Older blog entries for mishan (starting at number 92)

sub GtkHx {

I have done much work on GtkHx today. I weeded out many extra files and stopped my crackhead method of developing: I had a dir in which I developed GtkHx and my CVS dir which I occasionally updated. I now just have the CVS dir which I develop in, like a normal person heh. So now CVS will always be up to date and might be broken more often ;) I redid the webpage from scratch and did a lot of cleanup and weeded out a bunch of warnings. Also discovered how I could fix this one troublesome bug -- I intend to fix it tomorrow. No new features implemented but a lot of stuff fixed. Overall, a very productive day!


I woke up today around 10:30am (pretty early for a Sunday) with a strange feeling. It felt chilly and I realized something was wrong. Suddenly, everything just turned off. A power outage...The UPS in my closet started beeping. After a few minutes, I resolved to get out of bed and check on it. The server was not on. I thought that the UPS was broken as I never really tested it in a power outage. I angrily went back to bed and lay there for a while thinking..As my brain began working after my long slumber, I began thinking that perhaps I misconfigured my UPS. I went to go check on it and realized I had plugged my server into the surge protected outlet instead of the backed up outlet. BAH! I fixed this and was able to boot up my server normally. Power went back up at 12:10pm. Right now I am pretty angry at PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) for being so incompetent...

I finally released GtkHx 0.8. I had to do it as the Debian package had an important bug in it and my Debian Application Manager said I had to fix this, as a final "test" I suppose, before he would recommend me to the NM committee. There are a few bugs in it, but it is pretty functional.

Happy Birthday, jlp!

The Diablo II addiction is wearing off.. The ChronoTrigger addiction is taking its place...I have passed a large chunk of the game already (I must go to Death Peak and restore Crono.) I have a little progress on GtkHx...Tomorrow I will have time...Tomorrow I will work on it...I must release 0.8 ASAP...

Agh...For some reason I had the crazy idea of upgrading to 2.4.0-test8 from 2.2.17. I compiled it and booted fine -- compiled NVidia drivers fine. Started X and crashed. Tried again and crashed. Then I recompiled kernel without USB (thinking it was USB fault) and after I restart "kernel panic: cannot mount root fs"

So, I calmly thought to make Debian rescue disk and fsck -b 8193. No effect. Bad magic number. I spent about 20 mins ripping my hair out in #debian until a really helpful person by the name of fooz helped me out. fsck -b 32768 worked heh...I was so scared...I thought my sys was fsck'd (no pun intended =) .) Anyway, running off the 2.2.17 kernel fine. I think it is a problem with NVidia drivers -- I better wait for an update and possibly email the NVidia guys about this. Just thought I should post this as it is galileo's first major problem heh...oh well...it's 1am and working on homework...gahr...i wasted an hour fixing this...

25 Sep 2000 (updated 25 Sep 2000 at 07:06 UTC) »

I am pissed off. I was trying to burn a cd today with cdrecord and it kept on failing saying shmget failed. Many other apps said the same thing. So later I got curious and searched for "shmget failed linux." An article by telsa came up saying that GNOME apps take up 6 segments each and that many people only have 128 segments available. She continues saying that one must edit /usr/include/asm/shmparam.h and set _SHM_ID_BITS to a higher number and recompile kernel. I think this is really messed up that I must recompile my kernel for GNOME to behave. So, I edited my .xinitrc not to run gnome-session and I was able to burn my CD with no problem! I'm probably going to be flamed for this, but what the hell is up with that? aaronl has a point that GNOME apps take too much memory. I'm probably just going to be using GNOME panel from now on since that is the only reason I ever used GNOME anyway. Maybe later I'll move off of that too. It seems GNOME's approach is to change the universe (recompile kernel) to solve a problem instead of changing itself (use less ram). bah.

Oh yeah, the article is at http://www.linux.org.uk/~telsa/GDP/gnome-faq/problems.html

21 Sep 2000 (updated 22 Sep 2000 at 01:13 UTC) »

Diablo II strikes again! Did a little work on GtkHx but spent until 4AM playing Diablo II. Helped aaronl with de-GNOME-ifying Gnapster by rewriting the menus using GtkItemFactory, at school. Not much else accomplished. Have a lot of work to do this weekend.

I finally discovered the major bug I had with using XText last night. I worked on GtkHx until 2am. Right now, I have chat 100% working with XText (no indentation/separator yet) and transparency. I think News is working, but I must get home to test this. Testing stuff via the "screenshot method" sucks. I need to work really hard to get the 0.8 release out the door.

Well, school is alright so far. The new schedule is completely illogical. Unfortunately, the school revised their policy of using library computers -- you must do only school work on them. This is very stupid especially since they are not used most of the time either. I am planning a way around this however...Worked on GtkHx today trying to implement XText widget, however it is being stubborn. Is anyone here familiar with it? I copied the examples from X-Chat and Gnapster and when I insert text it does not display...

Have my work cut out this weekend: buy school supplies, setup my UPS backup, setup my tape drive, do homework, and figure out the fricken bug in my code...

Also, I've noticed something very very evil. One, I saw a student trying to login to some "Yahoo Investment Challenge" and it complained that he needed a parent's permission to use this. What the hell is up with that? They don't have the right to do that! Just because a person is under 18, a "minor", doesn't mean he/she has to ask parents all the time if he/she can take a piss or play some goddamn investment challenge. Goddamn crackheads...The present world is a pretty screwed up place.

Just got back from vacation -- I was at Mammoth lakes.. Pretty boring place. I had the opportunity to get free unlimited internet access but I accidentally took the wrong modem (this one overheats and malfunctions in a matter of minutes.) I was able to get on for 5 minutes at a time to check email -- I had to take the pcmcia card out, put it in a plastic bag, and stick it in the freezer for 30 mins. The laptop really sucks and is what makes the modem overheat -- although it should be able to stand the heat just like my ethernet pcmcia card. Oh well....Been trying to implement XText widget into GtkHx but couldn't get it to work. I need to finish a bunch of C++ excercises from a book before Thursday, for AP Comp Sci. I have a stupid school matriculation ceremony to attend on Wednesday and I have to finish reading the worst book I have ever read -- "Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf. The matriculation ceremony is awful too. They make us wear formal clothes (evilness!!) and sit for 30 minutes with no shade and listen to a stupid speeches. Then we have to sign some book, swearing that we will uphold some "honor system." Anyway, it sucks, but at least they feed us.

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