22 Jan 2001 eskil   » (Master)

    Went out with pepper, Jo, yakk, and other assorted Eazel personnel - in exciting Mountain View. Ah well, as long as the company is good, it's ok that the area sucks cold puke.

    Next day (saturday) I first wathched 5 hours of Red Dwarf on the Tivo (till my brain rotted), then went to a concert thingy with yakk and the neighbours. We went to see this dork. It was about as bad as suspected, but also as amusing as expected. The following band was a sad bunch of loser hippies who played crap music. The last band was called CIA (think it was Causing Is Awesome). First I feared it was going to be some poncey neo-gothic dweebs, but they actually played real well and had a good knack for live performance - but there was a shitload of religious crap mixed into the show, and I couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or if they actually meant it, hope it was the first.

    Today was also mostly spent in front of the tivo recovering from PR3, now it's time to check out the last bug.

    And as usual, goverment stuff works out in the last minute. I got my H1B approved, so I'll neither get one month of ballscratching TV watching vacation nor will I have to go to Denmark before guadec - crap...

    Fede nyheder, vores holdleder er blever "forfremmet" til leder af den ny gruppe "fremtids projekter" - dvs han suttede for meget som leder og da man ikke rigtig kan fyre sådan en uden at det ser skidt ud, sætter man ham til at lede sig selv og et par fantasivenner.

    Så nu har jeg atter en fornuftig chef og det har allerede på en uge sat en del tryk på udviklingen - fede tider' her igen.

    Begge unger er nu hjemme, lad os se om de kan holde hytten ren eller om jeg skal til at flytte sammen med min nyeste kollega.

    (summary for the danish impaired : fuck off).

    Well, PR3 crunch was done. robey, Robin and I had a terrible time trying to figure out what was up with the linking of rpm4. Basically, if we built the rpm rpm ourselves (which caused it not to link with both db1 and db3, but only db1), nautilus with installer stuff worked fine on RH70. If we used the stock Redhat rpm's we always got "Cannot open in DB3 format" because the binaries ended up linking with db3 last (the loader insert db3) - great horror.

    But otherwise the RH70 stuff still works, except that the rpm output has changed (and --percent still doesn't work), so the view and cli tool cannot parse the rpm output and therefore always reports packages as having failed.

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