22 Jul 2010 redi   » (Master)

apenwarr's repeated suggestion for operator[]= is silly, that only helps types which have an operator[].

A better, more general solution is already in C++0x: Move Semantics. That removes performance overheads that copy elision (e.g. RVO) can't help with, in all sorts of situations, not just Avery's specific one for std::map.

And if you want the behaviour of python dictionaries, that's trivial:

template<typename Map, typename K>
typename Map::mapped_type&
get(Map& map, K&& key)
    auto pos = map.find(key);
    if (pos == map.end())
        throw std::runtime_error("Not found");
    return pos->second;

That works for anything with the same interface as std::map and allows get(m, 5) = "chicken" to work as you want, with no loss of efficiency*

The constructive criticism is valid, but years too late. C++0x has closures (which have zero overhead compared to a C function unless you need it, and can even be converted to C function pointers and passed to existing APIs,) it has typesafe varargs, and thanks to move semantics it can be significantly faster than C at copying data structures around, so there's no reason for functions to take out parameters by pointer/reference, just return them and watch the copies not happen. It also has type inference, and explicit conversion operators, which only convert when you want them to e.g. a smart pointer's conversion to bool happens if used in an if but not if you try to assign it to an int.

The bad parts of C++ may not have been removed, but some seriously good stuff has been added. (Edit: all of the above is available today in GCC.)

Oh, and exception handling is not too complicated. You must be doing it wrong.

* Actually a better version would use

typename Map::key_type key2(std::forward<K>(key));
for maximum efficiency in the case where K is not the same type as key_type and requires a conversion.

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