10 Oct 2000 jbowman   » (Journeyer)

Mmm. Been reading Illuminatus a lot lately. That book, combined with sinfest are usually enough to bring me out of just about any funk. So far, it's working.

The updated version of openssh that RedHat released as an errata package works nicely now. It fixed the odd MAC corruption error-thingy that I was experiencing when connecting to my ssh-2.3.0 box at work, which is a plus. However, it still does the odd "keep the session alive" trick. Time to go Bugzilla something else.

Noticed my monitor was doing strange wavy/sweepy lines again today. Started getting worried that it was going bad, so I went through and tightened all the connections and unplugged the component cable from the back (my monitor has dual-inputs :). Those two actions combined seem to have fixed things. My screen is once again it's usual self, which is at a slightly slower refresh than I'd like (the default 60hz, when the monitor should be able to do at 70). If stare at large solid-colored portions of the screen (like Advogato's background while I'm typing this) I can see the monitor refresh itself. Ugh, eyestrain.

I need some way to generate custom modelines for Xfree86 4 for a 1920x1600 resolution. Anybody have any, or know of a program to generate them for me? The programs I've seen so far don't seem to support 1920x1600. Then again, from most of the people that have seen my desktop, 1920x1600 doesn't seem to be compatible with their eyes. And yes, I can read it just fine. :)

suso was grumbling was grumbling about his randomsig program not parsing newlines in his quotes file. Browsed through the thing a bit with him and help him find out where the heck it was eating the newlines. Turns out the module he uses to do linewrapping was the culprit. I suggested he just borrow the necessary functionality and implement it in randomsig, but he just sighed and shook his head. So I'm going to try and hack it in myself, just as soon as I find that copy of the latest randomsig I have lying around somewhere... Hrrrrm....

Today was a surprisingly productive day. Did a round of security upgrades at work (RedHat security announcements are always so much fun). Pondered really odd masquerading problems that one of our clients was having (still no clue what's going on... yet). Finally managed to get ahold of a technician and get a time scheduled for them to inspect my television, which has been doing this strange crackling thing with the picture. The tech was actually quite helpful, suggesting that something inside the tube itself might be arcing, thus explaining the "snap" sound I hear and the instant of screen flicker that I get. I'm glad I got the extended service plan on the thing now...

Tomorrow shall be more pokings at the strange masquerade problems, a nice meeting in the morning with some more clients about setting up another Linux colocated server (whoohoo! :) and more general fun. Ah, it's nice when a Monday gets off to a good start. Of course, this just means it's going to ambush me during the week sometime... Mondays always get their revenge.

Days RedHat has ignored my glibc bug report: 7
Days since SSH first promised to take a look at my patches and haven't actually done so yet: 24

[ "Save tonight and fight the break of dawn... Come tomorrow... Tomorrow I'll be gone." ]

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