22 May 2012 etbe   » (Master)

Another USB Flash Failure

I previously wrote about a failure of a USB flash device in my Internet gateway [1]. I have since had another failure in the same system, so both the original 4G devices are now dead. That’s two dead devices in 10 weeks. It could be that the USB devices that I got for free at an exhibition were just really cheap, I’m sure that they weren’t expecting them to be used in that way. The devices from the same batch which are used for their intended purpose (sneaker-net file sharing) are still working well. But in any case I’m not going to resume this experiment until warmer weather. At this time of year some extra heat dissipation from computer gear in my home is more like a feature and less like a bug.

The second USB device to fail appeared to have it’s failure in the Ext4 journal (the errors were reported at around sector 2000), I didn’t keep a record of the problem with the first device, but from memory I think it was much the same.

Rumor has it that cheap flash storage devices don’t implement wear-levelling to avoid patent infringement. If that rumor is correct then any filesystem that uses a fixed journal in the same way as Ext3/4 is probably unsuitable for any serious use on such devices, while a filesystem based on Copy On Write will probably perform better. In Spring I’ll try using BTRFS on cheap USB flash devices and see if that works better. I have another spare device from the same batch to test so I can eliminate hardware differences. I can’t do enough tests to be a good statistical sample, but if a device lasts from Spring to Autumn using BTRFS with the same use that caused failures with Ext4 in a few weeks then I will consider it a strong indication that BTRFS is better than Ext3/4 for such uses.

For the next 5 months or so I’ll be using a hard drive in my Internet gateway system again.

Related posts:

  1. Flash Storage Update Last month I wrote about using USB flash storage devices...
  2. flash for main storage I was in a discussion about flash on a closed...
  3. USB Flash Storage For some years I have had my Internet gateway/firewall system...

Syndicated 2012-05-22 06:04:01 from etbe - Russell Cokeretbe - Russell Coker

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