Older blog entries for joey (starting at number 548)

propellor type-safe reversions

Propellor ensures that a list of properties about a system are satisfied. But requirements change, and so you might want to revert a property that had been set up before.

For example, I had a system with a webserver container:

  Docker.docked container hostname "webserver"

I don't want a web server there any more. Rather than having a separate property to stop it, wouldn't it be nice to be able to say:

  revert (Docker.docked container hostname "webserver")

I've now gotten this working. The really fun part is, some properies support reversion, but other properties certianly do not. Maybe the code to revert them is not worth writing, or maybe the property does something that cannot be reverted.

For example, Docker.garbageCollected is a property that makes sure there are no unused docker images wasting disk space. It can't be reverted. Nor can my personal standardSystem Unstable property, which amoung other things upgrades the system to unstable and sets up my home directory..

I found a way to make Propellor statically check if a property can be reverted at compile time. So revert Docker.garbageCollected will fail to type check!

The tricky part about implementing this is that the user configures Propellor with a list of properties. But now there are two distinct types of properties, revertable ones and non-revertable ones. And Haskell does not support heterogeneous lists..

My solution to this is a typeclass and some syntactic sugar operators. To build a list of properties, with individual elements that might be revertable, and others not:

        & standardSystem Unstable
        & revert (Docker.docked container hostname "webserver")
        & Docker.docked container hostname "amd64-git-annex-builder"
        & Docker.garbageCollected

Syndicated 2014-04-02 17:09:02 from see shy jo

adding docker support to propellor

Propellor development is churning away! (And leaving no few puns in its wake..)

Now it supports secure handling of private data like passwords (only the host that owns it can see it), and fully end-to-end secured deployment via gpg signed and verified commits.

And, I've just gotten support for Docker to build. Probably not quite work, but it should only be a few bugs away at this point.

Here's how to deploy a dockerized webserver with propellor:

host hostname@"clam.kitenet.net" = Just
    [ Docker.configured
    , File.dirExists "/var/www"
    , Docker.hasContainer hostname "webserver" container

container _ "webserver" = Just $ Docker.containerFromImage "joeyh/debian-unstable"
        [ Docker.publish "80:80"
        , Docker.volume "/var/www:/var/www"
        , Docker.inside
            [ serviceRunning "apache2"
                `requires` Apt.installed ["apache2"]

Docker containers are set up using Properties too, just like regular hosts, but their Properties are run inside the container.

That means that, if I change the web server port above, Propellor will notice the container config is out of date, and stop the container, commit an image based on it, and quickly use that to bring up a new container with the new configuration.

If I change the web server to say, lighttpd, Propellor will run inside the container, and notice that it needs to install lighttpd to satisfy the new property, and so will update the container without needing to take it down.

Adding all this behavior took only 253 lines of code, and none of it impacts the core of Propellor at all; it's all in Propellor.Property.Docker. (Well, I did need another hundred lines to write a daemon that runs inside the container and reads commands to run over a named pipe... Docker makes running ad-hoc commands inside a container a PITA.)

So, I think that this vindicates the approach of making the configuration of Propellor be a list of Properties, which can be constructed by abitrarily interesting Haskell code. I didn't design Propellor to support containers, but it was easy to find a way to express them as shown above.

Compare that with how Puppet supports Docker: http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/use/puppet/

docker::run { 'helloworld':
  image        => 'ubuntu',
  command      => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"',
  ports        => ['4444', '4555'],

All puppet manages is running the image and a simple static command inside it. All the complexities that puppet provides for configuring servers cannot easily be brought to bear inside the container, and a large reason for that is, I think, that its configuration file is just not expressive enough.

Syndicated 2014-04-01 08:22:41 from see shy jo


Whups, I seem to have built a configuration management system this evening!

Propellor has similar goals to chef or puppet or ansible, but with an approach much more like slaughter. Except it's configured by writing Haskell code.

