26 Mar 2009 johnw   » (Master)

Journey into Haskell, part 6

Another thing to be learned down the Haskell rabbit-hole: Thinking in infinites. Today someone posed a puzzle which I tried to solve in a straight-forward, recursive manner: Building a list of primes. The requested algorithm was plain enough: > Create a list of primes "as you go", considering a number prime if it can't be divided by any number already considered prime. However, although my straightforward solution worked on discrete ranges, it couldn't yield a single prime when called on an infinite range -- something I'm completely unused to from other languages, except for some experience with the SERIES library in Common Lisp. ## An incomplete solution Looking similar to something I might have written in Lisp, I came up with this answer: primes = reverse . foldl fn [] where fn acc n | n `dividesBy` acc = acc | otherwise = (n:acc) dividesBy x (y:ys) | y == 1 = False | x `mod` y == 0 = True | otherwise = dividesBy x ys dividesBy x [] = False But when I suggested this on [#haskell](irc://irc.freenode.net/haskell), someone pointed out that you can't reverse an infinite list. That's when a light-bulb turned on: I hadn't learned to think in infinites yet. Although my function worked fine for discrete ranges, like `[1..100]`, it crashed on `[1..]`. So back to the drawing board, later to come up with this infinite-friendly version: primes :: [Int] -> [Int] primes = fn [] where fn _ [] = [] fn acc (y:ys) | y `dividesBy` acc = fn acc ys | otherwise = y : fn (y:acc) ys dividesBy _ [] = False dividesBy x (y:ys) | y == 1 = False | x `mod` y == 0 = True | otherwise = dividesBy x ys Here the accumulator grows for each prime found, but returns results in order whose value can be calculated as needed. This time when I put `primes [1..]` into GHCi it printed out prime numbers immediately, but visibly slowed as the accumulator grew larger.

Syndicated 2009-03-26 13:00:00 (Updated 2009-03-23 05:28:45) from Lost in Technopolis

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