Older blog entries for garrett (starting at number 4)

Well, I decided to release a new spiffE today!

You can get it from e.themes.org.

If you run Sawmill instead, get spiffMILL.

What's new? Well, both support something speacial called "spiffomatic", which is a nice color scheme maker. You get to "theme" the "theme" with different color schemes. Of course, Enlightenment's spiffomatic support is a bit more, as it has more window states, its own weird menu stuff, and also epplets. For Sawmill, it has focused and unfocused window support.

It's very cool stuff.

Well, it looks like ScottyO commented about Xach commenting about an article. ScottyO claims that Xach's comment would have been fine on a site like Slashdot, and not on Advogato.

Here's where I disagree with ScottyO... If Xach mentioned something about Natalie Portman, hot grits, "first post", or just plainly said, "this sucks!", then, yes; that sounds more like a common -1 Slashdot comment. In my opinion, Xach's comment was adaquate for this site, as it pinpointed exactly what Xach thought. It was his opinion, and he's entitled to that. Also, Xach suggested how the article could be written better through constructive criticism.

I think Xach is justified in his comment, personally. Also, I think the article was a nice effort, even if it was not perfect. If it benefitted someone, it was worth publication.

So. This was an odd day. I swung by the post office for a few reasons today. Oddly enough, despite the fact it's a national holiday (St. Patrick's Day, interestingly named after St. Patrick, a Saint in Ireland who drove out the snakes, according to the story), the place was open.

While I was waiting in line to talk to the postal worker, my eyes started wandering around the back wall. Tons of multi-color forms flowing about, pamphlets, flyers, and a nice little FBI wanted poster holder on the wall. What's this? The top item on the FBI list was some guy who resembled me a bit (but with the addition of a scar on the bottom lip, and some tattoos -- both of which I do not have), since I haven't shaved in a couple days. I then turned around and hoped that no one would think I was the FBI wanted guy.

I stopped by the stamp machine before leaving. I tossed in a couple bucks to purchase -- stamps, of course. After the second dollar, I realized that the standard stamp book was sold out and all that remained were some flowery, "Valentines day" stlye stams (complete with lace). Pressing the eject button was to no avail, as it said that I must purchase something before getting money back. I was stuck. I ended up buying some envelopes instead.

Second stop of the day: The Bank. No, this had nothing to do with any FBI picture (*grin*). I just had to tend to my accounts, as boringly usual. I did, luckily, get "home banking" info, which should turn out to be very cool.

I stopped by a sub shop, picked up a turkey and avacado on wheat with salt and vinegar chips, snarfed it down, ran a few more errands, and returned home. I've been working since.

By the way: In case you're still wondering (for some reason), I've never been in jail, never had a traffic ticket, and I still have the little tags on my matresses.


XFree86 4.0 was interesting. I got it working, as it wasn't too hard here. ("killall makedepend" did the trick when it hung during a "make World" around the xterm area). Anyway, I didn't bother to try to get my tablets working (XInput config has changed, and I have a lot work to do right now w/ my tablets. *g*) and switched back to the older 3.3.x series.

I think I'll wait for XF4 to hit Woody before upgrading for good... then I might get my hands on another video card. Until that time, it's x2x for me!

Finished up a bunch of meetings over the past week. (^:

I'm currently working on new stuff (graphics, html, php... the usual) for Linux.com. I'll love it when Mozilla's nightlies support SSL... then I can check my new stuff for the mozibility factor. (:

There's been tons of snow lately... One recent night, it wasn't cold enough so the snow turned to rain, and I found out that my apartment leaks. Fun. Luckily for me, I had an empty trashcan in the pantry area. Other than a little rain on my parade^H^H^H^H^H^H^H apartment floor, things have been great.

During a "lul" day (meaning: in the three hours before I went to sleep one night), I also got the chance to update LinuxArt a bit, including more "freshly-posted" pics *g*. I also spent a couple very-late-night minutes messing around with Blender, which is an entertaining piece of software... too bad it isn't open source. At least I'm getting the hang of the strange blenderized interface; there's something to be said for that. *g*

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