The name is because propellor ensures that a system is configured with the desired PROPerties, and also because it kind of pulls system configuration along after it. And you may not want to stand too close.

Disclaimer: I'm not really a sysadmin, except for on the scale of "diffuse administration of every Debian machine on planet earth or nearby", and so I don't really understand configuration management. (Well, I did write debconf, which claims to be the "Debian Configuration Management system".. But I didn't understand configuration management back then either.)

So, propellor makes some perhaps wacky choices. The least of these is that it's built from a git repository that any (theoretical) other users will fork and modify; a cron job can re-make it from time to time and pull down configuration changes, or something can be run to push changes.

A really simple configuration for a Tor bridge server using propellor looks something like this:

main = ensureProperties
    [ Apt.stdSourcesList Apt.Stable `onChange` Apt.upgrade
    , Apt.removed ["exim4"] `onChange` Apt.autoRemove
    , Hostname.set "bridget"
    , Ssh.uniqueHostKeys
    , Tor.isBridge

Since it's just haskell code, it's "easy" to refactor out common configurations for classes of servers, etc. Or perhaps integrate reclass? I don't know. I'm happy with just pure functions and type-safe refactorings of my configs, I think.

Properties are also written in Haskell of course. This one ensures that all the packages in a list are installed.

installed :: [Package] -> Property
installed ps = check (isInstallable ps) go
        go = runApt $ [Param "-y", Param "install"] ++ map Param ps

Here's one that ensures the hostname is set to the desired value, which shows how to specify content for a file, and also how to run another action if a change needed to be made to satisfy a property.

set :: HostName -> Property
set hostname = fileHasContent "/etc/hostname" [hostname]
        `onChange` cmdProperty "hostname" [Param hostname]

Here's part of a custom one that I use to check out a user's home directory from git. Shows how to make a property require that some other property is satisfied first, and how to test if a property has already been satisfied.

installedFor :: UserName -> Property
installedFor user = check (not <$> hasGitDir user) $
        IOProperty ("githome " ++ user) (go =<< homedir user)
                    `requires` Apt.installed ["git", "myrepos"]
    go ... -- 12 lines elided

I'm about 37% happy with the overall approach to listing properties and combining properties into larger properties etc. I think that some unifying insight is missing -- perhaps there should be a Property monad? But as long as it yields a list of properties, any smarter thing should be able to be built on top of this.

Propellor is 564 lines of code, including 25 or so built-in properties like the examples above. It took around 4 hours to build.

I'm pretty sure it was easier to write it than it would have been to look into ansible and salt and slaughter (and also liw's human-readable configuration language whose name I've forgotten) in enough detail to pick one, and learn how its configuration worked, and warp it into something close to how I wanted this to work.

I think that's interesting.. It's partly about NIH and I-want-everything-in-Haskell, but it's also about a complicated system that is a lot of things to a lot of people -- of the kind I see when I look at ansible -- vs the tools and experience to build just the thing you want without the cruft. Nice to have the latter!

Syndicated 2014-03-30 07:51:59 from see shy jo

subverting hierarchy with git

Did you ever want to be able to tag your files, and use the tags to query and select the files you want? For many sorts of files we use, this is clearly better than being locked into a single hierarchial view of nested directories.

Semantic file systems are a way to do things like this. But that's an entire separate filesystem, often implemented as a FUSE layer. I have never wanted tagging enough to take on that layer of complications.

A week ago I realized that there was a way to do this without using an entirely separate filesystem. When we use git, we're used to having different views of our files, called branches, that we switch between.

What then, if a git branch were generated from tags and other metadata that meet a query, providing a custom view that meet the user's current needs and could be incrementally refined.

Here's a short screencast demoing these views.
And here's a walkthrough for setting it up.

To build this, I needed a nice way to store metadata in git, and since git-annex happens to have a very nice way of using git as a database, I naturally built it on top of git-annex.

This means that the tags and other metadata are automatically synchronized between different clones of the repository. Multiple users can be tagging and setting other metadata at the same time, and their changes will merge in a consistent way.

