Older blog entries for msa (starting at number 4)

I've tested the bugtracking system Mantis a bit. It's seems quite good for small enough projects, but some features seem to be missing. I'll say more when I've used it more... The maintainer seems to be active, which is a very good thing.

Civil got some nice gfx by TheCorruptor, very good-looking small infantry figures :). Can't wait to see the cavalry and artillery units! Made the editor faster, and added a primitive undo function.

Had my last exam on Tuesday, and it went quite well. Only things left are a laboratory work (deblurring of images) and the thesis... The course in computer vision has been interesting, even though it's quite basic stuff. But how i hate Matlab! As a programming language, it simply sucks bigtime and forces one to use bad solutions, because of a totally underdeveloped language. Argh!

Work on civil has been nonexistant for me, but others have been a bit active on the AI side. Sweet.

15 May 2002 (updated 15 May 2002 at 14:07 UTC) »

The JVM project is in! Whee! Final stripped executable is around 50 kilobytes, but we can hardly claim it is a complete CLDC virtual machine. In fact it does have several bugs. (Never trust software with a version number ending in ".0". Especially if it is called RedHat.) If the department starts coughing up money, people could be interested in continuing the work... I should probably put up a webpage for it, but now I'm so completely tired of it that a rest is needed.

Not much has happened. Patching up Civil every now and then with various stuff, but I wonder how much the gfx can be made faster without going to insane information keeping. Should start on a layer, but school gets in the way (yay, only 3 courses left!)

The JVM has the deadline tomorrow, and still some documentation should be written. Bah, everybody is fed up with it anyway...

Repository work is as slow as always, although I did make the autoresolution when joining two branches (or updating) to also work on "plain" attributes.

Hmm, first test of advogato diary. :) After a nice Labour Day I finally finished some work on civil. It shouldn't busy-poll between the networking and pygame events anymore, even though some small stuff probably needs fixing.

Some school stuff should soon be over, too. We have worked quite intensively on a simple Java Virtual Machine in a programming course. I'm worried there are a ton of subtle bugs left, but on the other hand the deadline is approaching and we deserve the credit units.

My Master's Thesis, a source code repository for MOF-based metamodels (e.g. UML), is going slow as usual... It has some rudimentary support for merging two branches, but the hard part is left: actually displaying conflicts in a nice and sane way, and then uploading the changes. Urgh.

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