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15 Sep 2000 (updated 15 Sep 2000 at 16:11 UTC) »

Now it can be told: I am the new maintainer of Ghostscript.

I'll be posting a much more detailed open letter to the development community within a few days, but I'll say a little now. I'm very excited to be taking this on, as I feel Ghostscript is very high quality work, and is an important part of the overall Linux / Unix / free software imaging infrastructure. At the same time, there are some significant frustrations, which I hope to overcome. These include the fact that drivers are messy and often not of high quality. I'm looking forward to working with the IBM Omni and Gimp Print projects, and others, to bring inkjet driver quality to topnotch quality. Also, while Ghostscript is capable of viewing PDF files, it doesn't really subsume Adobe Acrobat Reader - the PDF interactivity features just aren't implemented, and the X display driver has both performance and quality problems. I'm eager to work with people to build the needed GUI tools and integrate them with Ghostscript.

I expect Ghostscript will stretch my graphics abilities to the maximum. Projects on my plate include implementing the full PDF 1.4 transparency and blending model, integrating Libart's high performance and high quality antialiasing, and getting color management going. It should be a lot of fun!

Ghostscript is released under a somewhat unusual licensing model. The most current release is under the Aladdin Free Public License. After about a year, the code is re-released under the GPL. The AFPL is not a free software license under the Debian Free Software Guidelines (or the similar Open Source Definition), but it is fairly similar in spirit. The main freedom not provided by the AFPL is ability to charge money for distributing the code. Free redistribution is unrestricted.

I'd like to move Ghostscript to a simpler all-GPL licensing model, but right now it seems that the current version of the GPL is too ambiguous in terms of whether it allows or forbids dynamic linking with proprietary code. This is a serious problem for the Ghostscript licensing business, and a bothersome issue in general. If the GPL v3 adequately clarifies the issue, so that proprietary code can't be linked against the author's intentions, then Ghostscript will be moved to GPL development. I am talking to Richard Stallman to see if there's anything I can do to move this process along.

I'm a bit overwhelmed right now trying to juggle coding with various administrative tasks, but if you want to work with Ghostscript, I want to talk to you. There's a lot of interesting work to be done, it benefits Linux directly, and it will be GPL at the end of the day. The fact that there's also a stable, profitable business associated with Ghostscript doesn't hurt.

As I say, more details forthcoming later. For now, I'm excited to be here.

squiggy: I understand exactly what you're writing about. I've been there myself, and am damn close to it right now, in large part because miguel said some things to me last night on IRC about inkjet printer drivers which strongly suggest that he values corporate support over high quality and involvement from free software hackers. That's not the only thing that's stressing me right now, but you know, just add it to the pile.

What I've done before, and what I've just now scheduled for Sept 15, is to take a walk down the Pacific coast. In past years, I've walked from Pacifica to around Half Moon Bay. It can be done in one long day, or, better yet, over a few days, staying in hostels on the way. There is some beautiful coastline, very fine beaches, excellent mountain trails with wildflowers and breathtaking vistas, and, most importantly, a chance to get the hell away from it all. The last couple of times I've done it, it's restored me to sanity. Ten more days. I can hardly wait.

mathieu wrote:

Now that I spent my day reading my computer graphics, principles and practice, I have a few questions: 1) what is the difference between dithering and halftoning (it seems the 2 terms are used interchangably. Or I missed something most likely) ? 2) for printers, you do not want to use dithering only. You should also support gammut compression. (is this right ?) 3) Does the gammut of printers is printer independant or is it a specificity of a peculiar printer model ? 4) any good biblio on gammut compression ?

1. The terms are used interchangeably. To confuse things even further, in graphic arts the word "screening" is also used.

2. Gamut compression is part of color management. It's a more or less orthogonal problem to dithering. For example, for a continuous tone printer such as an Iris, you may want to do gamut compression but not dithering. Conversely, if you're printing an image already gamut-optimized for the printer at hand, you may want to do dithering but not gamut compression.