I have a long list of things to do to fully integrate views into git-annex. However, they're already basically usable, and I'm very pleased with how these dymanic views of the contents of a repository are working out.

Today's release of git-annex includes views support, so give them a try!

Syndicated 2014-02-21 18:04:45 from see shy jo

what charlie's missing about bitcoin

(Posted as a comment to Charles Stross's blog post about bitcoin)

Bitcoin is a piece of software which tries to implement a particular SFnal future. One in which the world currency is de-centralized, deflationary, all early bitcoin adopters own their own planetoids, and all visitors are automatically charged for the air they breath.

Thing is, the real world is more complicated than that. Assuming Bitcoin did manage to become an important currency, countries would naturally try to regulate it. In 30 years, by the time bitcoin mining has slowed right down, the legal system will be fully caught up to the internet.

Bitcoin tries to make its code the law (as Lessig used to say), but the law can certainly affect its code.

The law could, for example, require that bitcoin be changed to stop increasing the difficulty of mining new blocks. Then bitcoin is suddenly an inflationary currency. This would be a hard fork in the block chain, but one enforced by financial regulators. Miners would be tracked down and forced to comply. Some would perhaps go underground and run the deflationary bitcoin network on TOR hidden services. Lots of possible ways it could play out.

That's only one scenario, covering one of the many problems with Bitcoin that make Charlie hate it. So it seems to me that Bitcoin should be a gold mine for Science Fiction authors, if nothing else..

Syndicated 2013-12-18 20:40:23 from see shy jo

completely linux distribution-independent packaging

Sometimes it makes sense to ship a program to linux users in ready-to-run form that will work no matter what distribution they are using. This is hard.

Often a commerical linux game will bundle up a few of the more problimatic libraries, and ship a dynamic executable that still depends on other system libaries. These days they're building and shipping entire Debian derivatives instead, to avoid needing to deal with that.

There have been a few efforts to provide so-called one click install package systems that AFAIK, have not been widely used. I don't know if they generally solved the problem.

More modern appoaches seem to be things like docker, which move the application bundle into a containerized environment. I have not looked at these, but so far it does not seem to have spread widely enough to be a practical choice if you're wanting to provide something that will work for a majority of linux users.

So, I'm surprised that I seem to have managed to solve this problem using nothing more than some ugly shell scripts.

My standalone tarballs of git-annex now seem fairly good at running on a very wide variety of systems.

For example, I unpacked the tarball into the Debian-Installer initramfs and git-annex could run there. I can delete all of /usr and it keeps working! All it needs is a basic sh, which even busybox provides.

Looks likely that the new armel standalone tarball of git-annex will soon be working on embedded systems as odd as the Synology NAS, and it's already been verified to work on Raspbian. (I'm curious if it would work on Android, but that might be a stretch.)

Currently these tarballs are built for a specific architecture, but there's no particular reason a single one couldn't combine binaries built for each supported architecture.

technical details

The main trick is to ship a copy of ld-linux.so, as well as all the glibc libraries and associated files, and of course every other library and file the application needs.

Shipping ld-linux.so lets a shell script wrapper be made around each binary, that runs ld-linux.so and passes it the library directories to search. This way the binary can be run, bypassing the system's own dynamic linker (which might not like it) and using the included glibc.

For example a shell script that runs the git binary from the bundle:

  exec "$GIT_ANNEX_LINKER" --library-path "$GIT_ANNEX_LD_LIBRARY_PATH" "$GIT_ANNEX_SHIMMED/git/git" "$@"

I have to set quite a lot of environment variables, to avoid using any files from the system and instead use ones from my tarball. One important one is GCONV_PATH. Note that LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not have to be set, and this is nice because it allows running a few programs from the host system, such as its web browser.

worse is better

Of course I'll take a proper distribution package anytime over this.

Still, it seems to work quite well, in all the horrible cases that require it.

