Older blog entries for pawal (starting at number 6)

29 Aug 2001 (updated 3 Sep 2001 at 13:17 UTC) »

IT-Kommissionen within the Swedish government today released a piece of software with which you can test your broadband connection. It is released with source code and all, but with no license or copyright note whatsoever. When I asked them about it, they told me the software was "offentlig handling", which means that any swedish citizen can access the software anyway, thus needing no license.

In essence, this means that any software developed by the swedish government, or any official agency, has to give away software they develop internally, if it is not classified. The problem for now is, that anything that is "offentlig upphandling" in Sweden, can not be accessed in any other way than on a paper. This is slowly changing, you can in a few years actually get electronic copies of documents.

When I asked them about this today, they said that this was an interesting issue, and will probably soon really analyze the situation regarding software.

A thought has been bugging me for the last couple of days. It's a "What if...?"-thought.

What if MS removed all support for plain text files in new versions of Windows?

Think about it. It would be possible for them to do it, wouldn't it? That would almost be the definite break between Open Source vs Closed Source.

Almost nobody complained when they removed edlin.

Now my life can begin. I just turned 30. Hade a nice new years, and a slow birthday with lots of interesting birthday greetings...


try {
        Greeting g = Congratulation.createInstance();
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                g.add(new Hooray());
Person p = users.findUser("Pawal"); p.notify(g); } catch (WrongDayException e) { } catch (PawalDrunkException e) { } catch (MusicloudCouldntHearException e) { }



/hooray {( hurra) show} def

/Times-Bold findfont 18 scalefont setfont

200 400 moveto

(Hipp hipp) show 1 1 4 {hooray} for (!\n) show

showpage %%EOF


$C000 LDX #$00                                  
$C002 LDA $C00E,X
$C005 BEQ $C00D
$C007 STA $0400,X
$C00B BNE $C002
$C00E .BYTE $47 $52 $41 $54 $54 $49 $53 $00


10 REM *** PAWAL-GENERATOR 1.0 ***
20 REM ***    THE BYMP 2001    ***
40 POKE 53280,I
50 I=I+1
60 POKE 53281,I
70 GOTO 30


       Identification Division.
       Program-Id. "happy".
       Procedure Division.
       say-grattis section.
           display "Grattis!".
           perform sub-grattis 4 times.
           stop run.


And then some... I'm fixing my entire apartment this month as well, I hope it is all painted and filled with new nice furniture by the end of the month. What else is new... Yes, I fixed my homepage as well. Next project is to make realtime generated audiostreams of my content, with automatic language detection for the speech synthesis or something.

6 Nov 2000 (updated 6 Nov 2000 at 22:52 UTC) »

Today Simon Singh was in town to give the swedish crypto crackers the price. Got a nice story from ErikT on it, together with some pictures. In swedish though.

Francisco never got my code it seems. I wish the guy would learn cvs some day.

Planning some new features from gnuheter, I like this diary thing. I will probably do it this weekend if I don't get kidnapped by my girlfriend or something.

By the way. Is there an Open Source banner repository somewhere? It is tedious to search for banners one would like to support, if there's free bannerspace somewhere.

Submitted my newsclass.php to Francisco for PHP-Nuke. Also submitted the swedish translation for the upcoming PHP-Nuke 4.0 (due tomorrow).


Would like to stay home severel days now and read documentation or something.

Gnuheter goes well, we beat IDG.se on all the relevant news... :)

Hacked up some more code for my newsletter functions in phpnuke.

Did nothing this weekend, and then some.

Doing my todo-list for today:

  • read my ssl logs
  • nuke the funk computer, and do some fun stuff on it
  • make backup routines for our production backoffice server
  • order some books
  • make reports for one of our partners
  • install apache with mod_perl and php4 on my workstation

    I'm lucky if I remember at least two of these things.

  • 27 Sep 2000 (updated 27 Sep 2000 at 10:31 UTC) »

    My first entry. We'll see if I get used to writing a diary. All efforts so far has been futile.

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