Older blog entries for campd (starting at number 46)


Right now I'm in mexico working with the ximian hackers here. I'm staying at Federico's place. It's all very nice. The food is excellent and the people are great to work with.

I saw Lord of the Rings yesterday. The scenery was amazing. I had a bit of a problem with actor associations ("Magneto is talking to Agent Smith while Satan from The Prophecy and the Aerosmith girl are having a touching moment,"), but other than that it was really good. After the show federico took this slightly embarassing picture.

Other Stuff

I'm working on porting anjuta2 to gnome2. I've mostly finished with it, but I've been reworking little pieces of it here and there, so I haven't gotten around to committing anything. There's a screenshot here though.

Work on the structure browser has slowed down a bit, because I've been busy with other things. There's a screenshot of that here.

I've also been doing a lot of drawing. I've ended up with this and this.

Argh. As I was working on the structure browser last night, my laptop decided to ignore the AC power and started running on batteries. I couldn't convince the laptop to acknowledge the existence of the power cord.

So I'm basically laptopless for the rest of this vacation.

I'm taking a couple weeks off for christmas. I've been at my parents' house in McCloud for a bit over a week now.

I've been using the time off to do some anjuta2 (formerly gIDE) work. I've been working on the debugger (gnome-debug), and have ended up almost completely rewriting it. I took this opportunity to move gnome-debug over to gnome2. I pretty much agree with what trow says about gnome2.

gnome-debug isn't the only anjuta2 component moving to gnome2. Gustavo has committed an initial port of gdl. When I get back to boston, I plan to start porting anjuta2 itself.

At the moment I'm working on a ddd-style structure browsing widget. I think it will be useful for things other than the debugging display. We'll see. I'll have screenshots next time I have a network connection on my laptop.

yakk: No. I'm not talking about the USA. I'm not talking about some abstract "Attack on America". I'm talking about someone slamming a plane into a building full of unexpecting innocents that had no desire to be caught up in their conflict. There is no bravery in slaughter.
12 Sep 2001 (updated 12 Sep 2001 at 22:13 UTC) »
Yakk: "Is there anything more brave than dying to save your country / people / faith?"

Yes. Doing it against someone who has a chance of fighting back.

Yesterday I got a bit drunk at the Ximian party (and at some bars before the party).

Don't believe anyone that says I passed out at the bar. I was resting my eyes. I am not joking.

Anyway, it was nice seeing everybody again.

I woke up hungover then we drove back to boston. Then I ate at Mary's.

Thank you Excedrin Migraine and Pepto Bismol.

I arrived at ols yesterday. We drove here from Boston. It was a long drive. There was a lot of french along they way. I got drunk when we got here. It was fun. These are short sentences.

Ilan: Does bitching make you feel important?

I finished the picture of Spider Man. I'm starting a batman drawing now.

Also bought 'Grokking the Gimp'.

I got a wacom tablet today, so I've been goofing off in the gimp. I ended up with a half-done picture of Spider Man.

It's really a ton of fun, I wish I'd gotten one of these things sooner. My hand isn't covered in lead and ink when I'm done drawing now.

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