Syndicated 2013-12-17 01:38:16 from see shy jo

2013 git-annex user survey

Similar to the yearly git user survey, I am doing a 2013 git-annex user survey.

If you use git-annex, please take a few minutes to answer my questions!

Since this blog post is too short, let me also announce a minor spinoff project from git-annex that I have recently released.

git-repair is a complement to git fsck that can fix up arbitrarily damaged git repositories. As well as avoiding the need to rm -rf a damaged repository and re-clone, using git-repair can help rescue commits you've made to the damaged repository and not yet pushed out.

I've been testing git-repair with evil code that damages git repositories in random ways. It has now successfully repaired tens of thousands of damaged repositories. In the process, I have found some bugs in git itself.

Syndicated 2013-11-22 17:16:57 from see shy jo

new and old laptops

I've had a new laptop for a couple months. It's a lot larger and faster than my old Dell Mini 9 netbook, which I somewhat famously used exclusively for 5 years.

The new laptop is a Lenovo Yoga 11, and its screen can bend all the way back and around to under the keyboard, converting it to a tablet. (Held together with some quite powerful magnets, it turns out.. when did those become ok to have around computer equiment?) This is a feature I've always felt laptops should have, especially after the Mini 9, which couldn't even open out to flat. Although since the accelerometer is not yet working under Linux, and Linux GUIs are not very well suited for tablets, I have so far mostly used the feature for a) reading and b) cleaning that usually hard to reach area around the hinge.

Anyway, this is a laptop that wants to be a tablet, including all the bad parts, like a hard to remove battery. (20-some torx screws, according to the service manual.) Yesterday I made the mistake of running down the battery all day, and when I plugged it in, after a gloomy grey day, there was not enough oomph in the house's battery bank to recharge a hungry L-ion battery.

So I was stuck using my old laptop for several hours, with its battery removed, and its lack of fan making it a nice warm lump. It felt kind of like driving around in an old VW bus, everything is awkward and slow, and yet somehow also charming, and at the end you wonder how you put up with it for so long.

These machines and the ways they influence us..

Syndicated 2013-11-18 16:14:58 from see shy jo

license monads

This could have been a blog post about toothbrushes for monkeys, which I seem to have dreamed about this morning. But then I was vaguely listening to the FAIFCast in the car, and I came up with something even more esoteric to write about!

License monads would allow separating parts of code that are under different licenses, in a rigorous fashion. For example, we might have two functions in different license monads:

foo :: String -> GPL String

bar :: Char -> BSD Char

Perhaps foo needs to use bar to calculate its value. It can only do so if there's a way to lift code in the BSD monad into the GPL monad. Which we can legally write, since the BSD license is upwards-compatable with the GPL:

liftGPL :: BSD a -> GPL a

On the other hand, there should be no way provided to lift the GPL monad into the BSD monad. So bar cannot be written using code from foo, which would violate foo's GPL license.

Perhaps the reason I am thinking about this is that the other day I found myself refactoring some code out of the git-annex webapp (which is AGPL) licensed and into the git-annex assistant (which is GPL licensed). Which meant I had to relicense that code.

Luckily that was easy to do legally speaking, since I am the only author of the git-annex webapp so far, and own the whole license of it. (Actually, it's only around 3 thousand lines of code, and another thousand of html.)

It also turned out to be easy to do the refactoring, technically speaking because looking at the code, I realized I had accidentially written it in the wrong monad; all the functions were in the webapp's Handler monad, but all of them used liftAnnex to actually do their work in the Annex monad. If that had not been the case, I would not have been able to refactor the code, at least not without entirely rewriting it.

It's as if I had accidentially written:

foo :: String -> GPL String
foo = mapM (liftGPL . bar)

Which can be generalized to:

foo :: String -> BSD String
foo = mapM bar

I don't think that license monads can be realistically used in the current world, because lawyers and math often don't mix well. Lawyers have, after all, in the past written laws re-defining pi to be 3. Still, license monads are an interesting way to think about things for myself. They capture how my code and licenses are structured and allow me to reason about it on a more granular level than the licences of individual files.

