Older blog entries for garym (starting at number 56)

This is what I love about the blind enthusiasm of Linux distros, clipped from an obscure mailing list, where I find confirmation, after 9 hours of beating my head against the brick wall, that "passivetex on mandrake 9.0 is screwed even when it is installed"

Knowing this, why, prey tell, did they bother to ship passivetext with their distro? Wouldn't it have made more sense to even just stub it out? Apparently not.

Ok, so it does work; you can download advogato.el and now you too can do the XML-RPC bridge from Emacs to Advogato. (you'll need MAH's latest xml-rpc.el too)

Ok, let's try that again, only this time being certain I'm working from the new file ...don't ya just love debugging lisp network code?

<p>If this works, then Ramakrishnan has updated his <a href="http://www.hackGNU.org/files/advogato.el">advogato.el</a> XML-RPC bridge from Emacs to Advogato. If it's littered with markup, then forget I said anything.</p>

here goes again, this time for sure: I've updated my OCN download page to point to the three ISO images for the Mandrake 9.1 beta 3 disks.

If you want to give it a shot, all you need is Java 1.4.1 (with Java Webstart); once you have your disk images, please leave your browser online and running -- your bandwidth will assist others in fetching the disks.

With Beta 2, I cut the 9 hour download of disk one down to just over 6 hours for disk two. It's worth the bother of downloading Java to do it and besides, you should go grab Java if only to stick to to MS ;)

If you already have the ISOs but still want to try it out, we've put a couple of Ogg files up there too (or you might want to listen to those while you download the ISOs)

6 Feb 2003 (updated 6 Feb 2003 at 02:45 UTC) »

Extreme agility ... now there's some marketing spin to a badly named good idea: the Laurie Williams interview in New Architect is a pretty good exec-overview of the methodology and rationale of extreme programming, and ends with this note of hope for those of us who wish the real world was just a little more xp friendly:

"... attention has turned to a class of software development methodologies called agile. Agile methodologies focus on being responsive to changing customer needs and market demands. If you ask a manager whether he wants to be extreme, you'll scare him off. If you ask a manager if he wants to be agile, it's pretty hard for him to say no."

It's not my announcement, it's Justin's, but it's no less important if you're involved in anything sizeable such as shipping ReleaseCandidate Linux distros ...

After many months of preparation, the Open Content Network went live in January 2003. Visit http://open-content.net/ for more information and distribute this newsletter to anyone hosting free large, popular files.

The Open Content Network is a collaborative effort to help deliver large, freely-downloadable content using peer-to-peer technology. The network is essentially a huge "virtual web server" that links together thousands of computers for the purpose of helping out over-burdoned web sites.

For those who like this sort of thing, Sterling MacNay has prepared a comparison of business costs pitting Windows against Linux. I haven't read it; after 7 years away, and at my age, it's much too late for me to even think about getting back into the Windows mindset. For better or worse, I'm doomed to spend my days wandering the wide expanses of freedom.

If you do read it, let me know: Fellow BGLUG-ite Sterling is usually pretty good at this sort of thing.

It's been released for at least a week, but I finally took the time out to install the new 0.9.0 release of the VOCP Voicemail System -- and it's no joke, I've been waiting two decades for this.

Forget your Delrina bitmaster-pro whatever, VOCP lets us assign arbitrary structures of mailboxes, commands, faxbacks, announcements and scripts, interfaces with the Festival voice synth to read us our emails, it has a slick Perl/Tk control panel, a web-based read/download interface and lets us manage voicemail over the handset. It also handles caller-id, faxes, sends email notifications (optionally with the message attached), comes with a handy-dandy voicemail system-structure editor and command-line testing tools, and it has docs and an active mailing list. What's more, as if it needed more, unlike the aging Hylafax, VOCP actually works with modems still on the market ;)

Oh, did I mention it's GPL? The pet project of Pat Deegan at PsychoGenic.

ahhhhh ... open source perfection....

More in the vein of the ongoing 'Who's switching' marketing wars, Sun Microsystems has taken out a bright yellow full-page StarOffice advert in the latest Computing Canada with the pitch Why not stop pouring money down the desktop drain?

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