Older blog entries for dria (starting at number 150)

I need a vacation.

20 Mar 2001 (updated 20 Mar 2001 at 23:26 UTC) »


Needed: one volunteer project lead for each Linuxchix and the Open Source Writers Group. I don't have time to take care of them any more (which should be brutally obvious by now).

If you want to take over leadership/maintainership for one or both of these projects, send me a note at deb(at)dria(dot)org.

Thanks, and godspeed.

For the record, I have not left ZKS. zaitcev is on crack.

As schoen said, this is funny. Just reposting the link in case someone missed it. Hee.

In other news, I've been maintaining my diary at my narcissism site, if you're wondering if I'm alive/dead, etc., all the details are over there (hint: I'm alive).

Now, for something even more completely off topic:

WTB: second-hand Nikon FM2 camera body, ideally in excellent condition. Send me a note if you have one lying around that you'd be willing to sell. You probably don't, but it never hurts to ask.

A request: I'm looking for recent salary surveys (ideally Canadian...those wacky California-centric ones really don't do me much good) that cover "new media" jobs (ie: web developer, web development manager, blah blah). If you know of one, please send a note to [dria at dria dot org].

Thanks muchly.

Busy. Dropped into late December through a timewarp wormhole in mid October. Somehow it's Xmas next week. I am wildly underprepared.

Wildly. Underprepared. I cannot even begin to describe how unprepared I am for it to be Xmas already.

work : fun

not work : fun

reading: lots

holidays: soon

fun: much


Met mbp on Friday. A bunch of us went out for lunch at this groovy Thai place. I couldn't make it for dinner because I basically passed out after work, having only got 2 hours sleep on Thursday night. Woke up long enough to make and eat some food at around 11:30p, then promptly crashed again. All told I think I slept for 14 hours last night, which is Good. I've been keeping some pretty wack hours lately.

For further silly details, read my proper weblog.

Nice to see they've still got plenty of crack in California.

Hey, be a good open sourcer and go beat on the Linuxchix Alpha Site for a while. Lots of new features since I mentioned it here last, and I'm going cross-eyed from staring at code and need it to be sanity checked (for functionality at very least).

Went to see Tony Levin play tonight. I won't bother with the non-technical details since I have already exuded at length over on my personal weblog. To make a long story short: it was a fantastic show and Tony Levin is a god.

Um, spent the rest of the weekend hacking and entirely failing to do laundry. The former I've already mentioned once (above), and the latter will be tomorrow night's Domestic Task Of The Day.

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