18 Mar 2003 cinamod   » (Master)


Enjoy the OpenOffice convention. I've wanted to meet Caolan for quite some time now. I'm pretty envious of you. Take some time off, your telemarketing job sucked, and you definitely deserve it. I hope that you can come to GU4DEC too. We really didn't get to meet up at all at the Boston GNOME Summit.


Being out of work for about 4 months sucks, but I guess I shouldn't have quit my job a few months after moving to Boston, where the tech sector took one of its biggest blows. But I needed to quit in order to keep my sanity. I hope that at least one of the few companies (whose names I won't mention here) finds some spare cash and hires me like they've been promising ;-)


Made a Gimp plugin for this. You can now load most any SVG file into the Gimp and edit it like you could a raster image. If you want to really edit the image, go get Illustrator or Sodipodi.


Made a Gimp plugin for this too. Committed it, didn't tell FJF, but he's on English time and asleep now. I'll tell 'im in the morning. Now it's time to file a bug in Gimp's Bugzilla asking them to deprecate their builtin WMF loader in favor of this... I'm thinking that tml will be opposed. Can't hurt to ask, though.

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