Older blog entries for nconway (starting at number 60)

Public Talk on Facebook Hive

The Berkeley DB group is hosting a talk about Facebook Hive this Thursday, at Soda Hall in UC Berkeley. Details and the abstract are below -- it should be an interesting talk! I'd encourage anyone in the area to attend -- if you need directions / parking suggestions / etc., just drop me a line.

Thursday, October 16th, 2008
606 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley

Title: Hive: Data Warehousing using Hadoop

Abstract: Hive is an open-source data warehousing infrastructure built on top of Hadoop that allows SQL like queries along with abilities to add custom transformation scripts in different stages of data processing. It includes language constructs to import data from various sources, support for object oriented data types and a metadata repository that structures hadoop directories into relational tables and partitions with typed columns. Facebook uses this system for variety of tasks - classic log aggregation, graph mining, text analysis and indexing.

In this talk we will give an overview of the Hive system, the data model, query language compilation and execution and the metadata store. We will also discuss our near term roadmap and avenues for significant contributions in terms of query optimization, execution speed and data compression amongst others. We will also present some statistics on usage within Facebook and outline some of the challenges in operating Hive/Hadoop in a utility computing model in fast growing environment.

Bio: Joydeep Sensarma has been working in the Facebook Data Team for the last 1+ year where he's taken turns coding up Hive, keeping Hadoop running, eating and sleeping in that order. He's really glad he no longer works on closed source file and database systems like he did for the last ten years.

Zheng Shao has worked in Facebook Data Team on Hadoop and Hive for about 6 months. Before that he worked in the Yahoo web search team which heavily uses Hadoop.

Namit Jain has been working in the Facebook Data team with Hive for about 6 months. Before that he was in the database and application server groups at Oracle for about 10 years.

1 Sep 2008 (updated 1 Sep 2008 at 00:58 UTC) »
System R

One of the classes I'm taking at Berkeley this fall is CS262a, which is the first part of their graduate-level introductory "systems" class -- looking at great papers and common threads among operating systems, networking, databases, and the like. One of the first papers we're going to discuss is "A History And Evaluation of System R", which describes the seminal DBMS built by a team of 15 PhDs at IBM Research from 1974 to ~1980. The paper is a great read, especially if you're interested in database internals. (If you're going to read the paper, I suggest Joe Hellerstein's annotated version, which contains a number of insightful comments.)

A few comments of my own:

  • The scope of the project goals and the completeness of the implementation is remarkable, considering the time period and the lack of other production-quality RDBMS implementations at the time. System R included a cost-based query optimizer, joins, subqueries, updateable views, log-based crash recovery, granular locking, authentication and authorization, a relational system catalog, prepared queries, and other sophisticated features. In fact, System R even had the ability to automatically invalidate and replan prepared queries when their dependent objects changed, a feature Postgres didn't add until 8.3 (and we still don't have native support for updateable views).
  • People often complain that SQL is a poorly-designed language. In many respects that may be true, but it's not because the design of the language itself was neglected: even in 1975, the System R team gave "considerable thought ... to the human factors aspects of the SQL language, and an experimental study was conducted on the learnability and usability of SQL." While the goal of having secretaries and other non-technical staff writing SQL queries was perhaps not achieved, SQL wasn't a hackishly-designed language, even if it sometimes feels that way :)
  • The initial System R prototype supported subqueries, but not joins. That seems an unusual order in which to implement features, although it does make some sense (JMH points out that neglecting joins makes the optimizer search strategy much simpler).
  • One interesting design choice is that System R generated machine code from the query plan, rather than having the executor walk the plan tree at runtime. While this design sounded exotic to me at first glance, it actually makes sense: on the hardware of the time, queries were much more likely to be CPU bound than they are today.

The notes from the 1995 System R reunion are also an interesting read, if you'd like to learn more about the politics and history of the project.

Grad School

I've decided to go back to school — I'm excited to report that I'll be starting at the PhD program in computer science at UC Berkeley in the fall, working with Mike Franklin and Joe Hellerstein in the Berkeley Database Group. I'm not sure yet if this means I'll have more or less time to work on community Postgres stuff.

AsterDB and Postgres?

Aster Data Systems are a database startup that have received a bunch of press recently. I've now heard from two different people that Aster are built upon Postgres, but their website is still pretty content-free, so it's hard to be sure. I wouldn't be surprised, though: it's hard to make the case for building a database system from scratch in 2008, especially in a startup environment.

