Older blog entries for iDunno (starting at number 39)

Well, its been a while since the last post so here goes...

I've now taken a different approach to the OAI-PMH layer for cocoon, using Xindice as the backend and writing my own 'crawler' solved a *LOT* of the problems I was having with using Lucene. Almost got bits working now, GetRecord is more or less done, just about to start writing in the rest of it. Its not back for 2 XSP files, a Xindice database, and a couple of stylesheets all in all :)

Had a reasonable week at work so far too, which is good, even got to go home early yesterday (*YAY*). Hoping to have a demonstratable copy of the OAI stuff by the end of tommorow, which will be nice :)

Been a bit of a pain that I have been stuck in this office with the phones most of the week rather than doing exclusive OAI work, but hey, it could have been worse. Generally I've not been bothered and have been able to get on, but it would have been nicer to have been in the other office with my home machine :)

Hey ho, anything else? Probably. Dunno what yet though...

Maybe more later. Lets see :)

Well... its all good fun, innit. Been playing with PRCS with slef and the jewel project. We've now got the icon menu more or less sussed, only bug that I can see currently is that when we have windows with no titles they appear as blank entries in the menu (which is a pain), thinking about fixing this using the WM_CLASS as the text.

Still need to get the root menu sorted for jewel, but that's currently behind getting a debian directory in there so that we can create .deb files quickly and easily from the source tree (which will be handy).

Still hacking at OAI when I get the chance, should get lots of time to play in the next couple of weeks (*YAY*), and hope to have a working version by the end of it.

What else? oh, life, well... currently a little skint which is fun so awaiting payment at the end of the month. Also got a bloody parking ticket for parking in a street that I have a permit for, grrr. Sent them a letter today, hope that that should get sorted by the end of next week.

Think that's it for now :)

cooo - so, its been quite some time since my last entry then... well... what's happened? hrm. we've made more changes to jewel, got all manner of fixes in there now, including changes to the keyboard handling (not being able to change desktops with the numlock key on *REALLY* bugged me) and some changes to the icon menu so that it now also lists normal windows.

Also got the oai components to compile in to cocoon without cocoon falling over, so hope to get some more done to actually use them (the current XSP doesn't work, not sure where its wrong though, it could be the java behind it at fault...). Still not sure if I'll stick with lucene for it, but I need a test case before I can tell.

Well, having now met savs other half I must say that I'm quite impressed, she's attractive, intelligent, and well travelled... not to mention that she didn't run on meeting "us lot". Best of luck to him.

29 Jun 2002 (updated 30 Jun 2002 at 19:44 UTC) »

Right - been doing some playing with cocoon and stuff since the last entry, now got a sort of OAI view working, and just need to implement the harvesting side of things, taking quite some time to develop due to getting back from work and not feeling like touching a machine quite regularly at the moment. Hope to get "quite a bit" done on it tommorow, but there's no garauntees.

In other news... its almost time to go to the pub and harass savs and his other half. Hell, its only taken him 3 years to doing sommit about it... best of luck to him, will comment on views later, maybe (after meeting the poor girl).

Thats is for now!

Nyet. Grr. Was in the office yesterday morning to fix a couple of small issues (like a server falling over). Ho hum, that's the way it goes some days though... Its all up and working now which is good, as is the all singing all dancing PII 300 running tomcat, c2, apache et al, hopefully we'll start shifting things off the now somewhat old p150 that's currently handling our php sites.

In other news, I'm currently looking at ways of bolting OAI2 into cocoon, and hope to have a prototype version done by the end of the week. Its been a while since my last battles with cocoon, and Sundays bouts with Cocoon 2.0.3-dev where non fruitful, it appeared to break on such useful things as sub sitemaps, which is all well and good until you want to read the documentation. Got round it by using the 2.1 branch.

Oh, and now I get to go home early *YAY*

Ho hum... bad bad bad day at work, headache setting in, MDs that just don't understand that you don't need to pay £500 for something stupid like Adobe PhotoShop (grrr) and that for what we do free software is a far better plan... they just don't appear to understand the principles, development lifecycle and and stability of free software. I'm getting the feeling that they're just not going to learn (grrr).

Anyways - enough of that... at least I don't have to sit in front of a windows machine all day (even if I do have to support windows users, and mac users). I'm quite happy with my little linux machine... except I appear to be suffering a HDD failure, my /home partition keeps keeling over, which aint fun, keeps remounting readonly and then not letting me mount it rw, even after fsck.

Ahhh well, picking stuff up for savs's bbq tonight, ready for sunday and the first england game of the world cup.

Hrm - well, the plan was that I'd finish work today and then do some hacking on jewel and other stuff, unfortunately I kinda ended up having to play with my handbrake cable and then just didn't feel in the mood for much coding. Just finished listening to War of the Worlds, its superb, I'd recommend listening to it to anyone. Read lots more of the Wasp Factory today too, excellent book, can't see why I've not read Iain Banks before, superb author.

Arggghhhhhh - jewels made it in to a BSD port, so I really need to do some other tidying in there RSN (sorry slef, I know I'm slacking, I'll be back at it tommorow, I hope).

Well, its now sunday afternoon, was out drinking last night with savs, Chicago, david, elise and caz. Elise kindly lent me her copy of "The War of the Worlds" CDs and The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks so I think that's where most of my day is going, will probably hack some more on jewel later as it appears to have a *REALLY* frustrating bug in its desktop changing code, but I'm not sure why... maybe we're not grabbing keystrokes in the root window anymore? Will have to look at this more closely later, its really starting to bug me. The menu I added yesterday to do desktop switching is now in the new release and has come in really quite handy.

Might play some more with puredata later, if I get bored.

Right - well, so far today I've hacked a Goto Desktop menu in jewel, changed what SIGHUP does when its sent to it (before hand it was just stopping the windowmanager, now it actually restarts it, seemed more sane to me). Am probably about to go on a spree of STL rewrites for the goodies, but I'm going to wait for the next release of jewel first so that I can make sure I'm in sync with the current sources.

In other news, I've been hearing a lot about pure data over the last couple days, sounds quite cool, wish I could work out how to use it properly, I'll play some more at some point, cos it appears to be able to do some sick sick things.

And life just seems to be trundling by quite nicely at the moment, which is always good :)

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