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Last entry before I go offline for a bit...

Flew to L.A. yesterday for a job interview. Things look good, so I'm hoping to get an offer soon.

Today we pack the truck for the big move back to California. (I hate moving, but I'd rather be back in California, close to family, friends, etc.)

Eucalyptus is still coming along. I'm going to look into doing socket read/writes better. It's too ugly right now, and doesn't handle "non-standard" error conditions very well. Gnet looks like it might be a good way to go. Given that, it might be possible to merge the POP/SMTP code back into the main thread, and avoid the pitfalls of potential deadlocks, mutexes, semaphores, and the like. I think threads might be more suitable for sub-tasks, like decoding attachments, printing, saving to disk, i.e., stuff that doesn't require an event loop.

Anyway, time to get packing/loading. The time away from the computer will give me much needed subconscious processing time for these ideas and others. And that's why I'll keep my notebook handy. :)

Y2K draws ever closer, and my work at Epixtech nee Ameritech Library Services is winding down. But now we (the family) are gearing up to move back to So. Cal. with this new job. We'll see how everything finalizes when I fly out there on Wednesday.

Major changes on the Eucalyptus front. The multi-paned interface is here to stay (it seems to be the most popular), so I'm shifting things around a bit for that. I'm anxious to get some sort of address book into Eucalyptus, but I don't want to end up "writing it twice": once, either proprietary or reading GnomeCard's files (which I hear is going bye-bye), and 2nd, implementing a container for a Bonobo component. I imagine the Evolution guys are working on that, but I've no idea where they are, or what their plans are for the address book.

Christmas was good. Had family up here for a couple days, and Katy is being spoiled rotten by her grandparents. But that's a grandparent's job, is it not? :)

See you all on the other side (of 2000). ;)

Getting ready to release Eucalyptus 0.1.4. The POP3 code is working wonderfully (albeit, no progress window yet) and I tracked down a couple bugs regarding opening newly arrived messages. The message display code doesn't handle anything other than text at the moment, but it shouldn't be too hard to add image display, etc.

I got an email from Corel today, which showed me that the message parser chokes on multipart/alternative, especially when they're nested inside a multipart/mixed message. Eek! I got some ideas this morning on how to rework the parser to handle this better, basically by peeling away the layers like an onion. It works in my head, let's see if it works in code! :)

And on an interesting note, that mail from Corel was an acceptance for their beta-test program for WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux! Cool! I'm still interested in seeing an open-source office suite, but I really do like WordPerfect. Too bad I have to wait 'til February.

Eucalyptus' filters window is now 99% operational, and the settings dialog is getting very near completion. Still need the viewers/mailcap dialog and some mail transfer progress windows, and we'll be right as rain. Eucalyptus is coming very close to being a usable mailer!!! Wheee!

What's left after that is what I'll just call "flash": viewing attachments (esp. images) via internal (or see next) viewer, and (what seems the coolest to me) Bonobo, so anyone can use their favorite text editor to compose messages, as well as using the appropriate program to view attachments. (Do any editors support Bonobo yet? No? Say it isn't so! Guess I'll have to port my favorite over from the Amiga ;)

Totally rewrote Eucalyptus' settings dialog, reducing it to one window from four. Much nicer, I think. Started work on the filters and viewers dialogs (making them operational).

I'm tossing around the idea of using GtkPlug/Socket for mail transfer progress windows, which may solve the whole issue of using threads for these things. I wish I knew definitively if GTK is totally thread-safe. More digging is in order.

Gah, which reminds me, I need to finish documenting GtkCList!!!!

Not much work done on Eucalyptus in the last couple days. Y2K looms ever closer, and I've been on the phone almost constantly with customers and Cisco getting things squared away and putting out fires.

On the home front, Michelle's ultrasound for Schifferer, v3.0 was today. The ultrastenographer (?) showed us undoubtedly that the baking bun is a boy. His name will be Theodore Alexander, partially after my father-in-law. Life is good. :)

Well, I'm staying home this morning because the snow is terrible (to me, I'm from California) and the wind just makes the driving conditions worse. I might go in to work later if it clears up. But, I digress....

A very nice person has taken it upon themselves to build RPMs of Eucalyptus 0.1.3. I guess I can put off further learning how to do that. ;)

Eucalyptus is coming along surprisingly well. The week-long rewrite of some of the parsing code took about 10-15 minutes (woohoo!), and now reply and forward work for the most part. Next, I think, will be folder creation/edit/deletion/etc. Very important. :)

I'm also considering taking copious notes of some of pine's feature-set.

Yikes! Haven't posted an entry in a while. Just woke up from a week-long turkey-induced nap. Or not.

I've been shifting back and forth from coding Eucalyptus to playing Baldur's Gate. Eucalyptus is coming along, but I'm running into some really annoy (g_)malloc quirks that are causing SEGVs just trying to allocate a small structure. In the process, I've ended up having to rework some of the header parsing code, and discovered that it really needs to be totally rewritten. Worked fine on the Amiga, but then this is no Amiga. Especially after writing that email library for AmigaOS3.5, I've learned some new ways to get things done, better, faster, yummier.

Checked out SourceForge today. Pretty slick. Got myself an account and got Eucalyptus approved as a project. Now I'll have to set up the web page for it, and commit the code to CVS.

I did some more work on Euc's POP code, and made some tweaks and such to other parts. I would like to be able to open the progress windows within the respective threads, but I don't know if that's possible with GTK/GDK currently. If anyone knows for sure, please let me know! :) As it stands, I'm resorting to mutexes and a simple message passing mechanism for visual updates while the threads are running.

I also need to get my sister-in-law's new Linux box up and running before we head down there for Thanksgiving.

Well, I started on the POP code. HP-UX upgrades are so tedious and drawn-out, so I had quite a bit of time to do some coding. It's a skeleton at the moment, but will be capable of checking multiple POP mailboxes simultanously (love them threads!), as well as supporting interactive downloading of mail. Pretty spiff, if I do say so myself. ;)

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