Recent blog entries for panta

I've radically changed the command line parsing library API. At the same time I've added some features and I've packaged the whole thing. I've also written some documentation.

Today I had a good deal of boring things to do, and I wont talk about them :)

In the remaining time, I've started to put together (and almost finished) a small C library to parse the command line (similar in spirit to getopt() and getopt_long()). Why ? Because I don't like getopt() and getopt_long(), and also because having my own small lib, I can integrate it in elastiC with not too much hassle, and avoid depending on undependable libc features. Stay tuned.

Prepared a benchmark to test elastiC implementation of hash tables.

Very long meeting, lunch.

Then I returned to hack on elastiC. I'm trying to understand why the hell loading a shared module makes dlopen() to complain about an undefined symbol (symbol that is in the elastiC core) but only when elastiC is configured with --enable-static and --disable-shared. libtool bug ? Boh, we'll see...

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