Older blog entries for eliot (starting at number 21)

Yo Yo!

Pathetic day. I didn't get to vote!! I was mad. The state republican party convention was going to be held right here in Houston this year, so it would have been super cool. The thing was that I went to a DPS office outside my county to get my new license (this was back in January). They sent my voter reg card to that county's office and that county sent it to mine and mine didn't get it processed in time. Thus, I can't go to the precinct meeting and I can't go to the state convention. Bummer.

I *still* didn't get my writing done for JabberCentral. I have got to do that this week so stpeter can look over it. I was able to get the info to Brave GNU World though.. I was very pleased with that. Jer did some major editing on it, but my main points and ideas were still there. :) It will be interesting to see how they write up the article, it should be very good. The major focus was on how Jabber is good for other things beyond normal IM.

Just as I finished studying FDL1.0, they release 1.1. Great. I really did like 1.0, I heard there are some good improvements in 1.1. I'm gonna be sure to make all Jabber docs under the FDL. It doesn't seem apropriate for my articles though.

WinJab is sweet!! I was shocked at all the cool things pgmillard has in it. File transfer, version, time, lots and lots of cool things. An excellent client. I hope Gabber has some of these great features!

I'm off to order an I-Opener at Circuit City (gag) and look at some designs of journals at Barnes & Noble. I need some ideas for my senior writing portfolio.

It's been an interesting weekend. Didn't get much done, but that's ok... I finally got back into some good reading. Started out with 1984 and am going to tackle some Ayn Rand stuff later. I'm ordering the Cathedral & Bazaar from Page1Book.com ASAP, it's even more interesting now that Eric Raymond is actually related to my life (still in a distant way, but related nonetheless!).

After going with mrOpie to Circuit City and Barnes & Noble, we rented Mystery Men on DVD and headed over to his place for a bit. Over at Circuit City, mrOpie took part in the I-Opener madness.. sure wish I could do that too... The lady at the Starbucks/Barnes & Noble was really nice to us, even gave mrOpie the extra hot chocolate and cream! Must have had something to do with the big tip we gave her (wow was she surprised when I chunked in those $$'s).

I'm heading off to Half Price Books again for some Ayn Rand and any other good books that this $10 will buy, I'd like to get Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea some time too.

Ah, just got back from a night over at a friends house. We went to Half Price Books and perused their shelves for awhile. Ah, so many wonderful books! I wish I had time to just read all the time!! I really should make more time, there is just so many classics that I want to thoroughly read.

Cool, XFree86 4.0 was released. It will probably be a bit before I use it, I don't want to compile it, so I'll just wait for the X Force's debian packages.

I watched my Dave Matthews Listener Supported DVD again today and last night, ah, I love DVD! While it doesn't have the features of say The Matrix, it is a great DVD. So many great songs!

Some plans for Spring Break are brewing... sounds like the Austin plans are going to happen.

Whew.. been a couple days since I've posted on here. It's been an alright week, I've been working a lot on the backend for Christian Spotlight on the Movies/TV/Games.. All kinds of cool ideas keep popping into my head. I keep having to remind myself to keep it simple until I get the base system in. Then I can go crazy. :)

I love VIM! It's great! Fast, small, feature rich.. Between temas and my little O'Reilly reference, I'm doing pretty good getting all the little keystrokes down. I really like the keystrokes.. they make sense.

Not much else has been happening, I'm pretty much off my /. cravings, and have weened myself from all other news sites as well. I just don't think it's healthy to be so dependent on checking the news so much.

My parents are having their anniversery today, my best friend is having a big b-day today too.. Didn't seem like much of a celebration day though.

I'm hoping that I can get the guys together and go hang out in Austin for a couple of days next week during Spring Break. I've got a friend that moved over there and has been offering her house for whenever we wanted to visit. Since the guys don't have anything else planned yet, I thought it would be fun.. we'll see....

Weee... well, as far as Monday's go, this wasn't a bad one. Especially compared to Erbo's.