But yes, for highest quality reproduction on typical devices, you want to do both dithering and gamut compression.

3. The gamut is highly dependent on the printer, the ink, and (perhaps most especially) the paper. Shiny papers can print much darker, richer colors than non-shiny. This is a fundamental physical property of paper and derives from the mismatch in index of refraction - any time you have a discontinuity in this, you'll have some reflection. What shiny papers do is concentrate this reflection into an area of glare, which when reading you are trained to avoid. In non-shiny papers, the reflection is diffuse, which simply limits the amount of light that can be absorbed. As a consequence, matte finish papers require more gamut compression than do shiny ones.

The other major tradeoff of color gamuts is durability vs color saturation. Extremely brightly colored dyes tend to degrade pretty quickly when exposed to light (especially the UV present in sunlight). Thus, inkjet dyes and pigments designed for "archival" tend to have a more limited color gamut.

4. The best book on color management in general is: Edward J. Giorgianni and Thomas E. Madden. Digital Color Management: Encoding Solutions. Addison-Wesley, 1998. ISBN 0201634260. You might also want to read Ján Morovic's PhD thesis on Gamut Mapping.

I talk about some of these topics in my color management page. There are a bunch more links, as well.

The diary format, while it works, is really not ideal for this kind question and answer format. It's not obvious to me what I can do on Advogato that would be better. Perhaps some kind of Wiki?

mathieu wrote:

raph: I AM impressed by the results of cleartype. I feel they are doing something pretty cool in the mid-term to improve readability on screen. However, it sems to improve only the horizontal spatial resolution and I do not understand why they do not enable it on regular CRT screens (there is no reason it could not be possible. Unless the electron beam is not focused enough to get good results... Or too many different cell arrangements on standard crt screens. Who knows.). I really like this idea of trading off color resolution for spatial resolution. It reminds me of Avi Naiman's idea of trading off b&w resolution for spatial resolution. (yeah, well, I am currently reading his thesis :)

Steve Gibson doesn't blame you for being confused. His explanation is better than the one I was just about to type before thinking to do a web search first :)

That said, on a CRT there's nothing stopping you from cranking the horizontal resolution of the driving signal up. Of course, it will still get blurred by the analog signal chain and the shadow mask for subdividing the pixels into colors, but there should still be a win. A signal with infinite horizontal resolution, no matter how blurred in the analog signal path, will have the same edge sharpness as in non-aa text rendering, while preserving the smoothness and accuracy of fully aa rendering.

Of course, when you actually do the experiment you'll find that virtually no X applications can deal with nonsquare pixels. At least there were some Cobol apps that had 4 digit date fields :)

Looks like I touched a chord with my ebook rant.

Ok, let me rephrase one of the points I tried to make. It would be cool if the ebook infrastructure that ended up had the property of paying authors reasonable amounts of money. If it doesn't, ebooks will still probably be useful tools, and there will be good reasons to write them. For example, a consultant who knows a lot about a field and is looking for more business might well find it justifiable to put up an ebook. But I do worry for the health of the media when the only works that get created are those subsidized by some ulterior motive.

Dave Winer also spent time at Seybold SF and wrote a good essay about ebooks and DRM. He rightly points out that DRM is no different than copy protection for software.

The only payment system that I can think of that makes any sense is voluntary payments, ie tips. The obvious problem with tips is freeloaders. Probably only a very small percentage of people will be willing to part with their hard (or soft) earned cash just to subsidize the artist. Even so, without middlemen skimming off the lion's share of the revenue stream, the minority who does is probably enough to fund artists about as well as they are right now.

A more subtle problem, and one I haven't seen articulated as much, is the distortion that tip-seeking behavior will cause. It's basically inevitable that the artists who succeed in a tip-based system will be those who have set out to maximize tips. Promotion will border on spam - for the mp3.com station I run, I see this line already beginning to blur. Further, how many people are going to be scrupulous about only tipping real people rather? On the Internet, nobody knows you're a corporation.

