23 Jul 2003 funrecords   » (Journeyer)

Vicious on Code Quality

"Most code is absolute crap. GNOME, KDE, it's all mostly crap. Yet overall it generally works. If we just wrote beautiful code that is all theoretically correct and only uses nice well designed APIs, we wouldn't have shit...Unix APIs are utter shit...Same with X11. Let's produce free software desktops that work, rather then lots of beautiful code that will never be finished."

Tabbed MDI Strikes Mozilla Again

In attempt to deal with the monstrosity known as tabbed MDI, mozilla developers have now added a "Do you really want to close all these tabs" dialog, a variation on the horribly annoying "Do you really want to quit" dialog.

The solution to this problem is really not all that difficult. Instead of trying to deal with the data loss caused by allowing users to close a group of documents at once, simply only allow the user to close one tab at a time. Epiphany gets this right. The file menu close item only closes the current tab. If there is only one tab in a window, the window is closed. Now if I can only get them to implement the same behavior for the window border close button.

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