(I have a vague feeling someone else may have written about this idea before? Perhaps I should have been blogging about monkey toothbrushes after all...)

Syndicated 2013-10-30 15:17:57 from see shy jo


Here in the US, the Affordable Care Act is finally going into effect, with accompanying drama. I managed to get signed up today at healthcare.gov. After not having health insurance since 2000, I will finally be covered starting January 1 2014.

Since my income is mosty publically known anyway, I thought it might be helpful to blog about some details.

I was uninsured for 14 years due to a combination of three factors:

  1. Initially, youthful stupidity and/or a perfectly resonable cost/benefit analysis. (Take your pick.)
  2. Due to the US health insurance system being obviously broken, and my preference to avoid things that are broken. Especially when the breakage involved insurers refusing to cover me at any sane level due to a minor and easily controlled pre-existing condition.
  3. Since I'm not much motivated by income levels, and am very motivated to have time to work on things that are important to me, my income has been on average pretty low, and perhaps more importantly, I have intentionally avoided being a full-time employee of anyone at any point in the past 14 years (have rejected job offers), and so was not eligible for any employee plans which were the only reasonable way to be covered in the US. (See point #2.)

So, if you're stuck waiting in line on healthcare.gov (is this an entirely new online experience brought to us by the US government?), or have seen any of the dozen or so failure modes that I saw just trying to register for a login to the site, yeah, it's massively overloaded right now, and it's also quite broken on a number of technical levels. But you can eventually get though it.

Based on some of the bugs I saw, it may help to have an large number of email addresses and use a different one for each application attempt. It also wouldn't hurt to write some programs to automate the attempts, because otherwise you may have to fill out the same form dozens of times. And no, you can't use "you+foo@bar.com" for your email; despite funding the development of RFC-822 in the 80's, the US government is clueless about what consititutes a valid email address.

But my "favorite" misfeature of the site is that it refuses to let you enter any accented characters, or characters not in the latin alphabet when signing up. Even if they're, you know, part of your name. (Welcome back to Ellis Island..) I want to check the git repository to see if I can find the backstory for these and other interesting technical decisions, but they have forgotten to push anything to it for over 3 months.

The good news is that once you get past the initial signup process, and assuming you get the confirmation mail before the really short expiration period of apparently less than 1 hour (another interesting technical choice, given things like greylisting), the actual exchange is not badly overloaded, and nor is it very buggy (comparatively). I was able to complete an application in about an hour.

The irony is that after all that, I was only able to choose from one health insurer covering my area on the so-called "exchange". (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) I also signed up for dental insurance (it was a welcome surprise that the site offers this at all) and had a choice of two insurers for that.

The application process was made more uncertian for me since I have no idea what I'll end up doing for money once my current crowdsourced year of work is done. The site wants you to know how much income you'll have in 2014, and my guess is anywhere between $6000 (from a rental property) and about what I made this year (approx $25000 before taxes). Or up, if I say, answered the Google pings. The best choice seemed to be to answer what I made this year, which is also close to what I made last year.

So, I'll be paying around $200/month for a combination of not very good health insurance, and not very good dental insurance. There is around $750/year of financial aid to people at my guesstimated 2014 income level, which would drop that to $140/month, but I will let them refund me whatever that turns out to be in a lump sum later instead.

For comparison, I am lucky to spend rather less renting a three bedroom house situated in 25 acres of woods..

It's strange to think that all of this is an improvement to the system here in the US, especially given all the better options that could have been passed instead, but it seems that it probably is. Especially when I consider the many people around me who are less fortunate than myself. If you'd like a broader perspective on this, see Tobias Buckell's "American healthcare was already socialized by Reagan, we’re just fighting about how to pay for it".

Syndicated 2013-10-02 22:33:10 from see shy jo

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