Nonetheless, I have hope that a vital tipping culture can emerge based on people who really appreciate art and are willing to find the good stuff and tip the artist. It is not essential for the majority of sheep to participate. The temptation to sell out will always be there, of course, but it always has been.

Book recommendation: Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud. He talks about a lot of the issues surrounding digital production and distribution of comics. Not surprisingly, the issues of who has control over the distribution channel and how the artist gets paid are central. Scott is an enthusiast of micropayment systems, but ignores the fact that micropayments are unenforceable. Nonetheless, the book is quite thought-provoking and is a fabulous demonstration that you can present serious, complex issues in a comic book format.


Am I the only one unimpressed with the results of ClearType? Radagast posted a screenshot of it running. It only works on LCD screens. Conversely, you can turn it off by converting to grayscale (ie, load in Gimp and press Alt-G). I see an improvement, but it's pretty subtle.

By contrast, the improvement from increasing resolution is massive. Yet, high-res displays are not popular, largely because most software will draw little tiny illegible icons and so on. You'd think Apple would have fixed this in Mac OS X and their Aqua UI toolkit (a rewrite from the ground up), but no. Windows and X software is not a whole lot better. At least the greater configurability of X software offers some hope, but it's still a hassle to get a consistently good display at higher resolution.

Doing a non-scalable display is the Y2K bug of user interfaces. By the time high-res displays arrive, we will have mostly fixed the problem, but only after considerable difficulty. Are you doing a user interface? How easy is it to scale? No? Then don't make fun of the programmers who used 2 digit date fields because it was easy and efficient.


I spent the last three days at Seybold SF, much of the time helping out in the Artifex (commercial licensors of Ghostscript) booth.

A few impressions first. Apple had a huge presence - a gigantic booth, lots of people doing demos on the machines, etc. I like to see competition for Wintel, but on the other hand, it's very difficult for me to get excited. Yeah, the cube has style, but in terms of performance it's just a 450MHz uniprocessor. I think the cheapo dual Celeron I bought last year for just over a thousand bucks probably outperforms it.

Linux, on the other hand, had virtually no presence. Corel had Corel Draw 9 for Linux tucked away into a corner of their booth, and there were a few companies doing server stuff that just happened to use LInux, but that was about it. This is a bit surprising to me, because Linux really seems to have a lot to offer for graphic arts, starting with generic server tasks and going from there.

There was a lot of XML there. This is hardly surprising, as XML seems to be one of the big hype waves in "digital publishing" right now.


PDF is becoming the dominant interchange format for graphic arts documents. A great many apps on the floor were showing much improved PDF import and export capabilities. This includes both Adobe's own products (notably PhotoShop 6) and competitors, including the upcoming Corel Draw 10.

PDF is making a lot of money for Adobe. It's not surprising, then, that Adobe is pulling a classic decommoditization strategy. The PDF 1.4 spec (not yet published) has a bunch of new stuff that it's going to be difficult for competitive products to implement. That, of course, includes the blending and transparency stuff that I'm implementing, but also the ability to re-wrap text. They also showed a beta of Acrobat 5 running on Palms and WinCE devices, including the Compaq iPaq.

Electronic "books"

E-books were a major theme at the show, with Microsoft massively showing off their Reader platform, including ClearType. As should be expected from Microsoft, it looks really good - clearly real typographers and UI designers were involved in this product. They will probably get a lot of users just by being so available.

I'm wildly ambivalent about ebooks. The whole concept seems to be organized around "digital rights management." The person who coined that phrase must have been remarkably insensitive to miss the Orwellian overtones. Sure, I'll sign a contract and agree to have my rights managed, and digitally at that. Welcome to the future.

