28 Jun 2002 raph   » (Master)

Diary ratings

If you're logged in, then you'll see 1 to 10 rankings in the colored bars on the recentlog. That's your personal view, in other words the rating computed with you as the seed.

If you want to look at someone else's view, the url http://www.advogato.org/rating/report/theirname is publicly readable (at least for now). The presentation leaves much to be desired, but the fields are: metadata subject ("d/" means "diary of"), rating, variance, and confidence factor.

So far, the experiment seems to be going very well. The ratings I'm seeing look very accurate, even though the raw inputs contain some dubious rankings. If you do see a rating you disagree with, then just follow the link to the person's page, and scroll to the bottom to enter your own rating. It will take a while to propagate.

For the most part, this is a straightforward implementation of the algorithm I proposed in my HOWTO a few months ago. tk: note that a rating and a certification are two different things. Are you saying you want three different things? If so, what is the advantage?

There are a lot of ways of presenting the information, and a lot of ways of doing filtering. I'm tempted to use color coding and other cool visualization techniques, but I think if it's going to fly, it has to be really simple. Here's what I'm most tempted to do now for filtering: above 7.5, render full entry as now; between 5 and 7.5, render first five lines, between 2.5 and 5, render first line.


The scab from Max's burn is starting to fall off. The skin underneath is red, but otherwise appears healthy. It looks like it will heal well.

We've finally found a person we really like to help us with Alan's anxiety, and have a very sensible plan. I'm deliberately being a bit vague about the details, but ask me in person if it seems relevant.

Heather and I often feel that we're slacker parents; we don't enforce strict discipline, the house is usually messy, the kids get too much junk food, and so on. But when we express love for our children through helping them heal, screw all that. We rock. I mean no disrespect to my mom or the memory of my dad, but I wish I had parents like us when I was growing up.

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