Older blog entries for i0lanthe (starting at number 23)

ha, new iLarn version released. Now it is time to get back to making iRogue "take advantage of" HandEra 330 foo.

toys - Have I said the cheapie backordered Palm IIIc showed up on my doorstep? It did, couple days ago, along with a delivery dude and a clipboard to sign. I can now belatedly confirm all the things everyone has said before, which is, they are nice for gaming, really ideal in dark rooms, no use whatSOever in bright sunlight of course, and the "regular" writerights really-truly will make your brain explode (I will have time to pick up some "color" writerights this weekend, I hope, which a friend says are all-around better than the current "regular" ones anyway; will find out if the 12pack I bought like 3 years ago ever runs out). Also, the iiic definitely has a larger feel than my Visor Deluxe (it's green but not jealous). A fine test unit. I feel all serious or something, having spare hardware to test on. Luxury! [insert Monty Python skit here]

whack-a-mole debugging - Still working on getting the 0.25 alpha of iLarn ready for takeoff as described in a previous entry. Aw, heck, maybe I should just release tonight; it wouldn't be an alpha if there weren't still some bugs, right? (On the gripping hand, not sure I feel like putting in the effort of a release right now, when it could be put off til the weekend, and give me a really weak excuse to continue putting off yard work.)

Whew. Just finished changing the strings on my guitar (happy little Seagull S6). They sound much better than the old dead ones, but boy it was kind of tedious though not as nerve-wracking as the, errr, 11-string guitar, which is similarly about a year overdue for the operation. (How can people stand to do this every month? Maybe they get better at it? :-)

iLarn - It is an iLarny evening. Fixed the DND store bug I mentioned yesterday. Wrote a small new survey regarding the little four-button popup form.

To do - Unfortunately, no time for any of it this weekend but that's another story. The iLarn map still needs @ and stair squiggles re-inserted; then, zip up a 0.25 alpha for sourceforge, freshmeat, and turn on the survey. Maybe the backordered IIIc will show up by then.
Sometime, I also ought to grovel in the crashy iLarnSaveDB.pdb that a user submitted a while back, since the emulator doesn't crash it for me no matter which ROM I use. Must remember to do this.

Reality - Got back from demo-land, yesterday. Consumed by email and stuff, today. This weekend has already been allocated for ungeeky things (unless operating a consumer GPS counts).

Fantasy - Maybe I can get some debugging done on.. um.. Friday night. Yeah. Chiefly I would like to uncover the doubtless-trivial-and-stupid reason why the store in iLarn went AWOL when I upgraded to SDK 3.5 in the current CVS snapshot. Wait, I don't think there were enough acronyms in that sentence, let me try it again.

IIIc is backordered. sob.

Happy birthday to [someone who isn't here].

Time to pack, to go to a friend's wedding in another city, come home long enough to sleep, then leave for a demo in a city in the opposite direction. This is a little weird even for me.

Handera - The contest deadline seems to be extended a few weeks, to July 2, 2001. Odds are much better that I will have a Handerified game or two ready by then.
I am vaguely wondering whether "Comply with PalmOS UI Guidelines" includes "oh, and move all the modal dialogues down an inch if the virtual silkscreen is minimized" which (a) I'm not actually sure how to do yet and (b) is not done by the modified standard applications on the modified POSE I downloaded either.

Shopping - I ordered a IIIc from Palm just for testing color (telepathically they sensed my crying need and lowered rates for developers last week or so). Alpha testers can breathe a little easier.
The ice FlipCover that I ordered for my Visor has arrived.

House - Computer move has been postponed while we do some rewiring. heh.

Consistency is definitely not the hobgoblin of Handera developer documentation.

Rainy day. Gearing up to move all the computers from this room to another room. This will require much moving of other things first, for the other room is non-empty.

... back from ICSE ...

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