In any case, most DRM is implemented around the concept of the "trusted client," or client software that is programmed to respect some access policies. Adobe Acrobat, for example, has a simple password-based scheme and rinky-dink encryption. Quoting from the PDF book:

Note: PDF cannot enforce the document access privileges specified in the encryption dictionary. It is up to the implementors of PDF viewer applications to respect the intent of the document creator by restricting access to an encrypted PDF file according to the passwords and permissions contained in the file

Such an approach, of course, is pretty contradictory to free software. If free viewers are available, it is always possible, and hopefully even easy, to comment out the if (!password_matches) {...} section of the code, and to distribute the result widely.

Nonetheless, it is important for authors to get paid for their work. To the extent that free software is unable to meet these needs, people will be drawn towards the proprietary systems that can, and I do not blame them.

As ebooks become more popular, it is inevitable that Napster-like trading will become widespread. I think this is also important, as it provides a needed safety valve to protect against those who would restrict our right to read excessively for business reasons.

In the meantime, I find myself very much liking paper books. Aside from the obvious issues of durability (books can and do last over a thousand years), portability, high resolution, high speed random access, and so on, the culture of books has evolved an imperfect but still reasonable balance between liberty, business, and incentive for authors. Libraries, used bookstores, and trading between friends are all popular, respected approaches to sharing books.

My main complaint about paper books is that authors get far too little cut (sound familiar?). However, self-publishing remains a perfectly viable option. Much self-publishing is for "vanity," ie people who pay for the printing of their books because they're simply not good enough for real publishers, but there are some amazing exceptions. Edward Tufte's books are of course beautiful examples, and then you have eccentric thinkers such as Ted Nelson self-publication of the first edition of Computer Lib in 1974.

The document file format to end all document file formats

I find document file formats to be an endlessly fascinating area of study. The most important axis for categorizing document formats is probably structure vs. presentation. Each point on this spectrum has unique advantages and disadvantages. The structure end brings you much more flexibility for editing, analyzing, and adapting (for example, reading texts aloud). The presentation end, conversely, gives a graphic designer much more control over the actual presentation, allowing (in the hands of a good designer) much higher visual quality. The tension between these goals drives much of the continuing evolution of document file formats, and suggests that designing an uber-format is not trivial. Certainly, we haven't seen any good uber-format yet.

PDF has been planted firmly in the presentation camp. PostScript was (I use past tense because it's no longer being actively developed) even more so - it should really be considered a graphics file format rather than a document format. At least PDF adds text searchability and some notion of document structure.

From a commerical point of view, there is pressure for PDF to become an uber-format. However, nailing down the exact formatting brings you to an unresolvable dilemma when displaying in a small window: scale or scroll. Both are bad choices, and both lead to a poorer user experience compared with a more structural approach, which can reflow the text.

Now that PDF is targeting small devices, the issue has finally come to a head. Thus, the PDF 1.4 spec has additions to inch down the spectrum towards structuralism, and is capable of reflowing text intended for display in small windows. At this point, I'm not sure what they did. My guess is that they just bolted on a structural document format. If you reflow, you probably give up any real control over formatting and positioning.

In any case, I'm very disappointed in the quality of the structuralist vs presentationist discourse. Both sides tend to talk about The One True Way. To me, this approach misses important truths. You need to be thinking in terms of the quality of user experience for authors, readers, and editors, in a diverse array of contexts. For a project Gutenberg e-text, pure structuralism is a good, reasonable choice. For a magazine ad, anything less than pure presentationism is probably wrong. For everything in between, well, that's what makes life interesting :)

Even so, it's possible to make better and worse compromises. HTML, for example, neither represents the true structure of documents particularly well nor offers high-quality (much less controllable) presentation. TeX has the amazing feature that it can accurately capture the structure of the document, yet render completely consistently on all platforms, allowing great artistic control over layout. The relative popularity of HTML over TeX is of course evidence that the world is unfair.

Well, that's probably enough ranting for now.

