6 Feb 2003 josef   » (Journeyer)

Counting down the hours till it starts, while the latest KDE is still compiling on my iBook. Since we plan to build a compilation cluster so we can be more productive during the weekend, some sort of cross-compiler setup is needed, which isn't even prepared because I had no time at all. Counting down the minutes...

I will use the time to fixup some bugs in own applications, mostly because a month after that I'll give a presentation at LinuxTag Chemnitz. Scary I'm the only one who speaks about games. I should start a 2nd open source identity in areas like security or MS Windows compatibility, that would raise the chance for speeches :)

United Soap opera of America
What will the next term be US war minister Rumsbums uses to describe us? Did anyone tell him already that in Europe we still eat each other and haven't invented the wheel yet? Someone send him a letter so he knows for sure, together with a map so he can find that strange Yurop thing.

I hate being political but all the nasty war planning that is going on disturbs the feeling of hacking.

Another soap opera
Starring a little programmer who still has a cold...

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