Older blog entries for mglazer (starting at number 10)

PHPortal Ownership is based on the first row in the top user table with the id = 1. That user is the top owner and the only one with access to the control panel of that specific PHPortal instance.

At the same time other users can belong to the local access role of 'owner'. This would enable said user, if user had access permissions to the 'takeOwnership' method, to take ownership of a object and its subobjects from another user even another user in the same 'owner' role.

Again, even with all that said only the top level user, which cannot be deleted, can have access to the control panel of the management interace.

21 Jun 2002 (updated 21 Jun 2002 at 07:13 UTC) »

I have also been working on Object Ownership and the userfolder app. In the userfolder app there is an added method named 'store'. This method allows you to identify a unique or shared table that is different that the default used for that specific object instance.

In the user table there are two indices one called PID (parent identifier) the other OID (object identifier). PID signifies parent id. One user may be a child of another user made so by the relational pid. The OID signifies the userfolder Object instance that the user belongs inside. The oid is a relational key from the main objects table id integer of that specific userfolder object instance.

In regards to object ownership there can only be one owner per object which is based on the user who edited or created said Object. a Objects capabilites are limited to the users access permissions. Therefore, if a user cannot addFiles to a folder object he created but then another user who does have those writes edits his folder or takes ownership of the folder then that user would be able to then addFiles to that folder object.

The control panels access can never be overwritten. The master of a PHPortal instance is the user id =1 which also cannot be deleted. The control panel methods cannot change ownership either.

The 'take ownership' (of objects) method is only available to those users who acquire that permission based on the master's settings for his local user roles.

I added two content type transformations to PHPortal today RTF (rich text format) from MSFT and OPML which is from scripting.com. In the RTF notice the properties menu.

NOTE: all content type transformations can use alternative templates as well as sending arrays or other strings besides the defaults.

Global Shared Tables for PHPortal sites, apps, and their relations.


1 => 4arrow 2 => devsnet


1 => document 2 => method


1 => ('1','1') 2 => ('1','2') 3 => ('2','1') 4 => ('2','2')

19 Jun 2002 (updated 19 Jun 2002 at 22:11 UTC) »
XML NameSpaces in PHPortal Object Documents. The optional comments tag in return XPC-TAGS inside of Document Objects in PHPortal are going to be replaced with XML namespaces.
instead of the current comments
<!-- start document index //-->
<!-- finish document index //-->

Now it will be like so <xpc:data type="document" name='index'> content... </xpc:data>

The usefullness in this will be measured in many respects. In the short term, better content handling in regards to content transformations will be vastly improved. Such as this to text...

Two more ToDOs

9. XML DB layer, text DB Layer

10. XMLRPC as layer include all three layers

PHPortal ToDos

1. Removing use of members templates how its done now to the more natural manner.

2. Removing my personal hacks of it so I can publicly release it.

3. Editing all files to move from transitional XPC TAGS

    1. 4arrow.com
    2. dev.4arrow.com
    3. corp.4arrow.com
    4. eservices.4arrow.com
    5. magz.4arrow.com
    6. coding.4arrow.com

4. XML doc app

5. Site's App

6. Owner's of Objects users/docs etc...

7. Central Command for all PHPortal sites access to Owner

8. Graphing Example

I wrote a short entry about PHPortal Object URI properties

Also with links to additional documentation on PHPortal via my other weblog Coding@4Arrow.

PHPortal Pre-Beta Version 0.2 is Released!.

Minor and Major Bug Fixes, Minor and Major Enhancements:

+ Added JavaScript Format Transformation
+ Added Microsoft Agent text-to-speech Translation Format Transofrmation
+ Added support for XSLT / XML / XSL format transformations with or without the Sablot Extensions.
+ Fixed, streamlined, and improved Properties Control Panel
+ Added RC4 Encryption and Decryption to Passwords and Control Panel encrypt / decrypt textarea using RC4 and Passphrases..
+ Broke apart sessions table into four tables (log, log_archives, sessions, and actions ('actions' not standard use as PHPortal Expression optionally)) sessions contain all active users per site.
Log includes a 24 hour period of detailed website statistical information. log_archives contain a log statistical synopsis per day per row. Actions contains all GET and POST requests as IP logs and can be used to detect hacking attempts against your website does not coem standard and auto-install like the other three due to hits high level of customizations that are required and is therefore optionally available via a PHPortal expression method..
+ Added a Site Backup option in the Control panel that can email, save local, or allow a download of your complete SQL and/or your server files, your HPortal dynamic generated site as static in a zipped filed structured directory, and import SQL data.
+ Added Cron Emulation and a management interface in the Control panel which is only accessible to 'owner' role and uses a shared table in one DB due to its minimal usage.
+ Streamlined XML- RPC allowing use of the new PHP XMLRPC builtin extensions as a automatic option or without.
+ Streamlined and fixed management security per object settings.
+ Added XPC-URI tag as a transitional one that will be usd to replace the current internal calls using XPC-EXP, XPC-MTH, XPC-APP, and XPC- INC.
+ Added a History table for Undo actions in the Management panel as a audit tool for each Object.
+ Fixed lots of minor bugs like the spanning pages of results and the tree view in the left nav.

PHPortal API details. Some particulars to note about the PHPortal API.

The code flow in a nutshell is as follow:

A PHPortal Object is based on a URI in a virtual file folder system. Each Object contains a 'type.' A Object Type is the Application hanlder run on-call to process the URI Object requested. The App Handler can return a string or array representation. The APP handlers's return is used by the format core library to present the end user's request in the content-type requested. The default content-type is html to request a different and available content-type to handler the same URI Object you would add that extension such as /index.xpc.text to gain a text view of the URI Object index.

Content-types process both strings and arrays of a URI Object. The String and or array sent to the specific content-type interpolates those values with a default or specified content-type template to present to the end user.

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