I broke down and implemented some basic InterWiki support to Advogato. I made that link by typing <wiki>InterWiki</wiki>. You can also do MeatBall:InterWiki, which also does the expected thing.

Note that Advogato is a member of the InterWiki space. For example, my diary is Advogato:person/raph and this entry is Advogato:person/raph/diary.html?start=97.

It seems to me that Advogato diary entries already have a hint of WikiNature. I'm hoping that this new InterWiki stuff can bring more of that out. Since people ask for ways to comment on diaries, one suggestion is to include a Wiki link at the bottom of your diary entry. Let's play with it a bit and see how it works.

At the same time, since the needed infrastructure was the same, I also added the <person> tag. So you can make a link to raph by typing <person>raph</person>.

My PDF blend mode work continues apace, and now I have an actual nonbug image showing two transparent stars composited with the Multiply blend mode.

In other news: since 5.0, PGP has had an optional backdoor feature intended for corporate customers. Now we learn that this feature has a serious bug, which can be exploited fairly easily to compromise message privacy. Cool.

PGP is not free software, but of course free software has its own share of exploits, even OpenBSD. The bottom line is that we have no fucking idea how to build trustworthy systems.

But computers are fun toys, aren't they?

I got somewhat stuck today implementing the PDF 1.4 blend modes. I did an algebraic simplification that I thought was nice, but it turns out to introduce a division by 1 - alpha. Since alpha can approach 1, this leads to numerical problems. Ah well, I'll just add yet another alpha channel when compositing non-isolated groups (that brings the total up to three).

You may find one of my bug images or another amusing. I suspect I'll have a lot more bug images before I'm done. PDF 1.4 blend modes are hard! Of course, I like challenges, and it's probably good for business - if I find it hard, presumably other people might as well, and would be inclined to simply use Libart.

While feeling stuck, I wandered over to the C2 Wiki. I had played with Wikis before, but somehow didn't appreciate how cool they are until now. Basically, they're structured as a nearly pure anarchy - anyone can edit any page. The cool thing is that this gives you the power to make the text you're reading better. Virtually all other "community" systems leave you powerless in this regard. Sure, you can add your own text, but sometimes that pales in comparison to simply being able to fix something that's wrong.

I also find that Advogato has just become part of the InterWiki namespace (see the Meatball:AdvoGato entry). This pleases me greatly. I feel like doing something to reciprocate, perhaps by adding an <interwiki> tag.

Also speaking of distributed networking thingies, Mojo Nation continues to show quite a lot of promise, and has gotten over some rather bad bugs that prevented the system from being useful. I've actually downloaded some music that I wanted to listen to :)

There's a lot of room for Mojo Nation to improve, but the Evil Geniuses For a Better Tomorrow seem to be quite good at that, and the code is also LGPL (and written in Python), so help yourself. In fact, once the substrate becomes solid, I wouldn't be surprised if a whole industry popped up of people doing interesting things with the network.

A few more pictures on the web pages of Alan and Max.

I'm back from lwce. It was quite a show - commercial beyond belief, but still it was a gathering place of geeks, so was worthwhile. The Eazel after-party was the high point for me, I think.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: by focussing exclusively on the trade show aspect of the Linux business, lwce is doing a strong disservice. On and around the show floor, I put up a few dozen copies of a poster in protest. I would have put up more, but instead spent my time actually talking to other hackers, a better use of my time. In any case, I hope someone in the organization of the show listened, and that they start turning away from alienating the very people that make free software what it is.

The design of the ".org pavilion" was strange at least. All the .org booths were lined up against the far wall, with cage-like metal grids between the booths. I think they were shooting for a "spaceship" theme, but it came off as a minimum security prison instead.

I have very mixed feelings about the corporatization of free software. It's nice to be successful, but we need to stay true to our roots. Most people, including many in free software, don't have a clear picture of what our roots are. I think it's mostly about learning. I have a lot more thoughts on this subject, and will probably write up an editorial when I have a bit of time.

