Older blog entries for oubiwann (starting at number 301)

OpenStack Developer Summit: Heat Followup

Folks are finally starting to recover from the OpenStack Developer Summit that was held in Portland, Oregon recently. All reports indicate that it was a truly phenomenal experience, record-breaking in many ways, and something that has inspired incredible enthusiasm within the community. And that's great news, since there's an enormous amount of work to be done this release ;-)

Of particular importance to many in the community is the work around maturing the autoscaling feature in OpenStack Heat. There was a fantastic session at the summit, facilitated by the bow-tied and most dapper Ken Wronkiewicz (his notes from the Summit were published on the Rackspace blog).

In preparation for the session, the following resources were created:
That one in the middle is important, as it is also where notes were taken during the actual session itself (see the section entitled "ODS Session Notes"). Devs at Rackspace have started going through the notes from the session and started planning work around this -- all of which will be carried on in the open, on the OpenStack mail list (tagged with "[Heat]"), on Freenode, and on github/gerrit.

The discussion at the Summit indicated strong interest in building a REST API for the existing autoscaling feature. Needless to say, there is a lot involved in this, touching upon significant OpenStack components like Quantum, LBaaS, and Ceilometer. Once the appropriate code is in place, a REST API will need to be created, features will need to be expanded/added, etc., and we'll be off and running :-)

Lots to do, and lots of great energy and excitement around this to keep us all chugging through this cycle.

On that note, we'd like to send out a special "thanks" to all the countless folks who worked so hard to make ODS happen. This event anchors us in a most excellent way, providing the insight and fuel that supports future development work so well!

Syndicated 2013-04-23 23:55:00 (Updated 2013-04-23 23:55:39) from Duncan McGreggor

Tea Time at Rackspace SF

One of the Rackspace teams here in the SF office doesn't to standups; it does "tea time" instead. A delightful change, to be sure. One of my coworkers published a Rackspace blog post about this today.

More than a gratutious reblog, I wanted to highlight this bit of lovely coincidence I came across while reading Turing's Cathedral last night:
"Afternoon tea— a ritual introduced at Fine Hall by Oswald Veblen, who, according to Herman Goldstine, “tried awfully hard to be an Englishman”— was served on real china daily at exactly three o’clock. According to Oppenheimer, “tea is where we explain to each other what we do not understand.”

Dyson, George (2012-03-06). Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (p. 90). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 
The part of the book where this quote occurred was discussing Fine Hall which was built for Von Neumann's computer team at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies.

And, yes, tea time is a great time for our team mates to explain to each other what they don't understand.

In case you missed it above, here's the link again:

Syndicated 2013-04-23 22:48:00 (Updated 2013-04-23 22:48:13) from Duncan McGreggor

Cruising HTTP with LFE

In the last post, you learned how to get LFE running on Ubuntu. This one will give you some insight into how LFE can be used in something approaching real-world problems. In the next post, we're going to jump back into the lambda calculus, and we'll see some more LFE shortly after that.

Because Lisp Flavored Erlang is 100% compatible with Erlang Core, it has access to all the Erlang libraries, OTP, and many third-party modules, etc.  Naturally, this includes the Erlang HTTP client, httpc. Today we're going to be taking a look at how to use httpc from LFE. Do note, however that this post is only going to provide a taste, just enough to give you a sense of the flavor, as it were.

If you would like more details, be sure to not only give the official docs a thorough reading, but to take a look at the HTTP Client section of the inets Reference Manual.

Note that for the returned values below, I elide large data structures. If you run them in the LFE REPL yourself, you can view them in all of the line-consuming glory.

Synchronous GET

Let's get started with a simple example. The first thing we need to do is start the inets application. With that done, we'll then be able to make client requests:

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