Older blog entries for ralsina (starting at number 581)

Haciendo trampa: Trucos para programar menos

Sorry, spanish only, since it's a video of me speaking in spanish ;-)

Finalmente, gracias a Juan Rodriguez Monti, video de mi charla "Haciendo trampa: Trucos para programar menos" de PyCon Argentina 2011.

Syndicated 2012-07-10 09:40:00 from Lateral Opinion

PyCamp Panorama

So you couldn't make it to PyCamp? This is the place. Sorry, I can't post the awesome, so it's just a picture :-)

Get Adobe Flash player

Syndicated 2012-07-09 11:44:00 from Lateral Opinion

Nikola-as-a-service demo

One of the things I hacked at during this PyCamp is trying to figure out a nice workflow for Nikola, something that will enable users that are not so technical, to use it.

One first step is Nikola-as-a-service, which is meant for technical users anyway but lays down the infrastructure for this to work semi-nicely.

In the video below, you will see me do this:

  • Go to GitHub
  • Take a starter's blog I provided, and do a clone
  • Go to the nikola-as-a-service site, and login (via twitter)
  • Create a site using my fork's repo URL
  • Get a "webhook" URL, and add it to my fork's admin as a post-commit hook
  • Edit a file in github's web UI and commit it (you can of course just push from any github client)
  • Automatically, the site nikola-as-a-service publishes gets updated.

Please don't try to use this service yet because:

  1. It's running in a $4.50/month server
  2. It's the same server my own blog uses
  3. I will turn it off, delete everything, etc. every once in a while
  4. I am editing the code on the server, so no guarantees it will not just stop working.

So, here's the video:

Syndicated 2012-07-09 11:18:00 from Lateral Opinion

PyCamp 2012 - Day 3

So, day 3 and next-to-last of PyCamp is done.

  • Great day, sunny, not all that cold
  • Empanadas at lunch, pizza for dinner, cake for tea. Feeling kinda spoiled today.
  • Lots of hacking at Nikola-as-a-service (details below)
  • PyAr meeting by a huge, somewhat scary bonfire earlier tonight

So: Nikola-as-a-service is an idea where you can keep your blog somewhere, and this service will get the data, and publish a nice site for you.

Here's the current workflow, which is just one of a dozen that can be implemented because this thing is quite simple:

  1. The authenticator

    Currently it has twitter authentication. You never need to create an account, just login with some service you already have accounts with. Anything with OAuth will work.

  2. The data provider

    Currently, github. Soon, Ubuntu One. Later, who knows. A data provider is something from where we can grab data, and that can notify us (automatically or by having the user click on a button) when we should get that data and rebuild the site.

  3. The renderer

    I am doing it with Nikola, of course :-)

  4. The infrastructure

    Jobs using Redis and Celery, server app using Flask, rendering using Nikola

  5. How does it work?

    You go to github, clone a barebones blog. Do your modifications. Go to nikola-as-a-service, and login via something. Then you give Nikola your github repo's URL, and you get a webhook URL. Go back to github, and configure the webhook.

    From that moment on, every time you push to github, your blog is updated :-)

    In the future: every time you save to Ubuntu One, your blog is updated. In the further future: Every time you X to Y, your blog is updated.

It's going to be cool :-)

Syndicated 2012-07-09 01:45:00 from Lateral Opinion

PyCamp 2012: Day 2

Finishing Day 2, here's the update.


That is one large spider, dude.

  • Woke up 10 time because David Litvak doesn't know how to turn off his alarm. Now hating "Good Day Sunshine" by The Beatles. Sorry Ringo!
  • Learned about Celery/Flask/Juggernaut. Tomorrow will try to hack on the Nikola server idea using that. Hugo Ruscitti already did a lot of work!
  • Helped Martín Gaitán do Nikola gallery improvements (looking much nicer now!)
  • Implemented code listings for Nikola
  • Had a huge spider walk up my leg.
  • Had asado for dinner!
  • Played with remote controlled cars.
  • Saw a guy juggle while riding a monocycle
  • Played in the ping pong tournament (record 1-1, out in the group phase)
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs that popped while implementing stuff.

Tomorrow: will hack all day in the nikola hosting idea.

Syndicated 2012-07-08 00:22:00 from Lateral Opinion

New Nikola Feature: code listings

This is a new feature in Nikola, my static website and blog generator.

