Older blog entries for mdupont (starting at number 46)

Dear Richard Baumann,

You were trolling on slashdot, and insulting me in a Cowardly way. Here is my response!

You wrote ""By the way, you forgot to mention that you were unbanned from the project.""

I think you are imagining things again, when was that?

And nice trick with downmodding my thread. Great job, that way you can make sure that people dont find out the truth.

In fact, I cannot even reply to your lies. That seems to be your defense. Gagging and Blocking the truth. Great job, Do you think that you can get away with that for long?

It is only a matter of time until the truth will come out.

I guess I need to get a gang of people to mod *up* my thread. You know, normally you cannot mod up and down things on your own thread. But if you have enough people to help then it is not a problem.

You wrote : ""You harassed Rhys so much he almost left the project completely just so he wouldn't have to deal with you anymore."" Well, I was happy to be off the mailling list, the only thing that really is a problem is when bugs are being hidden from the public.

I was one of the stupid people who believed in dotgnu, I believed in pnet/c. I used it and it did not do what it promised. Infact it could not compile anything of value to me.

What did I do? I reported the bugs. So what if I could not fix them myself.

What did Rhys do? He fixed the bugs, and quickly!!

but at the same time said that my contributions are worth *ZERO* nothing, nada.

Why would he constantly fix these bugs, and spend time on things that are worthless?

Because they were not worthless. The point is that rhys is being two faced and backpeddling. That is just another sign of bad management practices.

You wrote : ""Does attempted blackmail ring a bell?""

I will find someway to make sure that your unfair practices get enough publicity, just wait. That is not blackmail, that is what you get back when you kick someone too often!


Because my comments about pnet where modded down to nothing as offtopic, I think that I need a place to post my complaint.

I would like to Just wanted to point out that I have produced the most bug reports for pnet at the time (currently 54 bug reports in the system ).

One good thing I have to say about Rhsy is that he fixes bugs quickly!

My sometimes harsh and questioning nature that brought me to free software is sometimes too much for people to take.

I bitched and moaned alot about dotgnu implementing patent-endanged code instead of following thier original plan.

My complaining got me banned from the project.

Now instead of accepting reports about this buggy software that would warn people that it is not usable on really challenging code (like libx11 or the gcc) that I was compiling with it.

The author rhys tried to *gag* me.

I complained to savannah about this here

In the end, he of course appreciated my valid bug report and fixed them like all the other ones.

The arguments that my bugs are not valid really dont hold water if all of them are fixed. The reality is that the software was lacking major testing, and that my reporting of all these bugs reflected that unstable state.

The funny thing it the backpedling you can find in the bug history , the bug is turned from invalid to fixed! "Mon 02/16/04 at 23:41 rweather resolution_id Invalid Fixed"

So, I would really think twice before spending your time working on pnet/c, because the developers are trying to hide bugs from you! (the ones that I reported (Real bugs))


Via Seths Gnome blogger. the blogger api server we are now able to post NEWS and Data to the introspectors blgos.

Via the XML RDF Bankend, we can publsh information.

The future of the introspector will be via huge blog databases with all the information in them.

23 Dec 2003 (updated 23 Dec 2003 at 16:06 UTC) »

Why pay for rss syndication from blogger.com/google?

You can just use cwm to process your blog in n3 format emitted by this archive template blog2n3.template

You can install this template in the standard blogger to emit your blog to another format.

thanks to deltab for iconv support "iconv -t utf8 -f windows-1252 index.n3" to convert my blog into something readable

Example n3 from the introspector Example Results

I have put together a list of things with the number 357 (was 357 words before formatting)

  • It is the number of square feet of paper about the J.F. Kennedy asassination

  • Is the callibur bulllet killed kennedy

  • In the number of dallas television show episodes

  • In the lodge number, po-box number,phone number of many masonic lodges

  • The page number of the book, Evidences and Reconciliations, the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith that indicates the founders of the mormon where masons.

  • The number of an elks club and boyscout lodge

  • The number official killed americans in the first phase of the iraq war!

