16 Apr 2003 garym   » (Master)

I'm not a fonts person. I appreciate nice typography, and I understand the science of legibility in principle, but the actual choosing of one font over the other and placing it all on a page strikes me as a shade short of voodoo, like the people who actually have a use for all 64 of the hues in the Crayola box.

Today I fixed my X11 fonts; after installing the Mandrake 9.1, my XFree86 became highly unstable (I use the notorious i810 driver) so I had to switch to the XFree.org binary, and while that solved my stability problems 100%, I was left with an issue of fonts because the XFree i810 server apparently doesn't like fonts on unix:/-1, and that's the config for the Mandrake font server.

Anyway, care about font servers about as much as I care about watering the plants in my office, which is to say that I recognize when either is dead, and today, in a fit of expediency, I inserted the replacement FontPath lines from the fs/config and suddenly the web was a typographic cacaphony, and such clarity!

All except one place, Kode-Fu. A peek at his CSS showed Georgia as the main font that was rending like the liner notes on a sex-pistols CD, and that left me with that nagging question born of my typographic ignorance, "Is that what Georgia is supposed to look like?"

Well, to make a long story short, no. It's not. Georgia should be a very nice book-like roman-ish font. How do I know? Well, Google found me a reference page where I can check all my standard fonts, only now I have another font problem: Georgia on the Linux Web Fonts Page looks just fine ...

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