10 May 2008 (updated 10 May 2008 at 06:15 UTC) »
The End of Moore's Law

I was reading "The Problem with Threads" by Prof. Ed Lee, and noticed the following claim right on the first page:

Many technologists predict that the end of Moore’s Law will be answered with increasingly parallel computer architectures (multicore or chip [multiprocessors], CMPs) [15].

This quote confuses me, because, to the best of my knowledge, Moore's Law has not ended, and the industry's move to multicore/manycore processors is not directly related to the imminent demise of Moore's Law. Moore's Law is the claim that transistor density in integrated circuits approximately doubles every two years. As far as I know, that remains basically true for the time being, and current speculation is that it will continue to hold for at least 10 years.

What is driving the move to multicore designs is that we can no longer effectively use those extra transistors to increase the speed of a single sequential instruction stream. Ramping up clock speed increases heat dissipation, and doesn't improve performance very much if memory latency doesn't significantly change. Techniques like caching, pipelining, and superscalar execution help, but only to an extent. Hence the move to multicore designs and chip-level parallelism.

That said, I'm definitely not a hardware guy, and doubtless Prof. Lee has forgotten more about processor design than I am ever likely to know. And when Moore's Law ends, that may well encourage the multicore trend even more—but my understanding is that the eventual demise of Moore's Law and the current move to multicore architectures are not directly related. I'm curious to know if I'm mistaken.

(As an aside, text quoted above cites "Multicore CPUs for the Masses" in ACM Queue as support for the claim that the industry is moving toward multicore designs. While that is true, the article makes no mention of Moore's Law.)


I noticed that the final report from the Science Database Research Meeting was released a little while ago. Worth reading if you're interested in how database technology can be applied to managing scientific data — they have some interesting ideas about both what problems need to be solved, but also how to develop those solutions into a product that scientists can use (via both an open source project and a startup company).

15 Apr 2008 (updated 15 Apr 2008 at 08:38 UTC) »
Kickfire and "Stream Processing"

I noticed Robert's post about the Kickfire launch. He mentioned Truviso — for whom I work — so I thought I'd add my two cents.

Kickfire is the company previous known as "C2App". I'm not familiar with the details of their technology, but the basic idea is to use custom hardware to accelerate data warehousing queries (this blog post has some more details). Using custom hardware is not a new idea — Netezza have been doing something superficially similar for years, with considerable success. In addition to custom hardware, Kickfire apparently use a few other data warehousing techniques that have recently come back in vogue (e.g. column-wise storage with compression, coupled with the ability to do query execution over compressed data). As an aside, I think that building a data warehousing product using MySQL is a fairly surprising technical decision.

One thing I did notice is that Kickfire's PR mentions "stream processing" repeatedly, and Robert's post suggests that the sort of stream processing done by Kickfire is similar to what Truviso does. This is not the case: the two companies and their products are very different. I'd guess that Kickfire are using the term because it's become something of a buzzword.

I'd like to talk more about Truviso on this blog in the future, but the basic idea behind data stream processing is to allow analysis queries to be performed over live streams of data, as the data arrives at the system. In traditional databases, in order to apply a query to a piece of data, you first need to insert the data item into the database, wait for it to be committed to disk (force-write the write-ahead log), and then finally run a query on it from scratch. When data arrives at a rapid pace and you need low-latency query results, this "store-and-query" model has terrible performance; it's also an unnatural way to structure a client application (you're essentially polling for results). Instead, a data stream query processor allows the user to define a set of long-running continuous queries that represent the conditions of interest over the incoming data streams. As new live data arrives, the data is applied to the queries to incrementally update their results; client applications can simply consume new query results as soon as they become available. This allows you to get query results that are always up-to-date, without the need to first write data to disk (the data can either be discarded, or else written to disk asynchronously). For certain domains, such as algorithmic trading, network and environment monitoring, fraud detection, and real-time reporting, the data stream approach often yields much better performance and a more natural programming model. For more info, see the talk on data stream query processing I gave at last year's PgCon.

