Older blog entries for craigbro (starting at number 1)

As long as I can use w3-el to enter my diary, I'm happy. Every menial task is more bearable when you can do it in Emacs! Now if only w3-el form editing didn't try and be smart and escape html when re-editing existing diary entries, it would not be so trying. Preserving formatting of the source would be nice too, but that's just too much to ask in this frail world.

Today was spent putting the finishing touches on the Oracle interface for CMUCL and the UncommonSQL system. Ported our big bowhemoth of an app to it without any DB dependency problems. Now we can develop on PostgreSQL or Oracle with no DB dependencies. Oh, it's Free Software too at onShore's Alpha Repository.

Also played with decklin's aewm 0.9.8 release this evening, which was a nice reprieve from the complexities of work.

1:30 am and I came across advogato after Decklin Foster suggested I check it out. A mechanism to mail in diary entries would be pleasant, and address like craigbro-diary@advogato.org which took the message body as a diary entry, maybe with a simple plaintext key, or a PGP signature would really make my day.

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