Older blog entries for chrisime (starting at number 23)

Third world war??

Just a few hours sleep that night (ugh, it wasn't much over the last few days either). I need to get started learning for my computer science test. Normally, 1 week should suffice for doing that job. Therefore I should cease my party actions (which really rocks :P). Additionally this'd save some money as well!

I'm glad to see MONO is coming along nicely. I hope it'll be as usable as under Windows. I really like it...Thank you, XIMIAN!!
My exams will start next week. I should start learning...eeeeeeeeeeeek!

  • Dual head: Today i connected a second monitor to my(erm) Matrox G450. Actually, it's quite nice. I finally have more space for my »trash« on the desktop. (hehe). There's only one problem: The second monitors flickers too much and I couldn't figure out why. Shouldn't be a big problem...
  • We finally continue aptivate. For now it won't be an extra app, but it'll be an embedded thingy in nautilus. This will be harder(maybe). Time will tell...
  • LinuxTag 2001: Returned from Stuttgart, yesterday. LinuxTag was a success for GNOME. We sold all T-Shirts and more than 100 CD's. People were impressed by GNOME's new filemanager Nautilus. Matthias's talk was very good even though it didn't differ much from that one last year. But GNOME 1.4 was just a small (but important) update.
  • University: too tired, so stayed at home.
  • Graphix Card: At LinuxTag I talked with someone from the XFree86-Team because my Matrox Mystique 220 still isn't support in X4.1! He just gave me a Matrox G450 for the moment. Yeehaa! The card is incredibly fast; I need to buy one, soon. For now I can 'play' with it until i receive my old one again.
  • Computer problems: Two days ago I tried to upgrade to a new BIOS. This was a very silly thing, because my BIOS was broken afterwards which means I couldn't even start my computer, bad bad! It couldn't have been worse. It just get even worse: I knew that I need my computer for LinuxTag which meant that I had to hurry up to get it work. Fortunately I found a small computer shop which flashed the BIOS with the correct version. Yay!! It works again *puh*
  • ADSL under Linux: It finally runs under Linux which took less time to mess than ISDN last year. It's soooo cute :-)
  • Blade Night: After more than one week I continued skating at the blade night in Munich, yesterday. It was real fun, but I have to say that at least three people have been heavily injured. Fortunately I didn't fell, nice done ;)
  • Yeeeeesh! I received my adsl modem and the splitter yesterday after having waited for about 7 months (Deutsche Telekom sucks) great thing. I already made sure that we have adsl in our city (yep, the green LED is there as shown in the manual). Today, I was busy figuring out how to connect the splitter by bypassing the NTBA(some sort of ISDN splitter). That was quite a mess. My father almost killed me. Tomorrow cable connections should be done. I'm quite excited if it'll work...

    Skating again yesterday. Unfortunately, I fell on my shoulder which hurt like hell. I got drunk afterwards...too much beer and stuff. When I went to bed that morning, I could hardly move my body so I decided to go to the hospital. I'm so lucky nothing's broken but it is serious enough for now! I musn't move my arm whenever I can, I have to cool it, etc. For some time, skating, cycling is a no-no for me. I've to get well as soon as possible...

  • gnome-hackers/gnome-2.0-list:
    WTF is going on here? Currently people are discussing about GConf and bonobo-conf(ig). I should better say they are flaming like hell. I've often noticed such a behaviour but not in that way and not so intensively! I really think they are killing themselves. Please stop fighting and concentrate on coding for GNOME 2.0. Martin is already upset (which I fully understand). Do you want to lose more people at GNOME? If so, then GNOME will be definitely dead!
  • I was skating with someone from university at "Englischer Garten (Munich)" yesterday which was quite cool. I'm quite good now, but I still need to learn how to break with those inliners :-)
  • University:
    Yeah, it still exists and I'm still attending classes. Exams are approaching...
  • aptivate:
    Maybe we should finally continue coding since a new gtk+ developer release has arrived with some improvements for the tree. I'll talk with chip about that.
  • I bought some inline skates (brand: K2) yesterday and skated about 15 km. I never thought it was so cool. For the next few weeks I need more practise...
  • Nothing more happened so far...
  • 14 older entries...

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