So what does this have to do with using custom hardware to accelerate data warehousing queries? Not a whole lot. I'm guessing that Kickfire have co-opted the "stream processing" label because they push analysis queries down to the custom chip, and then "stream" the stored data over the chip, to compute multiple queries in a single pass. If you squint at it right, there are some similarities to stream query processing (in both cases, you only want to take one pass over the data), but fundamentally, Kickfire is trying to solve a very different problem, and using a very different set of technologies. Data warehouse engines like Kickfire (and Greenplum) are complements to data stream systems like Truviso (and Streambase, Coral8, and others), not supplements or competitors.

DBMS Internals for Undergrad Students

I noticed an interesting short paper on "Exposing Undergraduate Students to Database System Internals". Written by Joe Hellerstein at UC Berkeley and Anastasia Ailamaki at CMU, it describes their experience using PostgreSQL to teach courses that introduce undergraduate students to DBMS internals. This provides some context for the student projects on hash-based aggregation and other topics that have been occasionally mentioned on -hackers in the past (e.g. here).

10 Mar 2008 (updated 10 Mar 2008 at 21:09 UTC) »
Monitoring query progress

Monitoring the progress of a long-running analysis query is a cool problem -- it's been discussed on -hackers a few times in the past (e.g. by Greg Stark). In that thread, I pointed to some Wisconsin research on this topic (2004, 2006). That work was prototyped with Postgres. I just noticed that there's apparently a new project at the DB group at U of T that is tackling similar problems: ConEx. Apparently they are also using Postgres to build their prototype, which is always cool to see.

Semantic Web SIG Meeting

There's an interesting talk in Palo Alto on Wednesday: "Are Scalable Graph Data Applications Possible?". Speakers will include Sam Madden from MIT, Andy Palmer (one of the founders of Vertica), and someone from Franz Inc -- who are apparently selling an RDF database implementation, in addition to their long-standing Lisp-related products.

21 Feb 2008 (updated 21 Feb 2008 at 08:38 UTC) »
Data Management for RDF

I was talking to a database researcher recently about why the artificial intelligence community and the database community haven't historically seen eye-to-eye. The researcher's opinion was that AI folks tend to regard databases as hopelessly limited in their expressive power, whereas DB folks tend to view AI data models as hopelessly difficult to implement efficiently. There is probably some truth to both views.

I was reminded of this when doing some reading about data management techniques for RDF (the proposed data model for the Semantic Web). Abadi et al.'s "Scalable Semantic Web Data Management Using Vertical Partitioning" is a nice paper from VLDB 2007, and appears to be one of a relatively small group of papers that approach the Semantic Web from a database systems perspective. The paper proposes a new model for storing RDF data, which essentially applies the column-store ideas from the C-Store and Vertica projects. Sam Madden and Daniel Abadi talk about their ideas more in a blog entry at The Database Column.

Planet PostgreSQL readers might be interested in this observation in the paper:

We chose Postgres as the row-store to experiment with because Beckmann et al. experimentally showed that it was by far more efficient dealing with sparse data than commercial database products. Postgres does not waste space storing NULL data: every tuple is preceded by a bit-string of cardinality equal to the number of attributes, with '1's at positions of the non-NULL values in the tuple. NULL data is thus not stored; this is unlike commercial products that waste space on NULL data. Beckmann et al. show that Postgres queries over sparse data operate about eight times faster than commercial systems

(A minor nitpick: Postgres will omit the per-tuple NULL bitmap when none of the attributes of a tuple are NULL, so it is not quite true that "every tuple is preceded by a bit-string".)

The cited Beckman et al. paper is "Extending RDBMSs To Support Sparse Datasets Using An Interpreted Attribute Storage Format".

It's interesting that none of the leading commercial systems seem to use exactly the same NULL bitmap approach that Postgres does. The tradeoff appears to be of storage against computation time: eliding the NULL values from the on-disk tuple reduces storage requirements, but makes it more expensive to find the offset within a tuple at which an attribute begins, if the attribute is preceded by one or more (elided) NULL values. If NULL values were stored in the on-disk tuple (and no variable-width attributes are used), the offset of an attribute can be found more efficiently.

In practice, Postgres implements another optimization that mitigates this problem to some extent: as tuples are passed around the executor and attributes are "extracted" from the on-disk tuple representation, they are effectively cached using the TupleTableSlot mechanism. This means that the computation to find the right offset for an attribute in the presence of NULLs is typically only done at most once per attribute of a tuple.

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