Older blog entries for fejj (starting at number 95)

bytesplit: when did I say it gave me the right to "verbally dispose" of a user? I never said that. I just said that I believe I have a God-given right to say "No" and that these users should respect that.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with all users - most users are fine, but there are just enough that get on my nerves. And unfortunately these are the most vocal. They seem to constantly feel the need to remind me of how much better mutt or Outlook are and/or that Outlook or mutt can do this and/or that and Evolution can't. After a while it starts to get annoying. And sometimes their comments can be quite hurtful. My guess is that many of them don't even realise how hurtful they are being, but that doesn't make it any better. Hopefully none of them are purposely being cruel, but ya never know.

In other news... I released GMime 1.0.6 last night which should fix up support for 64bit systems. Just needed to change the type of a certain variable in gmime-stream-filter.c to size_t instead of int. Doh! I'm guessing that the reason this caused a bus error on SPARC64 (built with gcc -m64) was that int must have been 32bit while size_t was 64bit? *shrug*

ncm: yea, unfortunately working for a company means that somehow I have forefeited my right to tell them to send me a patch (or so some of these users seem to think based on their attitude in the past when I've requested a patch, even though they aren't paying customers).

Today I had a pleasant interaction with a user who requested inline-pgp support in Evolution. I told him that we were only interested in supporting PGP/MIME but that I would accept a patch. He replied and said that he would look into it though he said he would not guarentee he'd get to it. Fair enough - in fact, this is the kind of response I like to hear. Unfortunately it seems so rare these days.

Maybe it's because so many users these days are ex-Windows users who are used to making demands and not used to someone refusing. I think they are forgetting that in Windows land, you are *paying* for products and as such you have the right to complain (at least in my opinion you do - if I pay for something, I sure as hell feel I should have the right to complain about stuff). Conversely, in Free Software land, you aren't paying the developer and so I feel the user doesn't have that implicit right to complain. It doesn't matter if said developer is being paid for his efforts or not (unless said user is the one paying the developer).

I guess it boils down to: if you aren't paying the developer, then you have no right to make demands. You can politely ask for a feature, but keep in mind that this is asking a favour and as such, the developer has the right to refuse.

I think the world would be a happier place if users kept this last bit in mind. I know I'd certainly be happier. And when I'm happy, I'm more likely to implement your feature :-)

Today when I went to Il Giardino's (a small Italian restaurant down the street from Ximian's office), I noticed that the atmosphere was pretty nice (actually, I always notice this but for the purpose of this example, lets pretend I noticed it for the first time today). Anyways, I noted that customers used "please" and/or "thank you"'s and were generally polite. I also noticed that when you order a sub or a slice of pizza, people generally say "Can I have a slice of pizza and a coke?" and then a "Thanks" and sometimes even a "Have a nice day". Bugzilla reports and evolution@ximian.com requests rarely are made in such a polite manner. They are usually more like a demand than a request and I'm wondering if it is because people forget that real people are on the other end of the mailing list and/or bugzilla.

bytesplit: I hope my comments above answer some of your questions.

As an aside, I've also noticed that it seems bugzilla requests on bugzilla.gnome.org are more polite than those on bugzilla.ximian.com. This brings me back to the theory that people feel that they have a right to make demands if a company is backing a project - regardless of whether or not they are paying for the software.

Also note that I am not against making software easier to use for simpleton users (not meant as derogatory), I just want the respect that I feel I deserve. Perhaps I shouldn't take their rudeness and/or complaints so personally but that's just the way I am. Maybe that means I have a low self-esteem or something. I don't know. I just know my feelings are hurt. I've spent a *lot* of time hacking on Evolution and I take a lot of pride in my work.

I hope this provides insight into "what makes fejj tick" ;-)

16 Oct 2002 (updated 9 Jan 2007 at 15:29 UTC) »

much frustration, sigh.

Bought new inline skates (K2 Enemy) last week, figured I'd give aggressive skating a try. Started out just skating around a bit to get a feel for them and tried a few jump/spins. Turns out that this isn't such a good idea on Boston sidewalks as the tiles tend to not be flush with each other but rather tend towards random jutting here and there. I managed the 180 but my right skate landed right where one tile jutted upwards a bit (not much, but enough) and "tripped" me throwing me off balance. Now, normally when I catch myself I land open-handed, but this time for some reason I caught myself with the back of my middle three fingers on my right hand and pretty much got the skin sanded right off.

(Note: aggressive skates have wheels much smaller than normal inline skates (55mm vs ~80mm), so getting tripped up by small rocks/sidewalks jutting up etc is much easier/more of a problem).

Lesson to be learned: don't pull a fejj.

