Older blog entries for cdent (starting at number 468)

27 Jul 2012 (updated 28 Jul 2012 at 17:11 UTC) »


This space contains quotations from The Information by James Gleick. As I read the book I stumbled across many quotable pieces I felt I should record. My responses to the quotes are in the space theinformation, which will transclude the quotes from this space.

Page numbers reference the "Fourth Estate paperback edition published 2012".

  • Chapter 1: Drums That Talk
  • Chapter 2: The Persistence of the Word
  • Chapter 4: To Throw the Powers of Thought into Wheel-Work
  • Chapter 11: Into the Meme Pool
  • Chapter 12: The Sense of Randomness
  • Chapter 13: Information is Physical
  • Chapter 15: New News Everyday
  • Epilogue

Syndicated 2012-07-27 17:41:28 (Updated 2012-07-28 16:57:27) from cdent

27 Jul 2012 (updated 27 Jul 2012 at 19:11 UTC) »


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Syndicated 2012-07-27 17:39:17 (Updated 2012-07-27 18:25:40) from cdent



Syndicated 2012-07-27 17:38:00 (Updated 2012-07-27 17:42:12) from cdent

that's all you need

This is the (entire) chapter titled "Lists (15)" from Kim Stanley Robinson's book 2312:

health, social life, job, house, partners, finances; leisure use, leisure amount; working time, education, income, children; food, water, shelter, clothing, sex, health care; mobility; physical safety, social safety, job security, savings account, insurance, disability protection, family leave, vacation; place tenure, a commons; access to wilderness, mountains, ocean; peace, political stability, political input, political satisfaction; air, water, esteem; status, recognition; home, community, neighbors, civil society, sports, the arts; longevity treatments, gender choice; the opportunity to become more what you are

that's all you need


Syndicated 2012-07-27 17:32:23 (Updated 2012-07-27 17:33:10) from cdent

26 Jul 2012 (updated 26 Jul 2012 at 17:14 UTC) »


Release TiddlyWeb 1.2.64 fixing a bug found by pads.

It has become clear that the deployment process of TiddlySpace to http://tiddlyspace.com/ now takes enough time that there is a race condition between the database content and the memcached server such that some tiddlers can become empty (no text) in the cache, while still existing. This can result in HTML interface disappearing which leads to all kinds of confusion and brokenness. The best short term solution is probably to restart the memcached server as part of (the end of) the deployment process.

Various interactions and internet browsings reminded me of this thing I wrote long ago and far away: Serendipitous Epiphytal Being.

Syndicated 2012-07-26 14:33:50 (Updated 2012-07-26 17:02:41) from cdent

26 Jul 2012 (updated 26 Jul 2012 at 14:11 UTC) »

Enterprise Killed the oAuth Star

This is in response to the really quite sad OAuth 2.0 and the Road to Hell.

At the core of the problem is the strong and unbridgeable conflict between the web and the enterprise worlds.

If we look over the last twenty years or so of internet politics so many of the failures are the result of the conflict between the pragmatic "80% is good enough" world and the enterprisey "we must satisfy every use case under one roof" world.

That latter world is:

  • insane
  • wrong
  • selfish
  • regressive.

They should be a grape in the path of the steamroller of progress but what they end up being is giant sticky glue.

We need to forget them. Ignore them. Let them live in their meeting and committee filled worlds. If they refuse to accept the blessing that constraints and iterative progress bring, they can flail.

That Eran had the experience he did is no surprise. The enterprise has no concept of the true meaning of consensus: You build only that which everyone requires none that anyone can't live with. The result is a constrained and focused solution to the core problem. Paradoxicaly, because it has narrow scope it allows for great flexibility.

Consensus never means that everyone gets everything they want.

Syndicated 2012-07-26 13:12:37 (Updated 2012-07-26 13:14:53) from cdent

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