Older blog entries for ishamael (starting at number 36)

31 Oct 2001 (updated 31 Oct 2001 at 21:30 UTC) »
yakk: ill second that.
its been a while
Phoon: uhh, yeah, do be careful with caffeine. its more addictive than a lot of illegal stuff, and a lot worse for you. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/caffeine/caffeine.shtml.

updated my web site again. urbana.diablonet.net. wow.

college kicks ass.

college sucks.

when was the last time i slept?

how curious, if you turn on 'always use my colors' in netscape, no one has certification colors designating their el33t-ness. methinks it shall stay this way.

I dont have any news or anything to report, just wish to comment on the whole mirwin and certification thing.

shut the hell up

thank you for your time.

28 Aug 2001 (updated 28 Aug 2001 at 06:41 UTC) »
Alcohol sucks
Too bad Phoon. I like ithought. If you hadn't said anything, maybe I'd have let it slide. :) Personally, I don't think I should be a Journeyer either, but I figure that as long as I'm here, I should spread the wealth.

I am addicted to PHP. Damn. (read: did more on my web site instead of doing productive, important things, like homework)

I have discovered the best game ever. I am not at all a sports person, in fact, I despise most physical activity of that sort. But. Ultimate Frisbee is.... awesome. I cant think of the proper word to describe it.

Oh, and Go deekayen Go!

Do a real drug
Thank You
I'm not complaining, mind you, but how on earth did I get cert'd as a Journeyer. Furthermore, and I'm not trying to be mean or anything, how did compiler get to be a Journeyer. Oh well, whatever. I guess its cool ;)

I'm taking Math 242 at UIUC this semester. In 10th grade, I took 'Intermediate Calculus' and 'Calculus III' at Kalamazoo College. In 11th grade I took 'Advanced Calc' at the Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center. In 12th grade I took DiffEQ and a stat class at Western Michigan University. One might say I am very well versed in mathematics for a freshman. Then WHY the HELL am i taking MATH 242 at college!?!?!? sigh. I should have passed out of this shit. its the same old thing, again, for the third (or fourth?) time. god damn.

Its only monday, and I'm already counting the days until Friday. This can not be good.

And good bye

I finally got around to redoing and updating my web page, it uses some (imho, but that doesnt count for much) clever little php scripts to cross link/reference all the [few] pages. Well, at least I think its cool :)

And, on that note, I must say that PHP kicks ass *grin*

I've done a lot on prontoc recently. The Gtk+ 2.0 conversion is nearly done, and I'm actually moving on to new code, rather than fixing broken things. IMAP is done, in the backend, but there is no easy way to configure it, and at that I'm kinda stuck. I can't think of a decent enough way to do the configuration dialogs. The easiest thing, for my backend, would be to consider IMAP a 'Store' and have it separate from the 'Accounts' but, that is, of course, stupid. sigh. Looks like I have a lot more work to do :(

I've been at college for about a week. It is pretty much everything I expected. I had a few problems with my first roommate, but bitched and moaned until I was moved, its all good now. Most of my classes seem pretty entertaining (oh, and slightly educational), and I'm actually out and meeting people and doing things (a strange first for me).

race you home

/me applauds dan. who cares about all this code red stuff? most of us arent running a vulnerable system. most of us arent running any kind of web server. those of you who are, good. you can seem l33t by having more code red requests than me. yippie.

in much more interesting news, (well, interesting to me, at least), my struggle with gtk 2.0 continues. ive actually got most of prontoc converted to using it, and in the process wrote a lot of crappy imap code.

a friend of mine recently purchased an airport card for his ibook for use on my linksys base station, and on another friend's who hes rooming with at college. now, the curious thing is, it refuses to work with my base station, but works flawlessly with my friends. we have different models (i have the befw11s4 and he, the model lower without a 4 port switch), and the same set up. its quite strange. but whatever i suppose, as long as itll work for him at college. i dont suppose anyone else has stumbled across such an oddity?

and, on the topic of college, i move in in two weeks. this has prompted me to hurry up imap development in prontoc (since uiuc uses only imap, no pop3 :( ).

free $martyr

since im not certified enough to post to the latest article, ill post my thoughts here.

i agree 100% with Iain. read his posts.

my problem with the whole situation is that it is a Russian citizen being detained by an American law. now, im no lawyer, or even a law abiding citizen all the time, but that seems like utter bullshit. he does his thang in russia, comes to america, is arrested, and is still detained. what am i missing? (please dont answer, its completly retorhical, and i dont want to see a lot of 'free dimitry' things in peoples diaries)

sigh. the whole thing is just so.. stupid. hell, thinkgeek already has a tshirt for it. hell, i felt better saying 'Free Kevin'

friday afternoon, i got the "great" idea to use gtk/glib 2.0 for prontoc, since its going to be out "soon" anyways, and the switch should be done sooner rather than later. there are glib features i can really make use of, and gtk features i can work around. makes sense, right?

fast forward to the present, sunday night. gtk 2.0 is the most over complicated, ugly, bastardized pos ive ever seen. well, ok, maybe not. but.. god damn. the "new, flashy, super cool, solve-all-your-problems" tree/list widget is slower than GtkCList! i thought this was one of the major gripes about CList? its *SLOW* it would be really nice to have a Fast table widget. like.. oh, i dunno, ETable, without having to go install a dozen gnome libraries. i do have respect for the new Text widget, cause its cool. but that doesnt help my current state much.

in still other news, i saw the new planet of the apes movie. it was good. worth 5.50. could it have been better? yes. could it have tried to follow the original to any extent? yes. could it have had a better ending? yes. did it? no. so what?

i go to college/university in 3 weeks. i called my roommates last week, and was.. dumbfounded. is it just me, or is the idea of purchasing/renting a microwave for a dorm a foolish endevour? why on earth would you need such a thing? plan on buying a lot of meals, nuking them yourself? my roommates were.. shocked to hear me say "im bring my computers, my music, and my clothes. thats it. why? what else would i need?" apparently people these days need lots of things, like.. a TV. and VCR/DVD player. and a Microwave. and an Expensive Stereo System with Lots of Bass. and Furniture. sigh. there had damn well better be enough room for me in my room.

imprison $martyr

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