20 Sep 2002 (updated 20 Sep 2002 at 02:21 UTC) »

I don't practice Santeria
I ain't got no crystal ball
Well I had a million bugs and I, I fixed them all
If I could find that Hanna and that bug she's found
Well I'd pop a cap in that bug and slap her bare behind

Evolution: Well, I fixed that optimisation patch from yesterday (turns out there was a way in which I was naming the cache files that broke it) and so now everything works. Whoo! So loading an IMAP folder for the first time in Evolution is now on the order of 2 to 3 times faster.

Tell that bug that if he knows what's good for him, he best go run and hide
cuz daddy's got a new .45!
Believe me when I say that I've got something for his punk-ass

Show me what it's for, make me understand it. I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer

Evolution: Argh! Every damn time I try to write an optimisation for the current IMAP implementation I get bitten in the ass because the logic in the current IMAP codebase is Broken By Design (tm) and so whenever you make a seemingly fine change in one part of the code, another part completely breaks because of its dependency on the broken side effects of the function you changed. *sigh*

20 Jul 2002 (updated 20 Jul 2002 at 04:47 UTC) »

GNOME Summit: Whoohoo, god did not strike me down today! I actually made it, though I did get lost in the tangle of corridors between building 77 and building 33. Apparently I was supposed to go through doors marked "DO NOT OPEN! THIS IS A FIRE EXIT AND ALARMS WILL GO OFF" :-)

Luckily I met up with ettore, lewing and Anna Dirks and we went out for lunch/sight seeing before heading back around 2pm for more talks.

Plan9's 'plumber': Niiiice. For those that didn't attend the Plan9 talk, Rob Pike talked about his plumber library which originally started out as the Acme shell-type thing. You can check out some documenation at http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/plumb.html. Someone else explained it in their diary entry, but from their description, it doesn't sound all that great - sounds like just a hyperlink. You really need to read the docs to get a feel for the awesomeness of it.

Afterwards I went up to the hacking lounge and was assaulted with questions/pokes/prods/etc by a number of people. I might even use the word "pelted". Keith Packard wanted more than 5 "Labels" which is a new feature in Evolution. "Why hard code to only 5? What's the point in that?" I dunno! I swear! I just copied Mozilla's interface! I figured if Mozilla felt 5 was good then it was good enough for me (not to mention everyone who begged me for this feature pointed me to Mozilla's implementation). Anyways, shouldn't be too hard to expand this to use a linked list of labels.

A few thoughts on the Plan9 plumber:

First, what to do if there are multiple viewers for something listening on the socket? Which window does the info go to? Obviously this'd be a problem in the Real World that Robe Pike's implementation doesn't seem to solve (although his implementation seems to be more a proof-of-concept rather than the final solution).

On second thought, maybe it doesn't really matter? If plumb only allowed one "connection" per destination socket then the locking problem is solved too.

Secondly, ...I sem to have lost my train of thought.

19 Jul 2002 (updated 19 Jul 2002 at 05:51 UTC) »

GNOME Summit: Well, I didn't actually make it to today's summit. To make a long story short, I locked myself out of my appartment and had to wait a while for the locksmith. Cost me $140 (I feel a bit ripped off, I wish I got payed that kind of money for a 30 second job). By that time I just felt I might as well just go to work to get some work done. Didn't get much work done, but ah well.

Anyways, I did get to meet gman and jdub so that was cool ;-)

14 Jul 2002 (updated 14 Jul 2002 at 20:27 UTC) »

PlayStation2: Bought a new game, Aggressive-Inline which is a rollerblading game. I've found that I prefer the sports type games over most others as they don't involve as much time. I have a hard time getting into games which you need to save every few hours just so you can come back tomorrow and play another round (this especially means role-playing games like Final Fantasy and other games such as Tomb Raider or Spiderman - all of which I like and think are cool, but I don't have the patience for them). With sports games, I can play for a half hour to blow off some steam and if I want to quit, great - I won't lose anything if/when I come back to it days or weeks later.

GMime: Fixed a bug in 1.0.2 for some guys at PennState (apparently they are using GMime in psu.edu's webmail system which they tell me handles 12,000+ users/day). For those who don't know, PennState is the original University that I attended, so it was kinda cool to find out they were using my stuff :-)

Spruce: As I mentioned in a recent diary entry, I've been sorta working on a C implementation of the JavaMail API. I have most of the abstract classes defined and mostly-implemented. I've just implemented the java.mail.Store and java.mail.Folder classes for mbox which turned out to be a fair bit of work. Ugh. There's still a lot of FIXME's stating that I still need to do this or that, but the core of it is written (fetching messages, appending them, expunging, saving flags, etc).

A stray glance reveals you
A light strikes a spark in your eyes
Making me thirsty with desire
For your blood, your soul
Nonchalant, I come cloaked in night
Immortal you become

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