Older blog entries for ingvar (starting at number 196)

Handling of lives is under way.

Tank AI no longer computes FOV as if it was at (0.0; 0.0) but at the actual tank position (this, no messing, improved the aiming and stuff a LOT).

We now handle collisions between missiles and the camera (read "player") by simply deducting a life. Drawing of small tanks in the infobar is in progress (build a list of points off-set from X and Y fed in as parameters, feed to XLIB:DRAW-LINES, with filling).

There might, just might, be a 0.3 ready tomorrow.

So, the AI is somewhat les sstupid, things no longer shoot themselves, annoying "why are enemy tanks not displayed?" bug has been fixed, there is now automatic replenishment of tanks and landscape as it gets shot up.

I think that means "time to link!". So, without further ado, I give you Pantzer, a cheesy wire-frame "shoot tanks" game. NB, at the moment, you can't be killed. That's, admittedly, a bug. But it's a cool bug. It'll be fixed when I've decided on such pesky things as "how many lives".

Oh, to start, load the system, then run (net.hexapodia.pantzer:ui-loop) (if you want an inter-frame delay that's longer than the default 0.1 seconds, give the delay as an optional argument). Oh, yes, make sure to have CLX around, otherwise the display won't work.

Smarts improved, I think. Alas, the tanks are now amusingly-stupid enough to shoot themselves (this is, as they say, a BUG; the missile materialises within the tank instead of in front of the tank). Tanks no longer share a missile-firing barrel with the player (that was another bug, as they say).

Alas, last re-compile finished just about in time for me to kiss my wife good-morning and amble in the general direction of work.

The enemy tanks now have some smarts (or should I say "stupids"?). They turn and twist and occasionally shoot. Unfortunately, they are displaying a preference for driving away from the player. This is, as they say, suboptimal.

Back to doodling on Pantzer (a "drive a tank through wire-frame landscape" game). I now have enemy tanks. They're apallingly stupid (they know how to move forward in a straight line). Hopefully, I shall be alert enough tomorrow morning to make them a wee bit smarter (essentially, "if you can see player, turn slightly to get a better angle and move quickly; otherwise, turn randomly, preferring to stick with the last used angle and move slower"). This should be slightly fair, even though the player moves at a fixed speed.

THings seems to have settled, if you fancy playing with pre-release code, the python server and client code is available and so is the Common Lisp client library. The latter is ASDF-packaged and will be wanting a serving of trivial-sockets on the side.

o, I've been prodding code. As a matter of fact, I have (mostly) written a client library for creek, in Common Lisp. It was, not ioverly surprising, quicker to write than the Python library. Part of that is down to "I am more used to it", but parts is the ability to skip verbiage.

Most of the protocol glue is handled liek so:

(defmacro defprotofun (namedes (&rest args) &optional doc)
  (let ((fname (if (symbolp namedes) namedes (car namedes)))
        (pname (if (symbolp namedes) namedes (cadr namedes))))
    `(defun ,fname ,args
       ,@(if doc (list doc))
       (send (list ',pname ,@args))
       (parse (creek-read *server-stream*)))))

(defprotofun take (item)) (defprotofun (list-maps listmaps) () "Return all maps defined on the server")

This is because the protocol is designed to be human-friendly and quite close to what you'd do in code, so the "trivial" functions are (essentially) "build a protocol string, ship to server, read response, parse response" (object creation and object cacheing is part of the parsing stage).

After I wrote the first two glue functions, i noticed that they were, effectively, identical and thouhg "Ah, macro time!". I then realised that a few of the protocol command were somewhat unlispish, so the macro got modified to accomodate a (possible) split between "lisp function name" and "protocol call". Then I added the option to add doc-strings.

As soon as the server is slightly more ready and a bit more tested with both client libraries and test-installed, there will be tarballs (one for the python stuff and a signed package suitable for asdf-install).

Apparently, I've been a bit lax in making known what things are and have so, inadvisedly, caused confusion.

The latest hack is "creek", a client/server workflow thingie back-ending ontyo a MySQL database (changing it from MySQL to something else that is (a) supported by Python and (b) has DictCursors should be fairly simple, I am, as far as I know, staying WELL within the standard SQL syntax).

Main reason why naming it might've slipped my mind is taht I've been doodling on it back and forth for the last three years (most coding has been done within the last 3 months, with some coding being done late 2003 and early 2004, most notably the reader for the network protocol).

So, creek is nearing enough maturity to be released on an unsuspecting world. I've been thinking on (a) what more I want and (b) what's the minimal extras needed.

  • License (provisionally, MIT-licensed)
  • Client library for C
  • Client library for Lisp
  • Client library for Perl
  • client library for Python (DONE, I think)
  • Better documentation
  • Built-in support for submaps
  • Map visualization
  • ACL "editor"
  • ACL "dumper"

Combined with this is some slight worries regarding packaging. I was hoping that the Python "disutils" package would allow me to auto-build tar files in the form and shape I wanted, but it seems as if the "sdist" option only picks up the source and leaves other things out. I guess I could do ad-hoc packaging (after all, that's almost what I do when I release CL packages, build-asdf-package is a bit too ad-hoc and requires at least one manual step; I've been considering routes around that, though, introspecting into the ASDF data, but so far nothing stable-enough has gelled).

Harking back to submaps... At the moment, it's sort-of doable (set up a split/join, with one split transit heading straight to the join, the other pointing at "the submap" and have the submap end up with a destructor AND run a separate daemon to go through the item inventory and push through any item that resides only in a join). This is all cumbersome and ugly, but...

To fix it would require two new state types (submap-split and submap-destruct) and possibly a third (submap-join). It would also need another database table (essentially a "submap stack"). But, darn, I can see it coming in handy.

Ah, well. Another day.

Back on the air, after many tribulations and revelations about the down-side of modern motherboards ("fail to boot off SATA" and "not enout PATA" is, in essence, the problem).

Old source packages should be back on their usual place. Old essays likewise. The only essay that didn't get enough air-time was Document management and workflow (thus an extra plug).

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