Older blog entries for pvaneynd (starting at number 9)

Just as I'm ready to release a new version of common-lisp-controller I'm stuck with the lazy memory-allocation code. Bummer.

The fact that I cannot use gdb, that it happens only now and again and that it seems related to the gc only makes the task more interesting.

At least there is one piece of good news: my brother visited 'Little Italy' in NY and got me a T-shirt with the text: Pray for me, my wife it Italian

Long time no diary entry... I've been buzy with common-lisp-controller, I've made it a bit more feature-complete and robust. It is amazing how many errors there can be in a few lines of shell-scripts :-(. And now that I'm close to releasing it cmucl bombs at random when I use lazy memory allocation. Bummer. Now that I've found out that not only doesn't cmucl handle large memory machines its default configuration, it also is allergic to SMP machines. Using lazy seems the only sollution, so I need to find this damn bug! Life: sucks a lot less then a year ago, but I would like a little more time to read... I've got a stack of books a meter high I need to read. Sigh. Liking C'T and iX doens't help: they amount to almost 1000 pages of interesting stuff a month. Holidays: I'm going to debian-one it seems, and we're going to drop by a friend who is now doing a post-doc in Boston. So much to see/do so little time...

CMUCL and the OOM killer: does using -lazy make a difference? If it does me might consider using it by default...

Finished my work on common-lisp-controller. Updated the web-page and now I'm waiting for cmucl to recompile itself...


Had a hell of a time hacking defsystem. In the end I even got support for the foreign language dictionary :-). So now hemlock can recompile itsdictionary... The people having trouble with Zebu should be interested...

I also registered for LSM today. As I see a lot of Lisp hackers going there I hope to have a great time

After a while I went back to hacking common-lisp-controler. I now found out why hemlock fails, found the :serial option and decided that I need to define how defsystem and c-l-c handle new languages.

As people keep using Lisp to invent new languages I could have expected this to happen... Now to get a descent interface worked out and implemented, make c-l-c fail with a bit more grace, update the c-l-c documentation, submit it as a new debian standard and update my homepages

And all of this before the wife returns.

Sleep is overrated

I it legal to reply to a Scheme problem with a Common Lisp reply?

So here goes:

(defun f (string)
 (lambda (nil-or-closure)
   ;; a closure
  (if (null nil-or-closure)
      ;; we are asked to give the string:
    ;; we are the caller, get the string
    ;; of the other closure:
    (let ((other-string (funcall nil-or-closure nil)))
      ;; print it out:
      (loop for a across string
            for b across other-string
            (format t "~A~A" a b)))))
[5]> (funcall (f "Js nte ceeWnae")(f "utAohrShm anbe"))
Just Another Scheme Wannabee         

In related news, common-lisp-controller is almost ready for prime-time. It's amazing how many failuremodes one can dream up for a package manager...

It has been quite a while...

I've been working on common-lisp-controller and it almost seems to work. The debian CMUCL package is almost converted, after which I'll package up clocc and sbcl using the same system. But don't hold your breath.

In more personal news: a new year, a new job and a new appartment... The new job is being internet-security "consultant" -- I'm curious how it will work out. But all of this means less Lisp to hack on. Oh well, maybe someone will hire me for a Lisp job, for the moment I'll just work on Lisp in my spare time...

Been busy catching up with email, and trying to document the common-lisp-controller more.

Got interesting offers to look at a new mk:defsystem implementation, doing possibly contract work for cmucl or sbcl. I would prefer working on sbcl, but it needs to get beaten into shape first...

Anybody want's to hire a Lisp hacker in Belgium?

Hello World.

I'll try to update the diary now and again. But don't depend on this :-)

At the moment I'm mostly buzy with designing and implementing a common lisp controller for Debian and other Unix systems.

In short it should allow people to install any common lisp and any common lisp package and just do (require 'foo) and foo should just get loaded. Correctly compiled and up-to-date for your lisp, with source-level debugging if possible.

At least that is the idea...

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