The ipaq is a very cool device. Jim Gettys carried one around running Linux, X, and a few simple apps, and was basically mobbed the whole time. I look forward to getting mine :)

I burned a CD of music for Alan. He'd been singing "Love Shack", "Larger Than Life" and several other songs he'd heard on the radio, and I wanted him to be able to listen to high-quality originals. I'm really looking forward to him being on the Internet and being able to get the music for himself. I don't think people have a clue how incredibly empowering it is for kids to be able to choose their own music. Downloading music from the Internet is here. Those who try to stand in its way are simply going to get run over. I hope we end up with a system that compensates artists better than the one we have now, but this is far from assured.

I've been listening to music using XMMS recently, and also playing with the waterfall plugin. Very pretty stuff, but the fact that the spectrum display is linear, rather than logarithmic, really bothers me. 90% of the screen area is given over to the high frequencies in the track. So when there's interesting things going on with flanged hi-hats, etc., you see nice patterns, but for the actual voice and melody, it's all munged together. I think I'd ditch xmms and go back to mpg123, but I find that the latter dies on a number of malformed mp3's, while xmms plays gamely through.

Code reuse

Dijkstra has long been a skeptic of code reuse. He has a quote that reads something like "the only reason to reuse a piece of code is if it's exceptionally high quality." I tend to agree with him. Take a skim through sourceforge or freshmeat one day and ask yourself how much of that code really deserves to be reused.

On the flip side, there is code out there that has been lovingly crafted and refined over a period of years (libjpeg and zlib immediately come to mind, but there are others). For some reason, these bits of code find themselves reused without inheritance, frameworks, contract programming, factoring, xp, or any of these other purported silver bullets.

So, I know am I crotchety old man, but I file code reuse and the many supporting technologies intended to foster it into the "only vaguely interesting" category. Concentrate on getting really high quality code out there, and the rest will take care of itself. Of course, that's really, really hard, probably beyond the reach of most free software hackers. Feel free to prove me wrong, though :)


While we're on the subject, I find that a lot of the really low quality code out there is infected by what I call the "scripting mentality." Three facets particularly bother me:

1. Not checking error codes. Virtually all invocations of functions or commands should be of the form of: status = invocation(...); if (status) { cleanup() }. Having cleanup do the right thing (error logging, reporting to the user interface, making sure the system doesn't go into an inconsistent state) is often much more difficult than the task at hand. Yet it is absolutely necessary if the goal is a program that doesn't just break randomly. Commands do fail. Most script writers just ignore that.

Here, I think, is the perfect illustration of the syndrome: as of perl 5.005_03, the print function does not return a false value when it fails (for example, when writing into a full disk), even though that's promised by the manual. I find the fact that this bug is not even noticed enough to get it fixed is revealing.

2. Sloppy config information. Most scripts require some kind of config information just to function, and more to do useful things. Yet, getting the config information into the script is often compeletely ad-hoc, often involving both environment variables and hand-editing files.

3. Quoting. Since scripting languages and the interfaces to scriptable components tend to be string-based, there are usually string quoting and escaping rules that have to be followed. Yet, it's so easy to ignore these issues. The Web, with it's wonky URL and query escaping rules, is particularly vulnerable. Unix sh quoting problems are a rich source of material for the Unix Hater's Handbook as well.

Thus, I consider the scripting approach to be quite valid for one-off jobs when programmer time is critical, and the person using the script can understand and deal with the consequences of errors without too much pain. It doesn't tend to scale very well to the case when lots of people other than the author will be using the code.


This morning's slowness at Advogato was caused by a DDoS against the Berkeley computer science subnets, facilitated by people breaking into RedHat boxes on campus.

Our computing infrastructure is so fragile and untrustworthy that it really should only be considered a toy. Yet, somehow, we manage to get our work done!

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