It's aimed at showing pieces of files in the posts, and giving you a link to the full file, does reasonable syntax highlight thanks to pygments, and the syntax for embedding in your posts is not excessively awful, so I can use it for some of my tutorial / book projects.

Here's an example:

.. listing:: md.py python
   :start-at: def compile_html
   :end-before: output =


def compile_html(source, dest):
    with codecs.open(dest, "w+", "utf8") as out_file:
        with codecs.open(source, "r", "utf8") as in_file:
            data = in_file.read()

This is not merged into master yet, but should be soon.

Syndicated 2012-07-07 23:51:00 from Lateral Opinion

PyCamp Day 1

Going to sleep, so here's a quick rundown of my 1st day at Pycamp:

  • Woke up at 6AM, and after taking trains, buses and automobiles, arrived around noon. Place is nice, wheather is cold. Beds are bunks.
  • Presented ideas, voted working slots
  • Implemented a Nikola feature to get themes from http://bootswatch.com
  • Implemented first draft of pipelines for post-processing generated files
  • Martín Gaitán is working on improving the image galleries
  • Hugo Ruscitti is doing some celery+flask magic to create a Nikola hosting service
  • Had fun with lots of other things and talking with a lot of people.
  • Played some table tennis (won 1, lost 1)
  • Got a firefox t-shirt
  • Got a Ninja-IDE mug that changes colour with temperature.

Now, exhausted, going to bed.

Syndicated 2012-07-06 23:54:00 from Lateral Opinion

BA Chili Cookoff

Last saturday I attended the 2nd Buenos Aires Chili Cookoff. Lots of people, lots of great food. I was with my kid and he can't eat anything that spicy, but hey, there were cookies :-)


How crowded was it? About three times this crowd was there.

I had little experience with Chili, becuase it's not exactly a common dish around here, so, surprised by the variety, and most were quite nice, and despite exhaustive warnings by the cooks, none was unedibly spicy (the dreaded Zombie Chili which promised to melt my mouth? Kinda sweet and bland.)

Favourite? Lafitte's revenge, which really was a sort of bean-free bourguignon. Also, the smoked veggie chili was quite awesome. And the cookies were killers!

Next year, my wife is talking about cooking for it. I have had her chili, and I trust she can do better than 80% of the contestants this year. Plus I get to beta test her recipes, so win/win for me.

Syndicated 2012-07-05 16:41:00 from Lateral Opinion

Nikola Ideas for PyCamp

This friday is the beginning of PyCamp, four days of python hacking without distraction or pause. And I want to code a lot. My main target is features for Nikola my static blog generator.

If you are attending PyCamp (or even if you are not), you are welcome to join me in implementing these in a marathon of kickass coding starting this friday and lasting all weekend.

I have a few ideas in my head, but I want more. These are the ones I have, please add more in the comments if you have any:

Code Gallery
Like image galleries but for code. Put code in a folder and it will be beautifully displayed. With the addition of a "listings" docutils directive, it will make showing code in detail and in context easy and powerful, and make Nikola more attractive to programmer-bloggers.
Gallery Polishing
Image galleries are implemented and work, but they could use a lot of polish. From making them more network-efficient, to image RSS feeds, recursive galleries, gallery metadata, image texts, and much more.
File Pipelines

Want to minimize your CSS? Tidy your HTML? pngcrush your images? apply HTML transformations? Other things I can't imagine?

File pipelines would bring the power of the unix shell to a site generator, letting you connect lego-like filters, some provided, some from the community, into a powerful machinery.

Online Editing (Alva)
While static site generators have lots of benefits, they have one significant downside: you edit the files in your own device. A online editor for Nikola lets you edit them through a web interface for blogging-from-aywhere goodness.
Nikola Hosting (Shoreham)
Why not create a service where the user feeds posts to a server and then the server publishes them? The feeding can be via a DVCS, or a file sync service, or via online editors, and the output is published automatically or at the push of a button.
I don't do drafts. I type and that's it. But others prefer more cautious and sane approaches. So, how should drafts work? While the feature may be easy to implement, it's a good beginner programmer's task, where you have to think more about what you want to achieve and providing a good user experience than about just banging code.

So, is there something you saw in another static blog generator and Nikola lacks? Any cool ideas and want a friendly codebase to hack them on? Do you have any crazy ideas noone would touch with a ten-foot-pole but you think would be awesome to have?

Well, now's a good time to talk about it!

Syndicated 2012-07-04 22:28:00 from Lateral Opinion

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