English went alright, we managed to pull off what promises to be a very good little prank on our teacher. I think she'll enjoy it. We'll see when we meet again in about two weeks (after spring break).

Oh! As I was leaving this morning for English, Airborne Express knocked at my door (about 8AM) to deliver my notebook! Woah! That was really fast. I sent it last Thursday I guess... the note inside says that they replaced the graphics board (which includes the PC Card slots -- which they replaced last time) and the touch pad. They also noted that my battery is bad. Poo. Those costs like $200 and that's not under warranty.

stpeter from Webb got me some cool stats for my articles for JabberCentral's launch.. they will be really useful.

I'm afraid I got myself into another volunteer job. How come I keep getting involved in these things? I love it, but I honestly shouldn't be spending my time with them. Anyway, ChristianAnswers.net has a great movie review website which reviews movies from a realistic Christian perspective. I've always enjoyed their reviews because they don't just condemn everything (like most other Christian reviewers). Anyway.. I wrote my first review for them a couple weeks ago (Boiler Room) and as I talked with their editor, I found that they had over 700 reviews -- with NO database! Everything is static HTML. *cough* *gag* *choke* ... I felt so sorry for them... what a pain!! So anyway, I told them to give me a week and I'd have them a database system with admin functions up.

Still haven't heard from LeTourneau.. I hope something comes up tomorrow....

Woop! Just got back last night from a really fun Music Fest up at Forest Glen (a big ol' camp in Huntsville, Texas - you know, where the state prison is). Like I said, Red Jacket Joe was playing, so I had to be there. It was really a very small fest, but it was fun. It was so nice to be out in the woods, being with my buds and enjoying the music. Great weekend... Of course two of my friends say that Cornerstone will be like 100x better. Most of my friends are planning to go to that in July. At least they have a better web site than Forest Glen..

Peter sent me some great edits for my original article "The New Face of Instant Messaging," which was published on osOpinoin back in November 1999. We're going to spiffy it up and publish it on JabberCentral for the grand opening. I have another article series I'm working on for the site as well.. So far the first article is going very well. We'll see....

Gotta catch up on #Jabber logs as it seems they had a dev meeting on Friday. temas said it was a good meeting... Guess I'm going to be working with temas today to figure out the roadmap for documentation. Finally!

I'm going to be finding out Monday or Tuesday about scholarships from LeTourneau Univ ... hope something good comes from it. :)

On to a new week!

Excellent day!!

Besides the *exciting* Jabber, Inc. stuff, Jabber server 0.9pre3 was released. I also finished up all the Debian packages for it. lintian didn't complain too much, I hope they work well.

Went to my old youth group today.. not many people were there because of some big thing going on with the school district. Ah well.. it was a good service though.

Looks like RedJacketJoe is playing at their first big show this weekend! I'm sure James is real excited... I'm hoping to make it up to the festival with two other friends.. not sure if I'll get anywhere to sleep though. hmmmm

This is a good week.


/me shouts for joy!

Check out the latest press release from WEBB... Just what I've been waiting for. :)

Gotta love it!

Woop woop! A new week has begun! I'm expecting to hear about some scholarship stuff this week.... hope that works out.

Did some Debian packaging for Jabber 0.9pre2, it's going really good. I'm having to learn a lot by example, as the documentation seems to be more for very simple packages. Of course by the time I'm finished with all of this (had to package ADNS -- what a pain -- in addition to etherx, jserver and libjabber), pre3 and 4 will be out with ANOTHER library (libxode)... hopefully I can work in some cleaned up man pages/READMEs in there too...

Not too much else happened, went with two friends to the community college's Jazz concert. That was really good.. gave me a nice lift for the week.

Sounds like SWBELL is offering DSL for no setup fees or equipment fees if you just sign a contract for a year.. $40/month.. hmmm... need to think about this.

Yay! I can edit entries now! Thanks guys!

Woah! Wait.. when I edit, it changes the date of the entry to the current date... might need to have that fixed..

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