bombs again after a brief pause.

Also, thanks to nchriss I finally remembered the super sekret to getting DOS 5 to boot on my old laptop again.. format never had an /mbr switch, only fdisk. duh

Picked up the following books:

  • Building Parsers in Java
  • Security Engineering (it looks like a fun read)
  • Concurrent Programming in Java

I read the first few chapters out of the parser book last night in between having dinner with my girl and waiting for drunkards to arrive at the bar.

work on the E parser is picking up.

I might be getting an indy soon, that'd be fun.

I need to get my dell fixed. Or just get a new one, I'm not sure which.

Claim to fame:

nchriss and I nearly ran David Byrne the other day while driving through SF.

Worked more on cleaning up the code base of the ERTP MintMaker in Java, set up a CVS repository at home finally, did some UI work on Whisper, (still waiting for E to have a comm system).

Spent today also fighting with Roundup. I can't wait to get it working, I'm eager to see what this beast is like. (Well, I have seen what is like according to ping's demo page. I'm eager to put it to use). Alexandria is also a possibility.

dnm is talking about coming down for a week pretty soon. I think he's rather burned out after opencola. I know how he feels. I've been spending a lot of time studying for my java2 certification lately. I think I'll have to learn EJB2 here pretty soon. I really don't want to. it looks like ass.

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