Older blog entries for sh (starting at number 29)

Hacking: started working again on VideoLAN. There is a lot to do on the plugins and on the interface structure so that 1st year students can pick a plugin and work on it before trying to mess with the whole program. Meuuh has done an incredible job by rewriting the input part. We now support MPEG-1 as well as MPEG-2, with arbitrary scaling in all modes (x11, SDL, framebuffer). I also found a few streams on which smpeg segfaulted that we could run flawlessly.

Leisure: started a new drawing of Gally on an even larger sheet. Hope I won't give up halfways like I sometimes do.

I also built a three-part nunchaku (I think they are called sansetsukon) because I was fed up with the classic ones, but I have no clue how to use it and couldn't find any katas on the web. Anyone ? :)

Vanity domains: .cf is now open. Too bad someone already took sendmail.cf -- it was the only cool one IMHO.

Hacking: been busy all the night trying to create a VideoLAN boot disk so that windows users can use it without having to install Linux.

Ausmosis: you can either use Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur, or scan your image at twice or three times the resolution, import it in Gimp, and scale it down after having converted the format to RGB, it will do automatic antialiasing.

29 Nov 2000 (updated 29 Nov 2000 at 23:12 UTC) »

Ausmosis: your last two drawings are pretty nice, but don't you think they lack a bit of anti-aliasing ? The edges look a bit blocky to me.

walken: I took a picture of my hammer design you seemed to like so much :)

Hackety, hackety, hack: my doubleclick.net hijacker and banner renderer is performing pretty well. Almost 30,000 hits yesterday, which means I managed to save between 300MB and 500MB bandwith considering the average banner size. Not bad.

Playing: powermanga (already mentioned yesterday) kept me occupied all the night once again. Now it's 9:00am and I should really go to sleep.

Today's horror story: my hard drive reached the critical amount of DataRequest Error and I/O error, and a few files already became unreadable. It's the fourth hard drive I have to change in less than 2 years.

28 Nov 2000 (updated 28 Nov 2000 at 05:35 UTC) »

Debian: posted 10 ITPs for various packages I had been using or packaging for a while. I'll probably retract one of them (dgen) since I was pointed out that it wasn't as free as I though it was.

Gnome: lines of Gnome fr.po files corrected: 27,334 -- lines of Gnome fr.po files still to check: 166,148. Ouch.

School: my BOFH anti-doubleclick campaign seems to work pretty well. No complaints yet, and almost 30,000 daily hits on the empty-banner generator.

Leisure: played powermanga during all the night. A really nice oldschool vertical shoot'em'up. And it's free, madam !

Today I tried out gdm, and noticed I could change the default language. I immediately got angry at the GNOME fr_FR translators. Stuff like "Enter account to transfer to" (from gnucash) gets translated to "Entrez le compte à transférer vers". "Cycle through all windows" (from sawfish) becomes "Tourner à travers toutes les fenêtre". Most translators don't know we put accents on capital letters (actually, a few of them seem to not know we use accents at all). I already fixed 17,000 lines of .po files, but there are still a lot to do. Summary for the french-impaired: learn French.

Parsed the list of Advogato users and certified almost all the ones I remembered having met IRL.

I'm in a bad mood. I spent my week hating everything and everyone.

Decreased the maximum crosspost/followup count on my newsserver to one. Spammed back a few spammers with a few 10MB TIFF images. Did an NNTP bot to detect people saying "WAP", "startup", "Net Economy" and a few other rude words. I also worked on new bandwidth limitation scripts for the firewall aimed at persecuting the biggest bandwidth consumers.

Also started an anti-doubleclick campaign.

I'm also amazed by the fact that almost half the American think a guy with a 2-digit IQ could make a good president. Went to the conclusion that this can be nothing but an NSA plot to control the World.

Got my Thinkpad T20, at last. The preinstalled Windows lasted about 4 minutes until I put a woody on it. I put the "designed for Windows" sticker on my hammer. Everything works fine, except the sound module I have to rmmod/modprobe each time the laptop returns from sleep mode. It's now cool to have a machine on which to watch DVDs on the framebuffer at 26fps !

Also managed to get a couple of Sparc IPCs to try to get working. They are old pieces of crap, but are my first Linux-capable non-x86 computers :)

Did a new release of genethumb.sh because I felt bored.

Now I really should go to sleep... I have to sit for one of the most crucial exams of my life on thursday.

hadess: I'm wondering... what can be used instead of gdk-pixbuf if one needs fast graphics in a Gnome application for MPEG playback for instance ? I'm using a plain X window at the moment, because I don't know how to embed it in a Gnome/Gtk widget.

Phew. Back from a week at my parents', away from my permanent connection, in a place that reminded me that there were stars in the sky (heh, try watching at the stars in Paris). But now I have those thousands of mails and Usenet posts to read, servers to check, code to code. I'm rather going to bed after all.

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