Recent blog entries for marius

Another very busy day [again, it's not over]. Andrew came over to do some math homework and we ended up inventing a game involving a nerf-like boomerang and a can of compressed air. We also found a way to implement the can of compressed air to the phone in order to make heave breathing noises. We also did some math :) Then watching Monty Python.

Today has been a very busy day (and it's still not over). All of a sudden finding out that Comdex is in town, then getting down there. Comdex wasn't that great, except for the Sun and SGI booths, no Linux related material there :( And not a lot of freebies either :/ Oh well -- I'll have to get myself to a real Linux expo some time.
Did tons of school work, so not at all much hacking. It's 1:30 [am] here now and I'm not going to sleep for a while (until I've finished my work). Hopefully I will sleep.

Joined Advogato :) I worked a bit on together with Erik. Experimented with some graphics, and reached a nice layout. Now, both of my Enlightenment patches are in CVS :) Lots of physics, lots.

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