22 Sep 2013 mjg59   » (Master)

Implementing UEFI Boot to Zork

One of the earlier examples of students using MIT computer resources to lay the groundwork for a later commercial endeavour, Zork was originally written in a LISP derivative called MDL. This was later tuned into the Zork Implementation Language, a domain specific language that was compiled to target the Z-machine rather than a specific piece of hardware. Combined with machine-specific Z-machine interpreters, this allowed rapid porting of games to a wide range of platforms - the only thing that needed to be rewritten was the interpreter, and that could be reused for any future games running on the same hardware.

Infocom were eventually acquired and killed off, but fan interest in their games continued. New Z-machine interpreters were written in order to allow their games (including Zork) to be run on platforms that Infocom had never targetted. One of the best known is Frotz. This has the advantage of being (a) portable and (b) including a "dumb" UI that makes no assumptions about the availablity of any vaguely useful functionality. Like, say, a Curses library.

So, Frotz seemed like the natural choice when this happened. But despite having a set of functionality that makes it look much more like an OS than a boot environment, UEFI doesn't actually expose a standard C library. The EFI Application Development Kit solves this particular design decision. Porting Frotz ended up involving far more fixing up of Frotz bugs that tripped up -Werror than anything else. One note, though - make sure you include DevShell in the list of required packages at build time, otherwise file i/o will mysteriously fail.

The tying of file i/o to the shell protocol unfortunately means that Frotz can't be directly launched by the firmware. The Boot to Zork images therefore contain a UEFI shell in the standard boot location (\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI) which is executed when the firmware attempts to boot the device. The shell then looks for a file called "startup.nsh" in the root directory of the boot device and executes it. Unfortunately this doesn't actually set the shell equivalent of the current device, and so just launching Frotz from startup.nsh fails when Frotz can't open the Zork data file. The solution for this is simple, if ugly - the script walks through the list of devices, looking for one that contains ZORK1.DAT in the root directory. It then changes to that device and launches Frotz. If Frotz exits, it then resets the system.

This could be avoided by doing some more work and turning Frotz into a more UEFI-native application. Teaching Frotz to make native UEFI calls would avoid the requirement for the shell protocols, and the firmware provides a mechanism to obtain the path of the currently running executable which would avoid the need to explicitly locate the device. But I'm lazy and this was a "I'm spending the day on a plane" project initially inspired by a Sazerac-fuelled conversation during the UEFI plugfest, not a demonstration of UEFI best practices.

UEFI Boot To Zork and the source code to the modified Frotz can be downloaded here.

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Syndicated 2013-09-22 18:17:46 from Matthew Garrett

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