  • The number official killed people in Pneumonia in Bangladesh: HERE

  • The number of minutes in the lord of the rings parts I + II

  • The number of verses in the book of daniel, that describes the apocolypse

  • The booknote number that talks about the Masons here

  • In latin as a roman numeral CCCLVII

  • A magazine where you can submit entrys with that many words here

  • The line number in faust where he talks about how much effort he put into his studys.

  • The count of words in Shakespear's King Lear

  • The page number in the buddist bible entitled Awaking of the Faith : Mahayana Shraddhotpada Schastra

  • According to here defined as 357 Anus, ambush, embroil, iniquity

  • The line number of usages of the terms iniquity in the bible

  • The number of Enos who is a son of Seth

  • The page number of the here that talks about the swan symbol and the mundane egg

  • The number of songs in this collection "... that we love to sing" here

  • It is not a prime : 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359

  • The name of a algorithm for creating primes here

  • It is an rfc here
5 Dec 2003 (updated 5 Dec 2003 at 15:33 UTC) »

Dear all, Here is a longer post of mine that should summ up my ideas on freedom in education.

Just found this new post: Stallman's Recent essay on Schools

It was linked from The Gnu-Friends

Which has an article from Sirian S11 Article on GNU Friends

Who is a leading member of the fsedu project The FSEdu Project

Now, what I would like to point out here, is an important point that came up in my discussions with Red HatAdvogatoArticle

What are the rights of a natural person? Do they have the rights to use free software? Do they have the rights to use only free software? My answer is yes: that is a right that they have, untill it is taken away or sold.

If we analyse the transactions leading up to the loss of rights, you will see the breaking points:

  • The school gets software and in turn sells the rights of the students to use Free Software.
  • The teacher requires that the student submit assignments using non-free file formats.
  • The student buys student licensed software with the added conditions that they are monitored for illegal usage.
  • The school has an online course that is only usable using non Free Software.

In order to save money, people resort to illegal copying:

  • The schools install new pcs with software that is not licensed.
  • The student installs illegal copies of the non-free software in order to be able to fulfill requirements
  • Courses that would be possible are not done because of lacking budget for software.

All of the possiblities are happening today in schools around the word. People's rights are being sold out to software vendors, with the follow ups of surveilence of the students and illegal copying to offset costs.

This illegal activity is a result of the original step of the decision to sell the rights of the students to use free software. A downward spiral ending in the criminalization of the students and teachers gets put into place.

The proper solution to the problem is to use only Free Software in the schools. For that to happen however, the Free Software community needs to be able to deliver the solution. And we need to make people aware of the dangers of non-free software in education.

The awareness is the problem however for many reasons :

  • The educational sector is lacking in general any idea of freedom. They are completly used to having to buy text books, buy software, pay for expensive and freedom-robbing solutions. When you come with software that is free, then you are fighting against an entrenched non-free community that really does not appreciate it.

  • The OSS(Open Source Software) companies are making a large amount of money off of non-free learning materials and courseware. The entire Red Hat academy is corrupted, in my opinion, with non-free software. This lacking of support from even the OSS industry makes it harder to get support in the community.

  • The students are not aware of thier freedoms. They are taught from the beginning to accept the non free software, to respect licenses. They are being taught to be consumers in a right-less society where they are just digging deeper the hole of IP. It is very scary and difficult for them say no. There needs to be a support organisation for that saying "no" to take place. And many people are scared of "rocking the boat". If they are going to an good school, they might be already aware of the inbalance in the rights of the people, and be learning to exploit that for thier own benefits. Thus, the students might not see Free Software as to thier own advantage!

  • The teachers: Teachers are gaining from the lack of rights. People producing learning materials do not want to have these materials easily copied, because they lose revenue. They are used to non-free software and see it as a loss to give up on them and learn new software.

  • The government: May people in the boards of education are dealing directly with software vendors. They are becoming pushers of non-free software and selling the rights of thier students.

The requirements for a solution are following.

  • Education in rights

    The first thing that people need to learn about is their rights. They need to understand what basic rights they have. We need courses in software licensing and contractual law for people to learn about how to read contracts. People need to be able to submit contracts for review to a body of experts for classification and help.

