Older blog entries for dria (starting at number 133)

This weekend: continued working on the new Linuxchix site a bit. Started planning for a new project. Went to a party and met lots of new fun people. Played way way way too much Baldur's Gate II (for the curious, details are over here). Didn't get half as much sleep as I really should have, but all in all had a very fun weekend.

Successfully managed to resist the siren's call that is Baldur's Gate II for the evening. Got lots of work done as a result, including finally getting started on the PHP4/MySQL reimplementation of the linuxchix.org site. So far:

  • front page 'weblog-like' posting facility: complete
  • new account creation system: complete
  • user auth system: 3/4 done
  • site templates: complete

Only about 40 more things on the TODO list there, and it should be ready. Here's to hoping life continues to be this productive.

As always, my non-tech weblog is over here.

Oh dear. Started playing Baldur's Gate II last night. It's...extraordinarily fun. RPGs are becoming increasingly refined as the years go on (remember the old text adventures? You are standing in an open field, west of a white house.). All of this is working towards the ultimate culmination of almost two decades' worth of RPGing for me...Never Winter Nights.

Out of curiousity, I'd like to hear some opinions regarding Icewind Dale. Have you played it? Have you played BG2 yet? How do they compare? Should I bother picking up a copy of IWD, or should I just let it go? Let me know what you think.

I'm going to start keeping a running diary of my BG2 experiences (no spoilers, don't worry) over at my site as part of my regular weblog. Why? Well...I don't have a whole lot of spare time these days, and what little of it exists will likely be spent in front of the game machine, fulfilling my long-time RPG addiction. In other words: I don't have much of a life as it is, and since I'll be spending a lot of it playing that game, it's likely all I'm going to have to talk about for a while :)

In other news: there's not a whole lot of other news. If there is, I've already talked about it elsewhere.

Friday, w00t. I totally lied when I said in that entry a few days ago that it was my last entry. Instead, I figure I'll post actual linux/open-source related stuff here, and personal/random stuff over there.

In Linux/OS news, I've set up site analysis gunk on both linuxchix.org and oswg.org. Why? Well, I want to know how the sites are being used, if they're being used, etc. See...I'm planning a full reconstruction of both (linuxchix first, OSWG much later if at all), and having an idea of how people use the sites now will give me some clues towards how maybe I could improve them.

Clever, eh? Yeah. Anyhow. I'm still looking for RHAT 6.2 RPMs for PHP4 for i386 systems. Send me a note if you know where I can get 'em. Remember: RH6.2, PHP4, i386. (I've had a lot of people email me about RH7 ones or i586 ones, etc.) Thanks.

Added random bits to my personal site (dria.org), and started (finally) doing some planning for a full revamp of the linuxchix site. Pondering the fate of the OSWG - not sure if anyone uses the site or not. I know there's only one active user of the CVS system, and the mailing lists are utterly silent.

Should I just let it fade away, or do you think maybe there's still some use for the project? The Linux Documentation Project has been much much more active in the past year, and things seem to be progressing nicely over there (they do DocBook now, have a CVS system, etc).

What do you think? Let me know.

Aw, shucks. Thanks to everyone who has posted or emailed that they like my new site. That's real sweet of y'all :)

I've finally put my personal weblog site up. dria.org. PHP is too fun.

26 Sep 2000 (updated 26 Sep 2000 at 14:37 UTC) »

I am no longer on vacation. I'm at work, having just waded through far far too many email, pondering things like technology and life and insanity and cities and how much cities suck when compared (thee, to a summer's day) to the country. The maritime country, in fact, which is even more breathtakingly beautiful than plain ol' regular country. There's just something about tides, I think. About waking up in the morning, grabbing a coffee, then sitting on the porch watching the tide come in (or go out, depending), while there are crickets and heavily laden apple trees, a faint breeze from the west, and a profound stillness. Dawn breaks over the red cliffs of Blomidon, and there are eagles.

I had a fantastic time. My friends were successfully married with only a few minor sillinesses from the proverbial peanut gallery (that'd be us). I spent a lot of time sitting at my favourite cafe (there are only two in town), drinking socially-conscious coffee on the back patio, writing or reading or talking to dear old friends, getting a little sun here and there, and just being very very relaxed. I also took a whole lot of photos, but they're not online yet. I'll post a few so y'all can see some of what I mean when I talk about the ineffable beauty of that place. Words simply cannot capture it. Nor can a camera. You really have to be there, to feel the stillness for yourself, to smell the air, to meet the incredible people.

If you're going on vacation, I highly recommend Nova Scotia in autumn.

But, alas, I have returned to the grey concrete craziness of the city now. It's sunny, at least. If it were raining today, I doubt I could have coerced myself out of bed anytime before noon. As it is, I got up, had a couple of cups of coffee and wrote for an hour or so. Last night I wrote for three or four hours I think, after I got home. During the week I filled the better part of a notebook with my scribblings. I had forgotten just how hard and wonderful writing can be. I have ideas for a half dozen books now, and dozens of short stories.

Yes, I wrote poems. Several. No, I'm not going to share them with you here.

This is likely my last advogato diary entry. Now that I'm writing again, I feel significantly less desire to share the random tidbits of my life with perfect strangers on this site. I'll share them through my writing instead. I'll post a note if anything manages to get published. Until then, adios. Stay sane, keep smiling, and for god's sake go outside every once in a while. It's good for you.

"Perspective. Use it, or lose it."

I plant my little standard firmly in the rocks atop this little hill of mine. Around me, absurdity and madness wash like ocean tides. The world is going insane, but I will not be taken without a fight.

Today, use the word "zen" as often as possible. And carry a bamboo stick and yell "wake up!" when you hit people with it, as if you were a zen master and they a student fallen to slumber during zazen. It can be a metaphorical stick, if you insist.

Tomorrow, write all your email as if you were Yoda. Eschew jargon. Use your stick often. Be wary of crocodiles lurking in dark waters beneath the conference table. Write a poem.

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