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Since my December 1st blog entry expressing my distaste for political crusades in the Free Software community and therefor deciding I wanted nothing to do with the community, I have come to the conclusion that my decision was in haste.

I'd like to retract my desire to avoid the community. Yes, I still harbor feelings of distate for those who would try to tear the Free Software community apart for their own political gain, but my refusal to participate in the Free Software community only hurts the Free Software community for which I care so deeply about.

I urge the community as a whole to stay away from political crusades as it will only cause harm. Try and see the good things that groups/companies do for the community and not focus on the few negatives. No one is perfect, and therefor it is wise to not throw stones. As a community, we would much prefer software companies involved in F/OSS to be our friends rather than our enemies.

19 Dec 2006 (updated 19 Dec 2006 at 15:23 UTC) »

The other day there was an article about how the White House is censoring the USGS (as posted on Slashdot).

As a matter of course, Slashdot posters used this as another reason to fling mud at the Bush Administration, using arguments such as:

From the article: "This is not about stifling or suppressing our science, or politicizing our science in any way,'' Barbara Wainman, the agency's director of communications, said Wednesday. "I don't have approval authority. What it was designed to do is to improve our product flow.''

They aren't even trying to justify their actions anymore. They're just filtering science from public view, and insisting that it is improvement.

Ryan Fenton

This is pretty typical Left Wing anti-Republican propoganda. Remember: anyone who wants to see a conspiracy will see a conspiracy. Lets read the article carefully, here.

From the article:

The Bush administration, as well as the Clinton administration before it, has been criticized over scientific integrity issues. In 2002, the USGS was forced to reverse course after warning that oil and gas drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would harm the Porcupine caribou herd. One week later a new report followed, this time saying the caribou would not be affected.

This points out that in the past, there were data integrity issues coming from the USGS's reports (in this case from the Fish and Wildlife Department of the USGS). Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that this is a good reason for reform?

I'd like to ask: what was the Fish and Wildlife Department doing claiming that oil and gas drilling would harm wildlife in the area at all? That's not what the USGS's reports are for. The USGS is for reporting the facts, not sensationalist propoganda. What was reported was not objective, it was opinion.

A little searching provides us with the following link to the USGS's Guidelines for Ensuring Quality of Information. Section III states:

The USGS provides unbiased, objective scientific information upon which other entities may base judgments.

So again, I ask, backed by the above criteria, why was the Fish and Wildlife Department making judgements about what could potentially happen? This is not the job of the USGS, as stated clearly above, it is the job of third parties who acquire data provided by the USGS.

The purpose of this policy change is to prevent the pushing of political agendas within USGS reports which has no business in scientific reports in the first place.

Update: The USGS responds to the sensationalism surrounding their new policy changes.

whiprush is totally right. It's time for the Free/Open Software community to tell Perens he's not wanted. He's ruining it for all of us. I, too, am pushed away by his hypocritical crusade.

30 Nov 2006 (updated 30 Nov 2006 at 16:42 UTC) »

mchirico: I believe the answer might be 312211


start with 1


each following sequence describes the pattern before it:

1 1 = 11

2 1's = 21

1 2 and 1 1 = 1211

1 1, 1 2, and 2 1's = 111221

3 1's, 2 2's, and 1 1 = 312211 (answer)

following that, we'd have:

1 3, 1 1, 2 2's, and 2 1's = 13112221


28 Nov 2006 (updated 28 Nov 2006 at 18:32 UTC) »

Current events such as the community responses to the Microsoft/Novell deal, "Open Source Leaders" playing on people's emotions to convince them of their points of view, and other such childish behaviour on behalf of people who speak for the Open/Free Software Community over the past 6 years has prompted me to reconsider even being a part of said community.

It just makes me so sad that the community sees fit to divide and conquer itself by burning developers and companies at the stake. How many times have great developers with real vision such as Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman been the subject of immature political negativity? I've lost count. Am I living in Salem? Is this the 1800's?

Do people not learn from history? I thought the Free Software Community was a community of intelligent people who practiced reason? Apparently I was wrong. Apparently many of the Free Software Community are just immature spoiled brats on a mission to stroke their e-peens and anyone not in agreement with their extremist views is a witch who must be drowned, burned at the stake, crucified, or murdered politically. Guilty until proven innocent.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. If "Microsoft Wins" (good lord, it's not a fight of good vs evil), it will be because the community strangled itself. Microsoft need not even try. You guys are doing a pretty damn good job of it all by yourselves.

Evil will always triumph because Good is dumb. -- quote from Spaceballs

What happened to all the Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect that so many of the free software developers blog about? Is this all just a bunch of hypocrisy? Is this just a convenient guise? Take a good look at yourselves. Notice any similarities between you and the people you despise (lawyers, politicians)?

Wake up, FOSS. Wake up.

28 Aug 2006 (updated 28 Aug 2006 at 17:35 UTC) »

Moved into my new apt this past weekend. The place is absolutely beautiful. Yes, it's a bit on the expensive side ($1695/mo) and I can barely afford it (after rent + bills for cable, internet, electricity, etc), but I think it'll be worth it.

Just ordered a new sofa:

Considered getting the chair/ottoman as well, but I think my living room may look too crowded if I did that (I split half my living room into an "office" area with my huge computer desk). Hopefully this will be arriving next week sometime...

As far as cocktail tables go, I had a hard time deciding between:

and a simple elliptical glass table (which is what I ended up going with).

they call me thomas, last name crown. recognize game. I'mma lay mine's down.

In the process of applying to a new appartment, my current leasors informed my new leasors that I was poor at paying rent on time. Following this up showed that my current leasors to have made a number of mistakes in their records. Thankfully I was able to correct these issues and my new leasors are now happy to know I've got a perfect (as they described it) credit history.

(Secretly, I work for the CIA and my background was fabricated - this "niggle" was all part of an elaborate ruse - okay, maybe not, but after reading countless Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum books, you might be at least somewhat suspicious of someone with a perfect credit history... like mine)

11 May 2006 (updated 11 May 2006 at 18:53 UTC) »

Lots of good fixes for gnome-cups-manager today (well, to be fair a lot of the work I committed today was done months ago but didn't realise I had forgotten to commit until today when I went to fix importing driver files).

I also finally updated my GMime docs on the web finally ;-)

Speaking of GMime, I've been considering rewriting it in c# or c++ (currently in c using GObject) as an exercise to learn those languages (or, in the case of c++, refresh my memory a bit since I haven't touched c++ in years and years).

10 May 2006 (updated 11 May 2006 at 18:27 UTC) »

played around with Microsoft's Visual Studio Express package (downloaded the C++ version but I think I may grab the C# version instead - sadly Microsoft only allows you to have 1 version on your system at a time)

9 May 2006 (updated 10 May 2006 at 15:36 UTC) »

I've decided to go back to hacking on Evolution in my free time. There's so many cool things I'd like to do with Camel that would just make Evolution rock even more :)

Particularly, I want to implement the idea I had a few years back about having a Folder::open() and Folder::close() methods - this way just because a folder object is instantiated, it doesn't have to keep all the summary info in memory.

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