  • Whistelblowing

    We need a central way for students and teachers to blow the whistle on schools. When a student is forced to install non-free software, or sees that a school is installing more licenses than they have, we need to track that in a database. In fact, it might be needed that students register what software is installed so that it can be checked if it is licensed.

    That is one way to promote free software: eliminate the usage of illegal versions of non-free software.

  • Means of payment

    The only real way to provide educational materials that are of high quality is to provide for a way for people who work on them to live! If there is no payment, then there is no way to ensure quality.

    One idea that we have come up with is a framework for allowing people to create content and sell that. The idea would be that people would provide content to fulfill a curicula, and that subscribers would pay for that to be created. They would receive a copy of the content and also online support and tutoring from the teacher, for which they would pay. The end result would be that the results are published under a Free license that allows for reuse of the content. The course would be financed by the payment for the service of teaching and testing which is reimbursed. The same applies for the supporting of schools with installation and support services. Only when there exists a infrastructure for supporting a large school that is cost effective will free software succeed in schools.

  • Awareness and activism: The final solution is activism. There needs to be a way to promote Free Software in the schools, the boards of education and the government. We need a way to deliver this software to the people and to support them. This can only happen when there is a respectable and solid basis for it.

In total the prospect of Free Software in education is very bad. It will be a slow process that might only happen when there is a generation change in our society. It can also be that our society is not ready to accept the social and political revolution that is brought by the giving freedom back to the students.

mike removed typos, fixed grammer BAD SPELLERS OF THE WORLD: UNTIE!!

I have been thinking about this issue of implementing patent endangered code in the dotgnu and mono project. (the Winforms)

See : Mail1 Mail2

  • You need to track who is working on that explicitly because of the danger of patents being approved. Not all people can work on all parts, depending on what country they are fron.

  • People need to be warned that if they contribute to that project the thier work can be thrown out and made invalid if the patents are granted. Otherwise

  • The license of patented endangered software is not GPL compatible because there are restrictions on who can work on them.

All in all what is needed, in my humple opinon is a way to mark the software as being in danger. I would suggest that the dotgnu project move all this code that is part of the MS patent application into a new project. That project will need to have a different license text on it, and have some type of access control for the commits.

I think that is the only fair way to handle the situation, otherwise you will have people who are contributing to what they think is free software, only to have the rug pulled out from under thier feet.


One important aspect that is should mention is that this providers a fulll access to the gcc interface via code generation and subsequent execution. That creates the possibiltly to require that the users of that generated code make thier derivitive works under the gpl. That just might solve the wishes of those who want only free software to interface to the gcc..

peace, mike

I have released a new version of the introspector, a proof of concept, something you can look at and learn from. A self contained demo program that allows you to graphically explore the structure of a almost any program that you can compile with the gcc!

It features the introspector ice cube. The ice cube contains a superfast and compressed extract of the semantic data of the program that can be compiled in as a lib and loaded into memory in miliseconds.

The graph alogorithms are also very fast on constant size arrays of object!

Hopefully It will become the new way to embed a static semantic resources into your new programs.

We then slice the ice cube for each by Property into nice thin C arrays.

It has a gcc tree extracted out of the dotgnu pnet idlasm code emit function. That means i have reversed engineered an free software component.

The results of the reverse engineering are stored in a rdf repository. This has cwm,perl, and shell scripts doing semantic processing of the data. An redland RDF repository is used to interface into the guts of the gcc compiler.

The asts are serialized by a patched gcc3.4 experimental -fdump-translation-unit, you can find the source code in the cvs.

That is emitted into rdf and converted by a perl script into a ice cube.

That are served into slices of data, each attribute its own vector that has the length of the number of nodes in the selected rdf property. There is in fact a matrix of all the objects and relationships between them stored in the Array.

This program contains just the linux binary of the program that has all this data compiled into an ICE Cube :

That is emitted into a inline c array for compiling into the target program.

Please join up on the list, come to the #introspector chat zone on freenode.net, and jabber me at mdupont@nureality.ca

Just had an idea :

What about a simple signed rdf description of the things that you want to sell? Like UDDI, but just a RDF file.

Then you can post all of that to the web, register yourself with a search machine and buyers can grab the stuff from you.


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